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Everything posted by Chrisb222

  1. You mean at the bottom of the wall opposite the top landing? I don't model it, just CAD and Notes
  2. I did a wall similar to that a few years ago, 8 windows stacked 4/4 I used double 1.75x5.5 LVL king studs in the center and outsides of inner bank of windows, 6 total, and double 2x6 SPF kings both sides of outer bank of windows, all ran from floor to the top chord of 2' parallel truss so the studs reached the roof sheathing (studs notched to clear the gable truss), rat runs on the truss bottom chords with diagonal bracing to tie the bottom chord into the sheathing It was strong as [bleep] .... for a flimsy wall
  3. Select the room, open the spec dialog and uncheck "flat ceiling over this room" then draw a custom ceiling plane, open it and set the slope you need
  4. I made that suggestion two years ago
  5. Wouldn't those settings then appear on all Plan Views?
  6. Active Layer Display Options panel
  7. Having Fill Control by layer on ALDO would fix that, something I've requested
  8. That would make a great suggestion
  9. Can you make the bottom rail wide enough to extend over the opening to get rid of the carpet? That's how I would build it anyway, with an upturned casing on the wall underneath for a skirt
  10. I do. Auto attic walls have to be moved, deleted, added, extended, shortened, fixed all the time
  11. I agree. Furniture doesn't show up when under an Open To Below room either. It does in 3D (obviously) but not in plan view. I don't know, I've never been able to see anything below except stairs. If it's not an option to display all objects beneath an Open To Below room, it should be.
  12. +1 I vote to increase the beer budget by 300% Draft please
  13. The new dimension default upgrades are YUUUGE I tell ya At least for me, big time savers on every plan
  14. Thanks Funny, I was just gonna ask yesterday for multiple saved automatic exterior dimension defaults Looking forward to this upgrade!
  15. I would only ever sheath the heels if I had a crazy high heel like 24" that would be exposed and need to be covered with the exterior finish.... which rarely happens here. Trusses are made to the sheathing, which is the same as the foundation. And the floor framing. All the same dimension.
  16. Not me. We always use 7/16" sheathing and plans are dimensioned as the exterior wall being 4" or 6" That 1/16th is never gonna be an issue As a builder who (used to) frames and a plan designer, I would never introduce 1/8s or heaven forbid 1/16s into a set of plans. Holy crap, what an unnecessary PIA! Whole inch on foundation plans, with 1/2" being smallest fraction on framing plans.... 1/4" ONLY when absolutely unavoidable, and avoid those whenever possible!
  17. Walls, Hatching is a stock layer that you should be able to turn off Maybe you're trying to select the hatching. I have to tab past the wall selection to get to the hatching
  18. I drew a Room Divider inside the porch on the left, moved it to 1" from the common wall, called the room Slab and turned off Invisible Walls layer. I left the Room Name visible so you could see where it is Quick and easy, but it does throw off the automatic porch dimensions by 1" CBporchenclosure.plan
  19. That's what I do. But just to elaborate, position the first view how you want it on the sheet, then copy that layout view. Go to the other sheet, and use Paste/Hold Position to paste the previous view exactly where it is on the previous sheet. Then, open that view and change the floor and/or the Saved Plan View or Current Default Set.
  20. Select foundation Room, open spec and go to Structure tab Do this for every room in the foundation You can also select the individual wall in 3D or elevation, drag down using drag-tab, enter 4" and repeat for each wall
  21. Use alt or control key, whatever it is on PC to drag them into place in plan view. Command key on Mac Might have to make them shorter then drag out to the side walls
  22. Okay this conversation has revealed some obscure techniques, thank you to all for sharing It just reinforces my desire, though, to have Fill settings on ALDO so we can control line and fill colors independently, on a per-layer basis Made a Suggestion about it a while back which included Arrows but Fill would be much more useful for me:
  23. Larry, after seeing your suggestion I learned there are a lot more places to set fill defaults, my reply wasn't right, but those other settings aren't very obvious. Ah Chief, always more to learn I posted that because I never knew how to select the sill plate, and that's the only way I know to make it green in plan view Maybe there's a way to do that too, besides my method....
  24. You can specify a default fill but it's adopted by all framing members Use green to get the sill plate then change the other members manually