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Everything posted by Chopsaw

  1. Yup good idea. Could be a Mac issue,or Interiors bug,or maybe corrupted Units file, but all above my level of expertise.
  2. If your defaults for the posted plan file look like this then something is messed up for sure. Not sure I have any more ideas if that is true.
  3. Added a couple of dimensions to see how it was working. Is this what it looks like on your machine ?
  4. If you would like to post a small sample plan file I could take a look or if you are sure of the settings you could still call tech before closing.
  5. That looks correct but are you using NKBA dimensions where the problem is showing up ?
  6. You will need to make your Accuracy setting for Fractions rather than Decimal Places on the Primary Format tab of Dimension Defaults. And set it for 1/4 or 1/8 or maybe 1/16. Not really sure what the 1' - 15" part is about, hope it's a typo.
  7. I think Cad Detail from View is what you are after by the sound of it. Place optional door, create Cad Detail from View, Delete Door, Copy and paste cad line work and fills back into plan view. On the other hand it does not hurt to frame optional doors if decisions cant be made right away as it makes a much easier reno later.
  8. Thanks Lance, looks like we both learned something.
  9. Looks like you are ok Lance, you just need to reopen the symbol dbx and generate a new block. The wierdest thing happened when I did it with your example though. The whole new 2D block was reversed which creates a whole different problem.
  10. Thanks for sharing all that you have done. You sure have put a lot of work into this. Nice to know this can all be done in CA.
  11. Yes, No need to look as that is the sad reality of the present situation. Painting always required !
  12. I guess we should have been talking about the texture not the material. But if they are default as treated for the material list where do you set the default texture (material) for 3D illustration. Just another chief inconsistency.
  13. XYZ Data can also be imported from a simple text file or entered manually but the text file allows you to keep the data a little more organized. If that is your situation I will try to look up the details and procedure from last time I did it.
  14. You still need to set your Rendering Technique Defaults in Plan 3D View Defaults before saving as Template.
  15. Have you considered using the Symbol Origin Offset. It is a little messy but should not need to be used that often.
  16. This can also be done in Chief and to keep track the file name is displayed on the window tab. You can have several files open at one time. Having more than one layout open is a little different situation. However this can also be done by having another instance of Chief open and running even though this is not recommended I have never had an issue using it strategically.
  17. Not sure that there is a title bar option with Chief but you can use the %file% Global Macro in a text box to put that info into your layout. Or if you need to keep track of each layout box you can add it to the layout box label. You can add some key information to your file name as long as it is not too long. Welcome to the forum.
  18. Has anyone ever had a ridiculous number of 2D cad blocks auto generate when creating a symbol ? Not sure I did anything different than I usually do. Oh.. Wait a minute. I already deleted the plan that I created the symbol in. They are showing up in the plan I placed the symbol into. I think one should be sufficient not 328.
  19. If you create an invisible room you can use the winders option in the stair DBX. Just need to be sure to increase the "Max Tread Contraction".
  20. Good chance it is your video card or driver causing an issue. Post your version and computer specs, video card and driver version or call tech before they close.
  21. That would make a great addition to the feature list as a suggestion.
  22. Ivan, I don't think there is any way to have two different Callout shapes for one Schedule. You must have a Fixture schedule somewhere. Find it and open it to the Label tab and deselect "Show Labels". If it is any more complicated than that post the file for Joe.
  23. Ah... Huh... Now that is an even bigger question but it is good you know the answer to that one already.