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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Hi D1 , its always good to checkout the KB (KnowledgeBase FAQ) for stuff like this and see if there is a Tutorial.... this one might help ? https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00295/creating-a-flat-parapet-roof.html
  2. Are you going to the Dark Side Obiwan? I have the same computer as you but with 12GB of Ram but have built the X99 6 core system in my sig. and am slowly moving everything over to it... Maybe just me but the Library always seem horrendously slow to me , so I have turned off Standard View for it and , enable it for an item if needed. M.
  3. I always forget that trick ....thanks for the reminder....
  4. @ Rene and Graham , I PM'd Kirk to move the "Maps" posts above to the new thread , so if you both agree he will move posts Hi Kirk , the "Maps" posts, that we made are muddying the Waters of the RT Thread with talk of "Maps" , so it was agreed by myself and Rene not to continue the discussion there (posts #69 and 70) , so the posts needing moving would be 57 60,61,61,64,65,66,67. Mick.
  5. Holy , that looks really nice , much appreciated , thanks a lot Rene. Mick.
  6. Kirk Clemons of Chief Architect has also Created a Tutorial for those willing to try making there own it is here: https://kcclemo.neocities.org/creating-height-and-normal-maps/ Chief Architect also has a KB Tutorial on how to Apply Maps here: https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-01807/using-bump-maps-to-make-realistic-water-effects.html And hopefully Kirk doesn't mind I made a PDF of his Tutorial too... you'll still need the Internet for the Online Map Mapper and GIMP - an Image Editing Program. Creating Height Maps and Normal Maps.pdf
  7. Thanks Rene , I am assuming you need the 4x16 Tile Material I made by altering the std Chief "White Tile" ? the Grout lines are bigger than I'd like, but that is the best I can personally do. calibz added White Tile - Subway 4x16.calibz
  8. Good Idea I think, sorry ...a thread on Bump and Normal Maps , Perhaps Kirk can move those Posts , so others will find them , especially his link to the Tutorial M.
  9. Hi , it is because your Exterior Wall is only 2 9/16 thick , not sure why?, I changed it to Wall-type Siding 4-2 and the Tile fixed itself right up. you also have a broken wall connection at the RH wall niche... in plan view drag and snap the RH end of the interior yellow wall over to the right and it should "heal" the break too.
  10. Thanks for doing that, looks interesting.... I was not aware of Neocities till now ....I used to have a Geocities Account years ago.... so the name is strangly familiar.
  11. Oh..thanks Kirk I'll have a look into it , but ATM , it maybe a little out of my league going on Rene's explanation above. who are you doing tutorials for over there?
  12. Still it shows what is possible ......with some Talent , it's looking great. M.
  13. Thanks Rene , I grabbed your White Tile ones too from the other Thread too. Is that easy to do ? I made the Default White Tile into a 4x16 for a Current Client and it would look better with a Map I am sure.
  14. Thanks Graham , good info , I would not have figured that out , I'll give it another go...
  15. You Google Drive Link works Chris , but you really need someone like Rene to look at it , I am no expert on Exporting Chief Files sorry.... M.
  16. If they moved the File off the Desktop it would no longer be on the Desktop to Click on to re-open it , but I am curious to know after saving to the desktop , what you are "dragging" it to? A shortcut to your External drive ? into an Explorer Window , open to the External Drive? ok I see you are on a Mac now ...so things maybe a bit different...
  17. M2 is not "The Motherboard" but a type of Port on most newer MB's these days , in addition to the Standard 6GB SATA3 ports, it is actually m.2. but I am not that familiar with AMD Chips anymore , though have heard the new AMD Ryzen Chips are good value for money , so a board for them with M2 (m.2) would be something like this one from ASUS. but all Makers have them. https://www.asus.com/us/ROG-Republic-Of-Gamers/ROG-STRIX-B350-F-GAMING/ There is also a U.2 Port some of which are switchable from M.2 to U.2 , just make sure whatever drive you get is "bootable" if going with m.2 on the Board chosen, some have had issues with Booting windows off there new m.2 Drives. there is a bit more about m.2 here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M.2 M.
