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About Cadwork22

  • Birthday 02/18/1985

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  1. Is it possible to offset the railings inward to create a 3ft overhang?? Possibly making the outer railing invisible and create walls inward?
  2. Created Rails on second floor, see plan file. I created the walls as solid, to beam, at 96". However, in the 3d plan its only showing them beams. Also, if this gets fixed, will it be possible to cut into the ceiling/floor for stairs? Thanks as always. TH5.plan
  3. Seems to fix the problem thanks!
  4. I created a floorplan somehow on the 2nd level, so with the auto story dimensions, the subfloor is 9.1, is there a way to move the project to floor one so the dimensions will read correctly? Thanks.
  5. I used the rectangle tool and filled it asphalt material, however having difficulties putting parking lines. How did you do this?
  6. Its more for 3d rendering.
  7. I created a building in a different plan, tried to copy/paste it and the second story didn't show. I tried exporting as a DXF, but the scaling was off (took up most of the terrain) ...
  8. I ended up drawing the road tool, and then tracing with a line and then deleting the road. After that you can convert it to pline and then it will make a road. Answered my own question, haha, anyways thanks!
  9. I apologize for the multiple postings, I'm new to terrain features and just received a project that needs it. With that being said, I have two road segments that I need to intersect in one juncture, see attached. Thanks.
  10. What is the best way to construct a parking lot that will show in a 3d view?
  11. I have 3 buildings on a site plan, I'm trying to add a second floor on ONE of the buildings but it's creating a 2nd floor on all 3. Any ideas?
  12. I imported a dxf file and need it to be at a 1:1 scale, see attached, the dimensions don't match. Can it be modified to scale this? Thanks as always
  13. Is it possible to import a jpeg or pdf site plan, convert to cad lines and to scale. Thanks in advance
  14. Thanks, I was only considering pitch, not baseline and facia as factors. Greatly appreciated