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Everything posted by Chopsaw

  1. Did you do the yacht mural the same way as the photo ? Seems like the photo was imported to plan and not layout.
  2. Chopsaw


    If you can compress it to 25 MB with a zip file you can post it or upload to cloud service and post link. Or make a copy of the plan and strip out unnecessary high poly items.
  3. Chopsaw


    I could not reproduce the problem in my test plan. If you want to post the plan file I can take a quick look.
  4. It seems to be an issue with your wall definition only having a main layer which wants to stop where it would be supporting the rafters. Is this how the structure will be built as in real life you would have the same issue I think. Also causing some grief is you room needs to Roof over it in the Structure > Ceiling, settings. Temporarily swap your wall for Siding 6 and you will see the issue and turn on rafter framing.
  5. The thickness is more of an engineering thing depending on how high the walls are going to be but usually a 6" minimum for one story in my area. If the concrete is free why not pour a little extra.
  6. Chopsaw


    I see you are not using X9. Try turning on "Update Lighting Automatically" or refresh manually.
  7. If you are after all the things you listed the only product that comes to mind is ICF ( Insulated Concrete Forms ). One of the leading manufactures is: This can be drawn with Chief with only slight modification of a default wall type. If you are serious about efficiency there seems to be a little too much glass in your linked example.
  8. Select the wall below the one that is giving the trouble and under the Structure > Platform Intersections > Select "Balloon Through Ceiling Above". That should fix how it looks and will also likely be how it will be framed.
  9. Chopsaw


    How many lights do you have turned on ? I think the limit is 8. It may not be where you moved the light to but rather moving it resequenced it back to the top of the list from wherever it was before beyond number 8. Just a guess. Would have to look at the plan to be sure.
  10. Your Reference lines are set for "Walls, Normal" and it may be more beneficial for you to turn on the "Walls, Main Layer Only" layer to line things up better. This can be done in the "Reference Display Layerset" For 2" studs you will need to navigate to the DBX that Mick was referencing earlier, "Define Material" Open a wall and go to Wall Types > Define > Double Click "Fir Stud 24" OC" of Main Layer > then in Plan Materials > Edit or Copy > Change the Thickness on the General- Specifications tab. Ok all the way back out. I may not be necessary to start over but sometimes you get things messed up and need to auto rebuild.
  11. You will need to delete the Base Molding from the room created by the shower and unfortunately likely also the rest of the bathroom. However you can create a manual room molding polyline for the bathroom and manually edit which walls it goes on.
  12. Hi Pedro, Your main floor will frame in the 07 30 version of the plan by just making sure all walls have the "Retain Wall Framing" setting turned off. The wall Framing material that Mick mentioned appears to be ok in the walls I checked.
  13. In Premier there is a Glass Shower Wall that is just a Main Layer of 1/2" Glass I think. If not maybe I made it but it is real simple. This will allow you to place a hinged slab door in the wall and you just need to adjust the thickness and turn off the casing then make the door glass. You will also have control of the hardware in the door DBX. Not sure if it all works the same in Interiors.
  14. As I posted above both rows of brick need to be in the "Main Layer". I assume you are in a very warm climate and never have to deal with frost with this type of foundation design ? Your main floor walls are set to "Retain Wall Framing" which will retain a non framing condition if this is set before framing.
  15. I thought the stock "Lap (knottycedar) Siding in the Core Catalog was pretty good and have captured segments of it for use in other material layup styles. But am also looking for more.
  16. Yes it looks as though you are making progress. You just need to decide if it is replacing the sub-fascia or going in front of it as a fascia. Then turn on Framing Roof Rafters layer in Camera View or better yet put them on a Fascias-Custom Layer and turn that on.
  17. Frame your roof and go to a plan view that has the rafters turned on. Make a copy of a standard rafter and move it over to the position of the fascia. Resize for length or width and depth as necessary and make sure Automatic Rafter height is on or things will get out of wack. A profile can also be applied if necessary.
  18. There also seems to be a strange artifact in circle 1 under the fascia board but you would likely need to post the plan file for someone to diagnose that if you are unable to select and fix it yourself.
  19. You just need a really good photo and make it seamless in a photo editor then import to chief as material and apply.
  20. Chief seems to have an issue with your setup of the foundation wall. Try resetting it to this : And then give your exterior walls room definition and auto build the foundation. Not sure if it will fix all the problems but I think it will help a lot.
  21. You can only set one pitch in roof defaults, so if you want an auto roof that has more than one pitch you must use wall roof pitch settings. Otherwise I am not sure there would be any use for wall roof pitch settings at all. Roof pitch defaults only set the pitch for walls that are set to default. There may be a better way but having the roof pitch default override the wall roof pitch settings is not it.
  22. I am not sure what the issue is unless you are saying you did not set the wall to 4/12. If so then I see the issue. And yes as Glenn has made the correction the baseline should be at the outside surface of framing ( main layer ). Not sure this has ever happened to me, but if it is for you then good catch and I hope CA can get it fixed. Can't seem to reproduce following your steps. Are you sure your template plan is not corrupted ?
  23. In my neck of the woods the city building department wants to see the truss engineering for review before issuing the permit. So sometimes the owner has not decided on a contractor at that point and I send in the drawings for truss engineering often or sometime just as a service for the contractor. If it works that way in Cali then maybe you can blame them for issuing the permit with the wrong truss engineering. But good luck with that.
  24. Whoever was responsible for reviewing the truss calcs before placing the truss order would be responsible I would think. Have a great bonfire.
  25. Yes the time tracker in Chief is per file. You can look at 3rd party trackers if you want a more general approach.