  18. Thanks for the advice.....No Shadows as such yet, just a few of the recessed cans along both walls are on to help brighten them up a bit, I think I need to turn down the light intensity (from 50) and turn on a few more lights and Shadows as you say. The wall colours etc I just change to something a bit closer to my Personal preferences along with the Custom Countertop, and I changed the Truss's materials "roughness" to try and add a bit of "Texture" or Grain, as they looked a bit boring and uninspiring to me, and they should feature more in my way of thinking. I did try the group selection of lighting thing last weekend and that was when I stared getting those light cones on the walls from only about 1/2 the lights , so I went back through and adjusted each one individually , before turning them off and following your Other Images Settings for All Lights Off. M.
  19. Macrium Reflect Free will Clone the HD to SSD when you get it and also allow you to Schedule daily/weekly etc backup Images to the OLD 2TB HD for Backup. It works well and is free , I usua it regualarly especially if I know Win10 is about togt a Major update incase it goes sideways. just make sure you make the Rescue CD and update it each new version ( I used a CDRW for this) as if you don't have the disk the back up Images will be useless to you. And yes , as Chopsaw said, consider an M2 Drive , if getting a new MB or Computer, they are about 3-4 times faster than a Sata SSD. (2000 vs 500-550mb/sec) M.
  20. Thanks Joe , good Tip , that would not of occurred to me... M.
  21. Hi Graham , I haven't been able to check out the thread and Practice my RT for a day or two, but as Mike said those look amazing .... I tried changing backgrounds etc in my plan and adjusting the Exterior lighting but I still wasn't happy about that part of mine, so hopefully you'll post a bit more info on what you are doing for Sunlight , on Interior RT's now too. I made some new Material Colours based on your Reply to Mark about the Arctic White colour, for Cabinets you said to set it to General, and Add some Reflection, Specular and Roughness ...but I don't see a Reflection Option under General ? It turns out what I thought were Puck Lights either side of the Stove causing large light domes in RT , was actually 2 User placed 3D lights Chief had pointing directly at the Wall , if I read the Manual correctly , on how they work all the different light Angles....no idea why they use the "horizon" as a reference for that sort of thing?... perhaps that's a 3D Artist's Concept? The Light Flare on the Doors I was getting, was caused by the Round Door Handles , I changed it to a Lever Handle and it disappeared I turned about 1/2 the lights back on and changed a few materials and their definitions and am happy to say the RT is running in 3.24 for 10 passes using 8 of 12 Cores on my 5820K. (20 passes is almost exactly double that time) . Still doesn't look like your efforts but is way nicer , and way faster than before , so thanks again for your Efforts in this Thread. Thanks again... M.
  22. Use Google Drive Or OneDrive and post the Public Link to it , so others can download and look at it. M.
  23. Try the 3D Warehouse Fred, Chief and the HD Products can import many Sketchup Files , you may even find the items you are looking for.. https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/?hl=en
  24. I got a Samsung 850 128GB originally then a 256GB 2 yrs ago and now wish I had gotten the 500GB , so I can install everything too it and just use my 2TB HD as a Data Drive for backups only. There was issues with Undo and Temp folders a few Years ago , not being on C:\ (SSD) so I made directories in the Root of C:\ Drive as seen below , My Documents and thus Data Folder are on the HD as it is currently 44gb on its own....( needs a big clean out :)) KB
  25. It's possible your 2TB HD is on it's way out, and stalling (micro stutters) while "seeking" ...they are Cheap these days.... buy another like the WD RED 2TB Drive ( a Black is faster if you have the Budget) and Clone your drive ASAP in case it fails , Then RMA the Refurb Drive, if Possible and use it to Mirror (backup) the new Drive when the RMA comes back assuming you still have Warranty. I good Samsung 850 SSD in 256 or 500GB should suit your needs for installing Win10 and your Programs and should be Compatible with that older MB. and give you a nice Speed boost over all. They have found a bug in the other slowness thread , though I don't think it is related to your issue , but just in case see post 20 here KB