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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. do a "save as" of your plan and make a copy and delete out anything we don't need to look at like fixtures and furniture etc. M.
  2. Hi Curt , was hoping you would see this post , you seem to have trusses figured out , did you edit the truss in elevation to get the Cantilever shape or are those "Auto" trusses , and I am missing a setting or two somewhere. Thx. M.
  3. Post 1: AFAIK Max Separation = Max Span but I have not used this often as not common here but you are talking about two different things here , Posts under Beams and Foundations using grade beams and Piers. Post 2: The Top of the Post Footing defaults to the Setting in the Post Defaults in the Building Framing DBX and the default is usually (Zero) 0" above Floor though the setting can also be negative if needed , if there is no "floor" I think it defaults to the top of the Footing , so to raise it up just put a + value in the height above floor box for Post Footings. M.
  4. I find I am in and out of here often depending on what I am doing and what I need "located" note that if you draw a manual Dim. you won't get a Temp. Dim in the same location or nearby , it has been suggested to change this behaviour to always on BTW. M.
  5. The Student program also Watermarks everything I believe , not sure if it has other limitation as the Trial version Does.
  6. I decided to try the S3+ Pen too , ordered it yest. (on Points) rather than the Pro which felt a little to large/weighty for tablet use, which I think will be it's primary use since I have my Desktop + 3 monitor setup, but am hoping to use it Onsite, for Measures etc too and possibly output to TV if needed at Client's, won't be quick but should be useable I hope. M.
  7. For Concept Work I would think you could use HD Pro for most of it , then if you go to Construction Phase you could always upgrade to Chief then, the $500 for Pro is refunded /rebated against the Chief Upgrade purchase so you would lose nothing.
  8. the cheap software way ,might work for this too since you don't like Scott's "extra floor " method. http://www.homedesignersoftware.com/support/article/KB-00878/
  9. I was just reading about this yesterday , there is some info on pages 396-397 on how door window/combos are treated in "Displaying Mulled Units".
  10. When you select the Bay , do it by clicking ON the window you want to modify, then hit Tab and the selection should shift to the window itself , then you can open it to alter it's size , casings etc etc as normal. M.
  11. that was my thought too though I can't see it but that looks like the spot the gable would start up so need to be broken ,btw that small roof plane appears to be badly formed (double lines).
  12. Mary , you should repost this over in the Q&A Forum (link below)and provide pics of the issues you have too perhaps and the .Plan File , this Forum is for people Seeking Help and willing to pay for it, which I assume you don't need ? though I am unsure how many would still have X2. Mick. Q&A https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?/forum/7-general-q-a/
  13. there have been a few posts in the last month on doing area calcs and Joe and Richard have provided macros that might help. here are a couple but do a search on Area Calculations on All forums like this https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?app=core&module=search&do=search&fromMainBar=1 two good ones https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?/topic/4980-use-psolids-for-areas-with-macros/?hl=%2Barea+%2Bmacros https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?/topic/5338-area-calculation-diagram-video-tutorial/?hl=%2Barea+%2Bmacros
  14. so removing the roof plane and then placing the window doesn't work either ? you will likely get a faster answer if you post the plan so others can look at it. M.
  15. Yes changing the Pattern , doesn't change the Texture which is what you see in 3D views , you can change the Texture size , it works for some but not all as you need to change the Texture too probably in a program like Paint or Photoshop as a lot of tile comes with premade grout lines etc and if the texture was Stacked you cant change it to Brick pattern that easily. you can find a tile texture in the library that is what you want size wise and try changing the material with the material painter perhaps. Dal Tile library was update on Monday and there is a Bonus tile library too. M.
  16. Add it in the Suggestions Forum you will likely get some +1's from others.
  17. best to post the plan or at least a test plan
  18. 1.42 calories... if that were the case CA could sell Chief as exercise Software and I'd be thin as a Rail with all these DBX's
  19. Switch to is on the Configuration Tab if you have it ? if not there, try Edit >Preferences>Reset Options>Reset Side Windows hit ok and restart the Program HomeTalk is over here BTW ..same User ID and Password https://hometalk.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?/forum/5-qa/ M.
  20. if none of the above work try holding the Ctrl Key after the 1st error message , Chief will then allow 2 sessions to Run.
  21. there is a video on creating wall legends , it might get you started........ http://video.chiefarchitect.com/?search=wall+legend
  22. Nice idea , this reminded me that I have always wished you could enter the skylight's width and Length in the DBX too , not just the frame height and width.
  23. check you have textures toggled on in the other views , if that isn't it posting pics of the issue will help get you an answer...
  24. I think in Chief it is normally Off? , there is a setting in the Render Panel I think to "Zoom Using Field of View" but I find it too disorientating at times, so have it off usually.
  25. wouldn't the transom above that window have the Header ? there is no framing above that Window