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Everything posted by Chopsaw

  1. Mick it was you who discovered it but at least I remembered the thread:
  2. Yes I believe so. It was not me but someone that I was helping out not long ago discovered it by accident. I will look.....
  3. Sorry if my math seems a little confusing because it confuses me as well but it is: 42" Overall - 3.5" Rail - 7.5" Z Offset = 31"
  4. Yea it is really finickity. My symbol that I posted was a 42" picket so the 31" Z stretch plane was exactly at the bottom of the horizontal member. Not exactly sure why it works but give it a try and see if it can work with your configuration. Also love to know if the offset picket works out a both ends. Same theory works for the Newels if you want them to punch through the deck.
  5. Hi Steve, Yes they are created as millwork. The one I posted was optimized for a 36" railing and I am not sure that I was able to actually lock the bottom but only extend it below the floor level by adjusting the "Z" offset. Just had a play with it and I think it is possible to do as you would like and lock the bottom by setting an accurate stretch plane. Thanks for asking the question. Here is a revised millwork symbol that should do the job. Adjustable Height Railing Picket.calibz
  6. Yes it would for sure, but for now there are a few symbols in the library or molding lines for custom stuff.
  7. If there is literally just one that needs to be white then turn it off for the roof plane and replace it with a manually placed molding line. Or take a trip to the eaves trough section next time you are at the depot and get a brown one.
  8. This is a real mess. I was just going over my notes for a final time and was looking at one after updating a section view. "Existing Structure......." and there was no existing structure showing at all. All the cross boxes for the joists were missing. Tried an update or two and nothing until I opened the view and updated it on closing. I have had plenty of cosmetic issues but not usually structure so this is much more serious than I previously thought. I will make another report for tech support but if anyone else is experiencing this please report it with passion. And be EXTREEMLY careful to check your work until this is fixed.
  9. I think the only way that can happen is if you have another schedule that has been misplaced somewhere like a cad detail.
  10. Sorry, not that I am aware of unless you wanted to layer something in manually.
  11. That should work even if you don't have a floor. Did the instructions make sense? If all else fails open the Symbol DBX and on the General tab Origin Offset adjust the "Z Position".
  12. Try opening the light symbol DBX and under Options > Placement, Choose "Floor Mounted" then go back to the object DBX under the General tab and set the Position > "Offset From Floor". That should solve the issue.
  13. I suppose in theory you could use a room molding polyline for eaves trough if all the fascais are at the same level and overhang. You need to have interior room definition to have an exterior room. If rooms are turned on you should be able to select it within a foot or two of the exterior wall. I will check your file if I get a moment later.
  14. You could also use two cylinders and the Solid Subtraction tool but Polyline solids will give you more control for what you need to do.
  15. Yes no problem, start with two simple cad circles of the correct size and positioning and convert both to Polyline Solids and Set the inner one to be the "Hole in Polyline Solid"
  16. Or am I supposed to be looking at the bulkhead with the vent over it ?
  17. You need to build 3 rings - No problem. What is the shape of the bottom of them ? Is there a molding or is it flat ? If if is flat then Psolids will work, if not it will be more involved.
  18. Is there a profile in the bottom surface of that Aamir ? Not sure it can be done with the profile and the offset of center hole in Chief. But you should be able to come close if you are willing to give up on of the two.
  19. Please document as carefully as you can and send in to tech support as they are aware of this problem but are having issues reproducing and fixing it and they need to know it is happening to other people. As I indicated above this is complicated as you really don't want chief to delete all of your edits automatically when you go to print without any option to preserve all that extra work you have done. Ideally it should all be able to be detailed live but we are not there yet.
  20. Place an air gap in your floor layer definition and it will bring that wall down to cover. Same situation as a seasonal structure on piers that has the floor sitting on beams that you want to cover.
  21. I guess windows does not consider it to be an issue. Must be a low percentage of Mac users switching back to windows. Nothing that I am aware of in Chief or the current version of windows 10. Hopefully someone knows a hack or maybe 3rd party app that can do it for you.
  22. You would need to recreate the door symbol and use separate materials for the panel and glass. If you want to post a small sample plan file with that cabinet in it I could give it a try. Also what version of software you are using.
  23. No need to make a symbol or even a cad detail. You can keep it live if you make a new layerset for the scale to switch notes etc. You can send as many versions as you like that way or exploded details that are live. Crop with layout box.
  24. They moved that to a more logical place. Plan Defaults > Framing > Plan Display. If you run into any other issues post the link to the old instructions you are following and we can help update them for you.