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Everything posted by Chopsaw

  1. Post a sample plan file so we can figure out if it is a Mac issue or maybe something else that is specific to your computer or Preferences.
  2. Assuming that the screen shot you posted is of a door that is wider and shorter than the symbol you created you will need to set up vertical and horizontal stretch zones. Place a similar door from the Core Catalog into your plan and take a look at the Symbol Sizing setup and you will see how it is done.
  3. You might also want to also check this one out Johnny. This one is run by a Chief user @gelbuilding
  4. Yes. Preferences > Architectural > Opening Appearance I like your system better by the way.
  5. I thought that may have been a little too easy. Preferences > Appearance > Display > Color Off is: "Grayscale" Or print PDF in colour and then from that print with print driver in Black & White ( Grayscale ) which is what I do so you have a nice digital presentation even if color printing is not an option.
  6. Mine are green but you can have them any colour you like by changing the line colour for the Plants layer.
  7. It would seem that you are now using X10 and you signature needs to be updated. It would be great if you could record that sequencing and send it in to tech support. How do you know where to select an item on an unchecked layer or is it just that you are clicking in an area that an item would be if it was turned on ?
  8. That actually sounds like progress as it used to be a square door in a arched frame.
  9. There is a slight offset issue. Can you see It ? Not really fair to the handicapped is it. Don't be confused as this is a serious issue with several other threads that Rob and I and many others have participated in. Kinda disappointed to see Rob loosing points bringing attention to a serious problem and providing a useful solution. It seems chief has a lot of these types of problems to fix but until the complaint quota is reached nothing appears to happen.
  10. Yes that is the problem. Plot Lines with Color Fill. Can't really tell from your screen shot but if you have figured out a way to make it work properly please do tell.
  11. Interesting that it does display correctly in X10. But if that was an X9 bug I just can't imagine it making it through beta testing. What version is your template plan from ?
  12. Not sure about the yellow. In fact I think someone was asking about footing fill not long ago so if you or someone else can figure this one out then it may lead to a useful solution for that. It would be nice if chief would allow for wall fill and hatching but until then you can use chief wall hatching and add the fill by selecting the exterior room and creating a Room Polyline then convert to psolid and Copy and Paste in Place, Concentrically resize to inner wall surface and make that the Hole in Polyline Solid. Then convert back to Plain Polyline so it won't show in 3D and apply a transparent fill. A bit of a workaround but not bad once you get the hang of it and you appear to only want one layer of wall filled so not sure there is another way to do that.
  13. Chopsaw


    Did you try a search ? It is new in X10. Physically Based Rendering
  14. Have you set your Additional Allowed Angles in General Plan Defaults ? Try Auto Exterior Dimensions and then clean up to suit. Also the Make Parallel tool sometimes comes in handy if things get really out of wack.
  15. You might find some interesting stuff here Johnny. Try a few of the free ones and let us know what you think.
  16. Chopsaw

    text size

    Number Style... Bottom Left. Same DBX as you have pictured.
  17. Steve, Cad blocks for symbols do not recognize line styles. You will need to tediously draw the dashed line with individual broken cad lines and you should be fine once that is assigned to the symbol. Very low tech. I believe the symbol retains the layer settings it is created with and will even create that layer if it does not exist in the plan, maybe, give it a try. Sorry, Symbols can only be created on default layers, that second part applies more to Cad and Architectural Blocks stored in the Library.
  18. If you don't find what you need in the Library you can draw your own Panels.
  19. Did you try a balcony ? Looks like it should work.
  20. Ok that looks fine so then when you print from Adobe select "Actual Size" and if that does not work then it is a margins issue. And Mick may have nailed it as your DBX does not show the scale when you have it selected.
  21. Most likely you are set to "Fit to Paper" make sure you are set "To Scale:"
  22. This may have been my fault in suggesting this as a solution but as with other suggestions I have made the implementation just leaves me shaking my head. But then again I did not even know that this was there and of course without Glenn how would we even know how to use it if we did happen to find it. On further examination this is actually not a new feature.
  23. Well I begged Chief for that option for Landings and sure enough they put it just out of reach as a tease. All the other places that could be used to make up for programming deficiencies and no it just can't be done.
  24. When did we get that and where is it in the Library ?