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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. What probably isn't obvious in my plan was that I broke the edge of the landing (break line tool) about 2" around the corner where the stair went to upstairs as the landing edge must be the same width as the connecting stair to connect , which is probably why yours isn't connecting automagically. M. I thought the Stair Tools in all versions were the same actually , so not sure why Chief was easier for you.
  2. I had the copy / paste crash over the weekend too and I have OS and Chief on C:\ (SSD) Chief Data Folder is in My Documents as usual but under Win7 I have moved all my Libraries off C:\ to D: and E:\ etc Have you checked D:\ Drive Mark ? as in the HD maybe going bad perhaps
  3. yep looks good , its not easy in Chief either , we just have more practice , and we're ALL hoping CA does something about the Stairs in the Next version too. M.
  4. Point him to this Harp http://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00516/
  5. Hi Joe , thx for the Macro , I am seeing the same problem (whatever it is) as Richard. The 1" frame around the library items is just the metal Flange of the Vent ie the 16x6 Vent actually vents a hole 14"x4" , though CA is reporting the Vent as 16x6 ,and even reports the RO at that size. (unless I am misunderstanding something?) M.
  6. The Library Foundation Vents are a mess - their auto labels report the wrong size, at least to me, report it all in inches the 14x4 reports as 1406VT in the schedule so 1'4"x6" , which is wrong anyway it's symbol size - the 14x6 vent should size at 16x8 with the 1" frame around them , same as the 14x4 sizes at 16x6 - they seem to calculate the opening from the symbol size not the opening size ie they calculate the 1" frame of the vent so 16x6 on a 14x4 vent opening (even if you change the opening for the symbol) - RO is listed as 16x6 too on the 14x4 - the Library Vents "find" the wall surface in whatever wall you place them and fixes there, hence when you slide a foundation wall vent up it cuts a hole in the siding and plywood - not sure why they default to 74" above the floor ? - they auto add Headers ...cos they are " special windows" - as Richard said they make the floor plan ugly with cutouts in all the walls that look like windows (confusing)-- the pony wall appears to be the only way around it
  7. Yes as Jared said, as long as both are the same version (X7-Pro 2016) and the Chief file is saved with the Defaults>Plan> Allow Editing in Home Designer Products checkbox marked.
  8. if you don't want to make your own with the KB Guide http://www.homedesignersoftware.com/support/article/KB-00439/261/Home-Designer/CAD/Creating-a-Cross-Section-Detail-in-Home-Designer-Pro.html I would suggest googling for Standard CAD PDF Details from your State/City and using them perhaps , something like these ones: Standard Cad Details_2012_Ont.pdf
  9. I think the wrap option was new in X6 wasn't it? I haven't tried this in a while so I didn't realise it worked inside too now , but had a play around and all the angles are a pain but it works, though for some reason the second flight of stairs going to the 2nd floor, keeps getting knocked sideways by the wall underneath them as it tries for the ceiling , even after cutting the wall down in elevation it kept bumping sideways. here is my play plan Eric , hope it helps.... the stairs are locked in display options so they can't be alter accidently , just unlock when needed. Stair Landing Plan.plan
  10. Not too difficult but , couple of tricks you may not be aware of if you are new will help , auto roofs is off so your front gable just hadn't built after you set it on the Wall to full gable. - Don't set you room heights till after you get the Roof Correct in this case, then turn off auto roofs and set your rooms back to 10' as needed. - use invisible walls to force the roof to build where you don't actually have walls ...eg use 3 walls at the back ot help build that hip roof and add a wall across the front entry to force that roof to build straight. M. your fixed plan. Final House.plan
  11. Jing is free Michael and pretty easy to use , comes with 2GB account so plenty for this kind of thing. Download https://www.techsmith.com/jing.html FAQ's https://www.techsmith.com/tutorial-jing.html
  12. Did you turn on the 'Z' layer Scott as Yusef "hinted" in his post when looking at his plan? he is using Ramps...
  13. you could possibly stack and shape Landings to do it but I am unsure if that's possible in HDA ? landings yes but not sure if you have custom landings under the stair tool ? if yes , stack 7-8 boxes on top of each other and size and shape as needed http://www.homedesignersoftware.com/support/article/KB-00870/71/Home-Designer/Stairs/Creating-a-Stair-Landing.html hometalk https://hometalk.chiefarchitect.com/
  14. try reposting at Home Talk which is for the HD Series Titles as not many here will have Pro and be able to test it , or contact CS on Monday here https://www.homedesignersoftware.com/support/#contact HomeTalk https://hometalk.chiefarchitect.com/
  15. I'm no expert either but one way is to make a copy of the Dal Tile Library item to your User Library , Rename it with XXX_Brick Pattern or ? then right click and open it , on the Pattern Tab set the Pattern Source to BRICK which will work for the Vector Views For Standard views you actually need a pic of the Tile in Brick Pattern AFAIK, so I had a quick ( very rough) play in MS Paint so you can see what to do or use this if it good enough. (save it to your textures folder.) You can't change the grout line in CA ,so it is actually a background I put down 1st in Paint, then added the 16 Tiles images over it with a small gap and then cropped it. on the Texture Tab in the same DBX above , you need to set the Scale to 72" and 72" (4Tiles x 4Tiles) for my Texture above. and in the Source texture box...... browse to the saved pic above ( or one you've made) and hit ok . Hit ok to close DBX , and apply to floor. and you should hopefully see this or easier since I already have it now ,download the calibz and install normally , though with some patience I'm sure you could make a better texture **edit I made the pic above smaller and cleaned up the grout lines a bit so this one might look a bit better. Dal Truffle SD93 Brick Pattern 2.calibz
  16. You asked about Hardi Plank ( like Siding), not Hardi Panel , same material , different Product though, you are right about CertainTeed's panels , they are not true Panels. I have already asked in the Suggestions Forum for a True Hardi Library , so . you could add your vote for that there https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?/topic/3529-add-a-james-hardi-panel-and-plank-library-please/?hl=hardi I actually did my last one the opposite way around, I made the wall black/brown ( colour of the Reveal ) and then made 4'x8'x5/16 thick material regions the colour I wanted, and multiple copied them at 48 3/4" (vertical panels) across the wall, though there maybe reasons for not doing it that way ? ( panels spec'd NOT to cut wall surface) similar to this
  17. Boxon , do you mean Hardi Panel , as this thread is about or HardiPlank per your post? because there is the CertainTeed Library that has Fiber Cement Plank and some panels in it. some of the Hardi Colours Hardi Colours.zip M.
  18. Kbird1

    Roof Help

    No , he means the Break line tool on the Edit tool bar , looks a bit like a Z with a line thru it.
  19. It would be best to Ask over on Hometalk as Pro does not have the Features of Chief Architect and it's always a good idea to post the plan so people can have a look for you. https://hometalk.chiefarchitect.com/ this might help too, lots of articles in the Hometalk KB http://homedesigner.chiefarchitect.com/support/category/52/0/10/Home-Designer/Roofs/
  20. It would be best to Ask over on Hometalk as Suite does not have the Features of Chief Architect and it's always a good idea to post the plan so people can have a look for you. https://hometalk.chiefarchitect.com/ this might help http://homedesigner.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00718/30/Home-Designer/Foundations/Modeling-a-Sloping-Terrain-for-a-Walk-out-Basement-.html Other Terrain KB Articles http://homedesigner.chiefarchitect.com/support/category/72/0/10/Home-Designer/Terrain/
  21. Have to agree with the Other's ....Impressive house I got the same broken wall as Dennis...looks like the "Room" is trying to get inside the wall pulled the wall back and forward's a few times and it sorted itself out , but other than that all looks well. edit: on the main floor the thick arched walls at 50110 and 56110 ,are ever so misaligned , 1/4" ? that I see in the wall paper mostly at 50110.
  22. I think most people are going to say ...post the Plan, you can't find it and you have the plan so playing the guessing game is essentially a waste of time for everyone. M.
  23. I think P. has confused the issue by asking about Square Footage when he really is asking how to set up his Temp. dimensions , or maybe it's me that's confused again.... You may need to change your Dimension setting too as NCC pointed out, "In the wall type definitions, you can specify what layer the dimension attaches to" as exteriors walls usually dimension to the exterior of the framing not the inside of the wall/drywall
  24. At those prices I'd put them on 16" OC ( 2 extra?) to help eliminate ripples etc especially in the drywall (if you have it) and put a stud under each one even with the double top plate , this will also allow for straighter walls , if going with Fiber cement Panels as you suggested I usually use a double stud at each sheet joint too to give better nailing at the edges. (sheets Vertical) M.
  25. A bug I guess cos CA divides the height evenly in each section ,perhaps make the top curved part separate ? ie 3 rectangular windows with a arched transom above?