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Everything posted by Chopsaw

  1. Draw it in elevation view and you should be good.
  2. Yes you can set them in Plan Defaults. 3D View Defaults > Rendering Techniques > Watercolor. Or save a camera in your template.
  3. This should help : Also plenty of others here :
  4. Would need to know if the posted plan file is the original and the exact nature of the required edits to figure it out for sure.
  5. Sorry I was off duty for a bit there but this may help for next time if the renumbering is happening because your edits are making some windows match other existing ones. Turning it off that is by deselecting it. Not as pictured
  6. Does it help if you deselect "Group Similar Objects" ?
  7. I made a video a while back on creating an almost perfectly round roof. Forgot to record the sound but may be helpful.
  8. Nice looking project. A roof plane is a polyline so it can be trimmed with polyline subtraction. Just create a polyline solid the shape of what needs to be trimmed and preform the boolean subtraction.
  9. Hi Pedro, Looking Good, You will need a manual roof plane for that situation. I made a quick video for you. Sorry I forgot about the 4". Open the roof plane and lock the pitch and then add 4 to the baseline height and turn the fascias back on. Also helps to have the "Roofs, Baselines" layer turned on when drawing manual roof planes so you have the direction indicator as shown in video.
  10. Pedro, My apologies if I missed it but is this an existing building you are modeling ? Typically the best approach is to make as many adjustments and come as close as you can with auto framing turned on until you reach a point where you must turn it off and edit manually. Unfortunately the learning curve is steep for both knowing how to set up the auto framing the way you want it and then finishing with manual editing. For the roof auto frame members can be copied and edited or repurposed depending on what you need to do. In extreme situations sometimes only a solid will work but there are many other options to try before resorting to that. You can frame outside of a wall detail in extreme situations but don't try that with trusses or you will be in a mess in a hurry.
  11. This is auto built. Are your roof planes on the back side separate ?
  12. Overlapping roof planes ? Is that how it would be built ?
  13. Place a break in the top of your wall and rip it down to the bottom to create the angle.
  14. Picture is a little fuzzy. Does it only taper on one side ?
  15. Thanks Michael, I will add that to my tech report in case it helps in the diagnosis somehow.
  16. General Plan Defaults - Snap Units. Most likely.
  17. I think @jbaehmer has a template system that uses it to populate the layout title block straight from the plan file but he could explain it better. I have often wondered why there is not an option or easier way to transfer the data from plan to layout or a default Designer Info.
  18. A manual Terrain Hole or two might serve you well in this situation.
  19. I am not sure I have tried this before but is it not possible to assign a new material to a Symbol during the Symbol creation process through the Materials tab of the Symbol DBX ? It just seems to ignore the input and sticks it into the User Library as it was. I thought maybe I pressed the wrong button but it would not put it into the library at all if I did. I usually paint things before creating the symbol so I know what it will look like but this was just one material and I did not need to see it, also would be much faster than painting.
  20. This would be something that would make a good suggestion if that Layout Box DBX had a default or would remember your previous settings. Might be able to avoid resetting every time by using a template with pre-sent elevations.
  21. Not so much for images but it is a nice feature for complicated tight layouts where you may have needed to use a mask in previous versions. However this is more the exception rather than the rule in my opinion and should be the alternate behavior.
  22. Rob, Until Chief sorts out why they did this and gets it fixed here is my 10 click workaround that Michael helped me with.
  23. Chopsaw


    Thanks Michael. I did not know that was an available setting. It must be on by default. Very helpful.
  24. Chopsaw


    What is sometimes confusing is when a camera view is open it will always be visible even when turned off.
  25. Holding the Alt key does Not work the way a basic left click did in X9. They forgot how the program was working when thy added the new alternate random reshaping feature in X10. This makes no sense at all when using live image views.