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  1. Exactly what I had to do as well. So it's not just me. Hey Maureen, where did you find that was a reported issue? I thought I had searched before I posted, and didn't see anything.
  2. I know I am responding to my own OP, but more here is more information. Actually, the text is coming in, its just way off the page. And this is doing the same thing copying multiple lines of text with in the same model as well, single line is fine. I am hoping that since this plan was originally done in X14 and now we are in 16, there are some small glitches. Just wondering if anyone has had the same issue.
  3. I mentioned in a previous post (unrelated to todays question), I have a plan model of all my standard cad details. Something I started years ago and as every new and special detail comes up, I add it to this for future use. All my standards are in this as well, you know, wall to foundation, decking to walls, etc.. Since I have updated to X16, when I copy these details to the new plan to be used on that specific project, I have to copy twice. Meaning none of the text come with my first copy, just the geometry and dimensions. I have to do a second copy of just the text. Obviously if I am able to copy a second time, this is not a layer thing (locked). Is this common with 16, since I know for a fact it worked great x15 and the previous releases?
  4. HUH? I am not sure I understand why you have this to not have baseboards. If the shower is a room, you can delete baseboards. If its not a room, you can turn off baseboards on a given wall.. And yes to answer your question to Mick.. Use a diver to get that pop out
  5. Can you try changing the text style? I have mine at the 1/4" text style which is my working plan text style as well. I have my default temp-plate set up this way, but I do recall mine being large at one time also.
  6. I am curious and with the insurance industry going crazy down here on the coast, changing the flood elevations it seems yearly, could this be something that might bite some ones tush in let say 10 years. I know the company we use, the one Jake used to star in the commercials, now will not insure your home its older than I believe 40 yrs. old, no matter the condition. Even if you had them the whole time, they just don't renew your policy. If the elevations change, and now for example in ten yrs, your first floor is in the flood zone could your house be un-insurable?
  7. I agree with you, I don't like seeing things nailed to them either. I actually saw a outdoor light mounted to a tall tree a couple weeks ago, had conduit right up the side. and that same house had a outdoor chandelier hanging off a limb. Fancy peeps! Your probably right on the growth thing, I am not an expert either. But if your putting a nail in a tree, why not just put a pin in the ground? In a tree that might grow in height "some", why dimension to the hundredths of an inch, lol? No worries though, the plan is good, we are well above the BFE. I think your right here too, was just put there to verify the elevation of the house, and when it's built, and verified it will be ignored.
  8. I have this house on pilings that I just finished and waiting for the survey to make sure the living area was above Base Floor Elevation, I finally got it today. I understand the NAVD88 and all, the part that is confusing me is not really understanding the grade elevation where the proposed home will be built. My BFE is 19.00' that is understandable, but I am scratching my head that they say the Benchmark Nail is in a 12" dia. palm tree at 9.0'. Don't trees grow in height? Or is this at the base? First time I have seen this.
  9. @chiefuserodd Hey there, you mentioned in OP that you downloaded Chiefs (see highlighted below) Where did you get this, I don't see a steel catalog. Or was this the BEAM library?
  10. or is it still in beta? I'm getting ready to go out of town for ten days, taking the laptop with me, so if it official, I'd like to load it up..
  11. Just one of those setting that fell in between the crack I guess. I had the "sub flooring" set as framing-truss. Unchecked and it works perfectly. I saved a test model, to do this. Noted for the future.. The house I did has way to much deck to possibly mess with a structural rebuild, that's why I did a test model.. Except for the main deck, all others were hand detailed. 1800 sq deck for a 520 sq house.
  12. I had the same thing happen to me about two weeks ago. While your in perspective framing overview camera, you should be able to pick the top of each chord and delete it. I'm not sure of the setting that plc it there, but that's how I got rid of it.
  13. Yep, same here. Its ugly of course in regard to the neatness of the package.. but if it can save time and avoid math errors in the field, it is worth it.
  14. That worked great John. I put in 148 degrees in that box, and the sections come in right at it.. perfect. thanks!~