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Everything posted by Chopsaw

  1. PDF's are a known problem in Chief but usually it is a display and performance issue and not a printing issue so it would be good if you could send this in to tech support. However some potential workarounds would be converting the PDF's to .PNG or .DWG and importing that way. Also curious as to the source PDF's. Are they Vector PDF's or have they been scanned or otherwise.
  2. Yes lots of things in Chief that you set to 0" and they are not actually 0". Thanks for the warning. Would it make sense to export as "Main Layer Only" in your situation Richard ?
  3. Has anyone found a way to rotate a Schedule and have the images in the 3D Perspective Column rotate with the Schedule without the quality loss of sending it to layout as an Image. Hopefully something simple that I missed and not something CA missed. Or maybe a way to rotate the text to match the orientation of the Perspective View ?
  4. If you draw your main floor and then Build the Foundation and then Insert a New Floor your Foundation will move to Level 1 and Main Floor to Level 2 and you should be able to do that several more times if necessary. You will just need to label as required on floor plans.
  5. You will need to open each of the affected cameras one at a time and while it is open use the use the Edit Active Camera tool to access the DBX that is formatted the same as it is for the camera defaults pictured above.
  6. For it to work in your current plan you must open and set all of the saved cameras. Previous example is so you can set it as default in your template plan so new cameras will follow those rules.
  7. Doug, You also have a bunch of rooms set to "Use Soffit Surface For Ceiling" which is seriously weakening your rafter spans.
  8. If there is and issue bringing .DAE files into Chief they should be made aware of it by contacting through tech support. You could also post a sample file here and have another user try and see it they get the same results. Also let us know what version of Chief you are using.
  9. If not read this :
  10. Hopefully your electrical is on your Electrical Layerset. Just turn off cameras on that layerset.
  11. Ok I thought so. How about you edit the original and I delete my comments to keep some sanity in this thread. Thanks.
  12. The original problem should get reported to Chief because at some point you may want to use the software as more than just a scrapbooking app. There are times when this is needed but we should be able to use the features they charge the big money for.
  13. As Image ? This is different than "Current Screen"
  14. The exception would be elevations and sections with Plot Lines, but maybe camera views are also not updating consistently. Waiting to hear from Taylor :
  15. So was each view sent from an independent saved camera ? And is it live or update on demand ? It is not likely anything to do with the pdf but depending on your method it may be a problem with the updated that happens when you print. I was asking @taylorb how the print update is programmed but have not heard back yet.
  16. How were they sent to layout ? All camera views in X10 need to be sent from an independent saved camera unless they are images.
  17. Yes it still seems to be and issue in X10. Not likely a setting. Another way to get around the problem would be to increase the size of your terrain and then place a 60' telephone pole in the corner that is also buried 60' below ground. Also make sure you set the scale when sending to layout and not after. However these things should be sent in as it seems to be the only hope of improvement.
  18. I went back to the plan that I was commenting on just before Taylor B. posted and was able to record the framing issue problem failure multiple times and sent in the file and system information they requested. Hopefully it will work for them the way it did for me and can get it fixed. It is rare that this is reproducible after saving and closing the file and reopening the file but this time it was so I am hopeful.
  19. Rene, that looks great. I think I could figure out the fame and maybe even the mattress's but the sheets and pillows are they really just maps.
  20. Thanks for posting Cait, Is there anything consistent about when it happens other than when you don't want or need it to happen ? I was at the end of a very long day which seems to be when a lot of issues show up with the software that tech support has no way of testing for because they don't draw plans and randomly revise them the way clients expect us to do for them. I may have been experiencing some ALDO issues with layers jumping around but am not sure because that issue seems to have been more stable recently. I was pretty sure that a layer that a saved camera was using changed settings on me for a layer that I was not using at all and then the items on that layer could not be selected even though they were not locked until I switched layersets and then went back again.
  21. These techniques are not working the same way as I stated in the unnumbered post just before yours that I tried the manual update twice or actually maybe 3 time and then remembered Perry saying that he opens and closes and tried that and it did work but who knows how many times I could have hit the other refresh button and it not worked. I was just in too much of a hurry to get finished to set up and record it even though I should have once I noticed that it was not working properly.
  22. Taylor, thank you for clarifying this,however I have experienced otherwise many times. Could you please also explain which function is automatically activated when printing. Plot Lines are not supposed to update on printing so there must be another action that is preformed at that time. Is it the same as "Update All Live Views" ? My case may be a little different but I have also experienced failures almost exactly the same as Scott posted at the top of this thread. There may actually be three separate situations going on here or possibly even four. Plot Lines not generating properly. Plot lines not generating and displaying in the correct layer order. Plot lines being disrupted and incomplete for symbols. Plot lines and cross boxes not generating for framing members. Plot lines being offset from the object they represent. Oops maybe that is five issues. Please review that video again because if what you say is true there is an even larger problem with the software. That door was never a slab door and why would a slab door display the shadows of a panel door which are clearly visible in the video and the plot lines are missing until I updated it to show you that they were missing on the previous update that I could not have recorded unless I was to record everything I do on a daily basis. And are views not up to date when they are sent to layout ? Actually going back and reviewing my own video it actually proves what I am saying because I made a copy of an existing layout box and explained exactly what I had updated and why and the original was ok and the copied and updated version was not until I updated it again for the door which was not revised. This is an issue that is more serious than just wasted paper so I hope you have the respect and skills to fix it. The reason it is not reproducible with your testing procedures is because your testing procedures are not the same as what we put the software through on a daily or nightly basis.
  23. The join between the roof planes must be angled or the closer wall in the graph paper sketch must be sloped at the baseline of the roof.
  24. Mick it was you who discovered it but at least I remembered the thread: