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Everything posted by Chopsaw

  1. Steve, Cad blocks for symbols do not recognize line styles. You will need to tediously draw the dashed line with individual broken cad lines and you should be fine once that is assigned to the symbol. Very low tech. I believe the symbol retains the layer settings it is created with and will even create that layer if it does not exist in the plan, maybe, give it a try. Sorry, Symbols can only be created on default layers, that second part applies more to Cad and Architectural Blocks stored in the Library.
  2. If you don't find what you need in the Library you can draw your own Panels.
  3. Did you try a balcony ? Looks like it should work.
  4. Ok that looks fine so then when you print from Adobe select "Actual Size" and if that does not work then it is a margins issue. And Mick may have nailed it as your DBX does not show the scale when you have it selected.
  5. Most likely you are set to "Fit to Paper" make sure you are set "To Scale:"
  6. This may have been my fault in suggesting this as a solution but as with other suggestions I have made the implementation just leaves me shaking my head. But then again I did not even know that this was there and of course without Glenn how would we even know how to use it if we did happen to find it. On further examination this is actually not a new feature.
  7. Well I begged Chief for that option for Landings and sure enough they put it just out of reach as a tease. All the other places that could be used to make up for programming deficiencies and no it just can't be done.
  8. When did we get that and where is it in the Library ?
  9. Select page 4 from the drop down and enter E# in the Label: line just below. The macro on page 0 will read it and put in the Number. (E1) and so on for each repeat E2, E3. Since you have 3 Plumbing pages maybe you will have 3 Electrical.
  10. If you have %layout.label% on page 0 of layout then go to Edit Layout Page Information for page 4 and make the label E#
  11. Post a screen shot of what you are seeing and check Preferences > General > Folders > System Library Database Folder: and make sure that is the correct file path and drive.
  12. Yes ok that is the problem. Leave the symbol settings as I posted above and then open the object DBX and change the depth from 98" to 116". Most people have difficulty finding the Symbol DBX but I see you have that figured out. The symbol DBX settings are for the bounding box not the object. Eric's suggestions are not incorrect, just a little more involved than what I understand you are suggesting is required right now.
  13. Maybe I am not understanding this correctly but it seems you need to make the partitioned bathroom stall approximately 18" deeper front to back. If so the stretch plane appears to already be set up correctly for that function straight from the core library. And it appears to be functioning correctly.
  14. Wouldn't it be great if that would also fix the vector view so we could create construction drawings.
  15. Also the Q&A forum so we can also help out or weigh in.
  16. Yes they can be adjusted with carefully placed stretch zones. A little tricky but it can be done.
  17. You will need to figure out the best way to display the faces you need to paint as each face can only be one colour. Possibly two beams that are parallel and then a manual cross box on the end to make it look like one beam. Or you can have full control of all 6 faces by using a polyline solid converted to a solid and then exploded which is a common method for orienting wood grain on timbers.
  18. Try placing the extra door in the wall beside the real one and then slide it over into position over top of the other. I just tried it in X10 and did not need to change the height. They may have improved that. Yes in X9 one must be elevated but not in X10
  19. It looks to me that what you did is working fine. Just need to edit the style. Usually to have two doors in one opening one of them needs to be slightly offset a bit to work. I think usually the height is the easiest to offset but it looks like your method worked.
  20. The really odd part is it is only affecting the one material type and not the whole chair, also the same material on the table top ? Could be a material definition issue and not a layering problem.
  21. In X10 the Living Area label is supposed to stay where you put it. If this is not the case please elaborate or send in to tech. Yes the default position is rarely useful but is there somewhere that would work for every plan, perhaps not. Manual dimensions are somewhat, well manual, but perhaps what you point out would make a good suggestion for improvement as there are likely many who would agree.
  22. If a quick reinsertion does not fix that it should be sent in to tech support. Ctrl + X then Ctrl + Alt + V on the door and then maybe the chair ?
  23. Yes I have been experiencing stuck selection issues in X9 as well as the current version of X10. You open and object and work with it and close it but it remains highlighted. This does not seem to cause other issues with the software and occasionally will clear by itself if you keep working but is very distracting and will always clear by saving the file and closing then reopening it.
  24. There are an awful lot of things in Chief that I wish could actually be set to zero, and this is one of them. The sill should actually be able to be set by default to 0 offset or as an option as it currently displays with out having to adjust the frame at all.
  25. I am really surprised this has not been addressed. Who trims out windows that way ? You can turn off the frame and it still looks ok in 3D but really is that the solution ?