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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Tools>Layer Sets>Display Options ,scroll down to Walls or hit W on keyboard
  2. Hi Ray , thanks again , actually the X6 Library appears fine , I closed X7 and reopened etc just to be sure , and the x7 export libraries both have issues but the Arial X6 one is fine per your Pic of the house earlier , perhaps delete the X7 libraries from that post and leave the X6 library on the thread , and if you wouldn't mind refreshing the non arial library from X6 too that would be great thanks , appreciate your time. M.
  3. I guess you knew I'd say YES Please , perhaps we should start a new thread about this though , so other can find it in the future easily? That way William may get his Answer finally too. M. M.
  4. As noted I just heard this tip 1 hr ago , so have not tried it yet , to see if it works as expected , I was planning on doing a Forum search about it to get more info actually. M.
  5. Schedules are also "live" Gerry so should be less work than the "Word" method , I had not seen this "reuse" of the Plant Schedule tip before ,so I am going to try it too.
  6. Hi Ray , looks like the export didn't work correctly are you in X7beta ? , maybe a setting on my end though? quite a few of both libraries have the text part in a vertical orientation rather than horizontal so it is hidden behind the pitch triangle
  7. thanks Ray appreciate it. Mick.
  8. I discovered the one on the outside of the Octagon is actually a tiny wall divider/invisible wall , about 9/16 x 2/12" , delete that by zooming in real close and the wall heels itself. The other one on the right just needed to be pulled back and resnapped to go away. M.
  9. My guess is they go by the anniversary date though not when you actually Paid up since you said you are good till Feb 2016 now
  10. Ok, get a copy of the X6 file install file if you want to archive it as it is removed from your Locker once you click upgrade. I have seen it posted as Mar 5th , Mar15th and Mar 20th for full X7 release , so I am guessing they are still making "changes "
  11. Looks like the same landing issue I was having last month https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?/topic/3483-landing-rails-falling-too/
  12. I guess you just updated SSA? people with (current) SSA that expired before Mar 15th were not eligible for the Beta , there is another long post back about Jan 20th when the Beta came out about it and many users were blocked causing a few problems. M.
  13. We do it the same way here Ray , had not thought to block and add to the library ..Duh ! perhaps you wouldn't mind exporting your Roof Pitch library and posting it so Sherry and I don't need to reinvent the wheel , thanks. M.
  14. Good idea Perry , you might need to C&P your post to the Suggestion Forum though. M.
  15. mine wasn't ,doesn't sound like you locker has updated properly , though the Full version is supposed to be out on the 5th March, Thursday I think.
  16. I wasn't arguing about that particular "header" takeoff being accurate or not , the point is when you check the ML you have generated you can't find things you think should be there or still find things that you thought you had deleted because in the ML they are named incorrectly , eg the subfascias , I'd look down the list not see it and then add that to my list , in this case double ordering it, assuming it had been missed by the ML This is another situation where it would be nice to be able to change formulae and change names of objects etc so that the Program can be "localised" with terms and common naming nomenclature, and methods of working. I had an email from a CA team member today who has admitted that the ML "isn't all that" and they hope to make some improvements for X8 and for several versions to follow to get the ML working as it should, though they didn't elaborate on what they are doing. (which is understandable) M.
  17. I think this particular issue Glen is a terminology issue , A header on the Flat (and only a single piece) is not a Header at least not to me, we would call it the Door Trimmer , though I think in the US the Trimmer is next to the KingStud in the opening, those we call Jack Studs or Door Jack . it's a similar issue calling the Subfascia a Rafter in the ML. I looked at the 3D framing out of curiosity and am wondering who frames headers that way? is that US specific ,Idaho specific or a new technique this "old dog" isnt aware of? M.
  18. Thanks David , appreciate you posting your symbols etc here , these should work well much more modern look than many of Chief's.
  19. currently you have no rail spec'd in the Wall DBX ? ... and a strange moulding for the Top rail? I turned Panel on , then made the panel "cable" from the library and the deck disappeared ! (weird), had to turn auto deck framing back on to get the deck back but did not see your issue, cable rails look fine you have some broken wall connections to fix too. ...so different that what you saw... what version are you using ? M.
  20. Funky - I can see certain Client types liking it thanks...
  21. Thanks Greg. Is there a library of LED lighting eg rope/strip etc I may have missed somewhere M.
  22. From your images your house has a 0" 2nd floor ? Raise it to 36" though 42" or higher is better to allow furniture placement etc. if you only need/want extra room height in the bathroom then add a Dormer over the Bathroom only , though in that case I'd make it 10-12' long instead and give that front bedroom more space and extra Windows allowing cross ventilation.
  23. Amen +1 though my guess would be Chief X? with the ML Module would cost $3500 instead. At a minimum a highly competent Quantity Surveyor needs to sit with a CA Programmer for a while and make things work like they do in the real world of estimating ie a 10' wall is auto assigned 10' drywall etc and it's 3 coats of paint without having to assign (3) 0" thickness layers to ALL wall definitions to get it to show in the ML, the model shouldn't need to be THAT accurate for the ML to automatically "know" that, same thing for ceilings. M.
  24. Yep that is why I never use Express anymore either , but this 3D profile thing is a major PITA especially with a few versions installed...oh well looks like , that's the way it is.....
  25. Havent looked at plan , but doesn't the Defaults>Floor3 >Structure Tab not allow you to change the Relative Finished/Rough Ceiling height to 114" as needed? you must be on Floor 3 to get the defaults for floor 3 to open...