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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Looks like you need to alert your State's Charitable Donations Office Kevin , since they are Soliciting for "Donations" , a sizable donation judging by the scope of work needed. email at the bottom http://doj.nh.gov/charitable-trusts/index.htm
  2. Thanks Scott , picked up some new ideas
  3. Double check you have the Layout Window as your main window (or only window) in Chief before you do a "Backup Plan + All Referenced Files" , not the Plan ( or 3D view) Window and see if that works..... then put/copy the Backup folder onto OneDrive or Dropbox or similar. If you do the backup from the plan window it will NOT save the Layout even with the "Backup Plan + All Referenced Files" option checked .....not sure if that is a bug or not ? but easy for someone to think that ALL FILES would be backed up no matter which window is open from the DBX checkbox options. M.
  4. Thanks for clarifying Joe , I didn't want to put anyone wrong, making symbols is pretty new to me. M.
  5. you could try WinXP compatibility mode in win7 and see if it works. M.
  6. I am new to this Tip Joe so you might want double check me, maybe my box symbol was made wrong? , I liked your idea of the box rather than plant so tried it but found the same issue as Maureen so switched back to my (Perry's Plant) other Plan Note symbol . M.
  7. I have always used Soffits for glass showers , are there advantages to using the Partition instead ? I haven't looked into Material Regions yet btw.
  8. if you use Perry's Plant method , not Joe's 1/8" box symbol Method , it stays checked , I switched back for that reason. M.
  9. once installed you will see Resize Pictures on the right click Menu (after selecting one photo/icon or many) then the App will open and give you all the options, for this use the Custom setting and make it 32x32 or what ever size is needed . ( I think they are 128x128 now) M.
  10. I have been using Image Resizer for years since this guy made it when the Powertoy disappeared with XP , currently using 2.1 but he has a Ver.3 preview out too. I use it to quickly resize multiple photos to email clients and family as needed , it works on these too ( tested) but not sure how they will print. warning : copy the icons you want to another (resize) folder so you don't accidently alter the originals . https://imageresizer.codeplex.com/releases/view/82827
  11. All good Jim was just looking at what/how you did it , the above helps. I did not get bad polyline messages , but there is a lot of weird 3d polylines where the stairwell roof meets the Garage apartment wall at the top in the original plan I was just playing with to fix the stucco. I had deleted 2-3 by this stage
  12. Probably haven't finished yet Rich with bigger "fish to fry" 1st but the roof over your stairwell upto that space needs some work too.
  13. did you get the new bonus library with lattice and wire mesh http://3dlibrary.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?r=site/detail/961
  14. Jon is right Sketchup Pro was installed after Chief and has over written the file associations, have a look at this KB article Bob http://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-01131/ you could also try this Start>Control Panel>Programs and Features>scroll down to Chief X7 , select it with a Right Click and Choose Repair , this should update Chief install as if it was a new install , and you should be asked to re-associate .layouts with Chief. ( as well as anything else needed)
  15. for those of you who missed it X7 Full (V17.1.0.51) has been released and is in your Locker https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?/topic/4205-x7-news/ or direct here http://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/updates.html
  16. Did you try the Auto Floating Dormer Tool ? or just the Auto Dormer Tool ?
  17. I had a quick play and although it shows the Jamb as spec'd in the DBX in plan view I noticed in 3D it is still a single 12" wide jamb , rather than what I am assuming will be a 6" jamb and 3" ext. jambs each side. quick and dirty solution would be , choose "swings both ways" and the Door will move to centre , you can then hide the double swing with a cad box with the fill and line type set to the background color. Though I am uncertain why you would want the door setup like that ITRW , as it will only open 90° ,as it will hit the wall , and it would also make the opening narrower , as it wont swing out of the way , which maybe important in an ADA setting?
  18. Yes Alan , Joe's Right Click on the desktop Icon> Open works too, but for me the 2nd instance opened behind the X7 already running this time but you can see it on the Taskbar that there are two Chief Icons ,so you can bring it to the front, move to 2nd screen etc.
  19. I just tried it and had to dbl click the desktop icon a second time to get it to start , nothing happened 1st time around ...maybe I wasn't patient enough?, but it starts directly on top of the 1st instance so perhaps you missed that if at full screen like I was ? M.
  20. Alan ,you have to hold down the CTRL Key when you try to start the 2nd instance of Chief to get past that error message. M.
  21. Time to start your own Channel on Youtube too I like the SnagIt Video's too, good resolution etc so you can see what is going on , it helps that you move the mouse at real world speed not at Warp plus the speed of sound too Thanks again. M.
  22. I got it setup thanks Perry , the sequential numbering had me fooled till I realised you need to change the label ( from new note) as you place them, so the next one places with the next no#. I copied the Dutch Hyacinth to my User Library and renamed it PLAN NOTE And I learnt there is a Place Default Item from Library Button which is now assigned to the PLAN NOTE made above. Looks like you zipped that plan while it was open P. it is an empty zipfile Thanks again. M.
  23. Thanks Perry , works like I assumed it would , just need to make the invisible Plant symbol I guess to make it work M.
  24. it sounds like the "show drawing Sheet" checkbox is off by default in X7 but on in X6 perhaps? you didn't attach your image above , so just a guess.
  25. Even though both were open Bob if you had the Plan as Chief's focus window not the Layout , it would not have backed up the Layouts if I understand Doug's comment correctly since the Plan is not aware of the Layout File. It would not mean the layouts still aren't there they just aren't on Dropbox... M