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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Noticed that myself recently so used one of the other methods... M.
  2. In following along in your instructions in #16 I basically found what you did ...should of read more 1st as Joe cleared it up some and so did you... I guess you attached the wrong layout file in the zip ...... cos on A6 in mine is a Roof Plan (it is the file Oest.Large Plan.layout) but never mind I guess, just wanted to make sure you were using the Right Layout as usually the layout name matches the Plan Name , which is Oest.Plans. Good luck. M. EDIT: in the layout I have page 7 (A6) and Page 8 are labelled (A6) though neither has a window schedule on it. there are also 2 sheets labelled A5 (pages 5 and 6)
  3. There are no schedules in the layout that I can find ...what page are they supposed to be On ? You did send the Schedules from the Cad Detail to Layout right ? or did you think this was automatic? the ADLO says there are no Schedules too? There are two other plans linked in this layout too.... which aren't in your zip file so I'm seeing errors on that. I am also getting a warning about missing LayerSets when open the plan and layout up... M.
  4. I think Graeme is right , are you in Plot Plan annotation in X7 and 1/4" annotations in X6 ? (both say "active defaults") M.
  5. make sure to hit the Attach button in the More Reply Options Area to attach the file after you have selected it. And make sure Plan is not open in CA or it wont attach either. M.
  6. Been following this thread , as I use Schedules in CAD Details too.... so good to see this is an error somehow, ( not good for RG) as I thought that was the default behaviour , so I hope it gets sorted out, please update the thread , if you get it fixed thanks.. M.
  7. I have been running into this for a while too, and am no Expert but usually find it is because the Original material in SU is not a "True" material as we know it in CA , it is usually a jpg applied to the surface (face) of the SU Model (I have seen this a number of times on Furniture eg the KARE Brand) and there are several posts on this over on HT where I help out too about it. https://hometalk.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?/topic/698-importing-symbols-an-experiment/#entry3819 In this particular case I used the Material Def. Tool with the Global Symbol Mapping setting for the Material worked for me , ( a Coronado Stone material) though the Stretch to Fit option works too, it obviously changes the scale of the applied material which is what I think the default Eye Dropper Method used. (uses?) Edit: I tried the eyedropper/spraycan tool too and each time I had to use the Rainbow tool to Set Global Symbol afterwards on this Fireplace.
  8. I watched a video on this type of covered walkway a while back and they used Mark's method of the Angled/Parallel baseline can't quite remember whether here or ChiefExperts or ??? sorry.
  9. My guess would be once mulled you can't change the Stacking , but un-Mulling , restacking and re-Mulling may work ? or if the "Bad Window" is the same Unit as the "good window" delete bad and copy and paste a new good one. M.
  10. Thanks Joey ! Good Tip especially if you aren't Sure with the view settings how it will look.... *** Note for others....Not sure if my internet or Jing but I had to try 3-4 times before the video finally loaded for me.
  11. Haven't heard of that trick , can you elaborate a bit Joey M.
  12. Yes I have seen this , and it's what I was meaning above about sending at the right Scale to begin with.
  13. Nick, you know better ........ post the Plan... sorry no idea from your PDF's
  14. Looks like you did great , he should be very happy , hope you get your cut of the commission
  15. Hi Curt , quiet around here today , wonder why Yeah I posted in that thread 1st then thought I had better not hijack that thread and start my own , as Dermot's answer doesn't really help me , as I thought I had already started with this Project's Plan with a Metric Template .The Help System was no help , the link to the CA help site from the Error Message , had nothing in it. M.
  16. The New Hillside contemporary Plan in the Samples Gallery maybe helpful to you Johnny , it also comes with a Raytracing Tips Sheet and some new Materials in the Zip. http://www.chiefarchitect.com/products/samples.html File Link https://ds3vvyqfhyred.cloudfront.net/1/downloads/plans/hillside-contemporary.zip
  17. A Point to Point Dimension Works either Floor to ceiling and dragged out or better...... use a Call Out and Dimension to that Level Line. Have a look at Joey Martin's Award winning Plan Set for Ideas on how to do stuff https://ds3vvyqfhyred.cloudfront.net/1/pdf/plan-sets/aibd-working-drawing-joey-martin.pdf Some of the Sample Plans Like the Dalton also come with a Layout Final , so another good way to checkout how things are done in CA http://www.chiefarchitect.com/products/samples.html
  18. Hi , thought this might be better in it's own topic..... Is there a way to determine what "system" a plan or Layout originally started as ? although I am in a Metric plan ( I think ) when I send to Layout the Scale is is always in Imperial , and when I tried to save the Layout to use as my future Metric Layout Template , it tells me the System is Imperial ( and won't save it), so I am not sure what I have done or if it is fixable? thx.
  19. Are you sending at the right Scale ? You can Toggle Patterns on and off on the RH side Toolbar or on the 3D menu , I also find toggling Off colour can help too , same Toolbar ..at least for me. M.
  20. I usually use D&D to test an object from 3DWH , as it doesn't add it to the library etc , then I just delete it if textures , size etc are messed up ,especially these day when a lot of objects don't have real textures , instead they have a pic laid on the surface of the block CA doesn't handle these well. I usually then do the full import , if I plan to keep and reuse it , but didn't realise if you D&D'd it was auto a Fixture
  21. the exterior window sill is missing David on B, I did not look inside , but found the same thing as Dennis , unfortunately it seems you can't block/mull all 5 windows.. M.
  22. Is there a way to determine what "system" a plan or Layout originally started as ? although I am in a Metric plan ( I think ) when I send to Layout the Scale is is always in Imperial , and when I tried to save the Layout to use as my future Metric Layout Template , it tells me the System is Imperial , so not sure what I have done or if it is fixable? thx.
  23. Not all symbols are well made but as a general rule yes in .skp or .dae file types , using the import menu or drag and drop in the CA Window.
  24. It sounds like you are Opening a New Plan each time you open CA ? then yes you have lost your new Default Inch Dims, as Defaults are Plan specific and as mentioned above if you use the New Plan Button , it will open the Default Plan in CA called Profile.Plan and revert you to CA's OOB (Out Of the Box) Settings. So you can either Save the plan you are working in after changing the Dim Setting to inches and open it, not a New Plan next time in CA , or Open Profile.Plan and Change it there , so each time you hit the New Plan button it will be Inches by default already. All of Us who have used CA a While have a "Template Plan" with all our favourite settings in it already and we set it up to open from the New Button instead of the Default Profile Plan CA provides ,which you can do too, like this..... Open a new plan , change the Dim Setting to Inches ( and any other default you want and then do a Save as Template , and it will ask if you want the new plan as your default Template for imperials plans from now on (yes) , so that when you use the New button from now on it will always be setup how you want.
  25. Yep welcome Aboard ... A New User posted last week too, so this might help you too https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?/topic/6286-new-user-what-should-i-focus-on-first/ Great group here , but get the Reference Manual on the Help Menu and User Guide Tutorial (and Read it ) , make use of the Knowledgebase (KB) Tutorials , http://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/database.html and the Getting started Page here http://www.chiefarchitect.com/getting-started/ and feel free to ask questions here anytime... Mick.