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Everything posted by Chopsaw

  1. Is this the same as what you were talking about earlier Joe ?
  2. I have used the keyboard command of CTRL + ALT + S to spin the model in a Perspective Full Overview Camera and used a screen recorder as Parkwest does. The speed is controlled by the "Incremental Rotate Angle:" setting for the camera and the direction of spin alternates each time you start it. If you don't have a screen capture recorder you can use Chief's walkthrough recorder to capture the spin. The other option is to set a circular walkthrough path.
  3. You can create them or import them when using Chief. I think the last plan I got from Designer was all on the Default Layer. Did you get a layout file ?
  4. Here is where you can set the Sill Plate Defaults : Usually better to auto frame and then edit whenever possible.
  5. It appears you have 12 layer sets and 11 pages of layout that could potentially be a complete drawing set. Can you link back to the plan file from the layout views ? What do you suspect is missing ?
  6. If you can do that again then maybe they will be able to fix it. It might be the pan action that is causing the ALDO issues but I think that is maybe a separate issue.
  7. Yes If it happens in 3D the selected item is visible right through the building. Just had one in plan view by copying and then reflecting a cad line but it seems to have cleared itself after a while, which is rare. Interesting about panning, I will have to observe that a little more closely.
  8. ALDO should be able to do anything LDO will do and it seems to work fine without the interaction with plan views. There is still weird stuff happening with ALOD so if there is something documentable let's get it fixed.
  9. That is a new feature in X10 I believe. What version was the video done in ?
  10. There are 82 Xref layers in the DWG file in addition to the 43 that are visible in the drawing but not sure how chief handles them or if they are actually contained in the file and can be turned on or not.
  11. All depends on your level of trust and how much effort you want to put in to protect what is yours. You can always prerecord the walkthrough and send video or give them a link to the model with the 3D Viewer.
  12. Excellent general advice Val but not sure any of those issues are the main problem in this case. True View 2018 screenshot :
  13. I had a quick look at your files and I think it is a Xref issue but not sure how that is normally resolved. Possibly a AutoCAD user could explain. I am only able to view the areas highlighted on the PDF in the DWG file.
  14. Transform and Replicate should do the trick. Possibly 1/48 on the resize factor.
  15. I have submitted recordings of it to Brian but he is having difficulty reproducing and fixing the issue. It happened to DSH during a live workshop on his Mac that I recorded. And it has been happening to me regularly, that while working with an item it will stay highlighted until you shut down the program. Usually associated with a copy or move of an item but not necessarily. The program keeps on running but it is really distracting to work when something in your view is stuck on.
  16. Thanks Yusuf, That looks great and especially when it can be use for any 3D text. What PDF converter did you use ?
  17. No not normal. Please document and submit if you can. Have you also been getting stuck selections ?
  18. Sorry to give Chief a negative review but I was one of the people that request some additional tools within Chief for creating watermarks without needing to use an external photo editor and was highly disappointed with what they came up with. It was a start but needs a lot more work for sure. Lots of other things in X10 that are worth upgrading for however.
  19. Yes or you can just put a solid color ( light gray ) text on the back layer on page 0. Just a little simpler than using a PDF editor unless you are doing other things with it as well. If you are on a tight budget for a photo editor Gimp is opensource software.
  20. Chad, Did you follow the link I provided for other options in X9 ?
  21. As long as you are not copying to a previous version it should work as always.
  22. Sorry, that may not have come across quite right. What I meant was to create CAD Electrical,Dimensions Electrical,Text Electrical, for your Electrical Layset etc.
  23. Did you delete or move any of the files it is searching for ? Still should not hang but that might explain the conflict. Tech support should be able to give you the correct advice.