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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Server Issues would be my guess.... tryagain tomorrow? hopefully you aren't paying by the MB.....
  2. Most terrain walls allow a Fence to be built on top of it ( then convert to your Railing type) as long as you don't let the Fence touch the Ground anywhere it will stay on the Terrain retaining wall and won't "Fall Off" but it is definitely finicky. as you can see step terrain is selected to make Fence stay on topof the wall and there must be a step in the wall. (Follow terrain made it worse) Sure would be easier to drag out a EXTERIOR railing as Johnny pointed out.... ie no room def. needed like with a Deck https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-01003/adding-fencing-to-stone-walls.html M.
  3. Thanks Rene , another nice render too . M.
  4. Lew is right every 10-14 days CA needs to "talk" to the activation Server , I have run into this issue myself while working out of Town with no wifi or Internet service , though I think these days you can log in to your Digital Locker via Smart Phone and do it there if you have cell service? M.
  5. Don't ask how I know this ..........Only other folder that holds .plan files is the Undo Folder ie .undoplan files , but if you change the extension to .plan, CA won't open it giving an error about a bad Header file ...if you have some files in there? maybe tech support can tell you how to open one or they can fix the "bad header" for you.
  6. Use your Google Fu.....there are a number Online provided for Designers and from Designers for Clients too... a company called bygmiester used to have one too eg http://www.woodstock-mountain-homes.com/House Checklist.pdf a company called Byggmiester used to have one too for download and Designersink , they use CA too.
  7. Thx Glenn ...I never considered Elevation as an issue either .....That is a Bug and need to be reported then , as Decks by Code can't be at the same level as the Floor , at least around here , same for Patios etc , due to Water infiltration. M.
  8. Dan's advise is my best guess , I have the 970 too , but am trying a 980ti this week but had not noticed any issues . Safe mode does not use Nvidia Drivrs just a basic Std VGA Adaptor Driver provided by M$soft , so you won't have 3D options there.... you didn't say if indoor plants , exterior, 2D or 3D ...are they from a particular Library? have you updated your Core and Library items since Upgrading to X9? M.
  9. Just curious why you would need to show the 1" ? a specific requirement? It is a pity Auto Exterior Dims , can't be set to use any Layer in the Wall Def. independent of the Wall Def. setting. Maybe add it as a Suggestion , in that Forum..... the 1"would be a typical and a known thickness by all ( and shown in the Details) , as a Contractor I know I'd never look at it, as it's a known...., but the City may want Overall sizes? which is where I'd set the Auto Exterior Dims to measure Surfaces as Dermot said for overall building size , and then set your other Dimensions to the Stud (via wall def) and use a Running Manual Dimension , to show Framing / Foundation size line for the Framing and Foundations Crews so there are no Errors in Layout. M. .
  10. I guess WE need GlennW to pop in here M.
  11. try the open no material at 5" instead of 10" anything? is one plan an old version eg X7 and the other X9 anything like that? I guess I should of asked what trick your'e using and which way around the Layers should go , I'm normally forcing the post out to be fascia mounted , so likely the opposite of what you are trying to do.
  12. I think you missed my point in the Pics Steve..... your Template plan has an outer layer of 5" and an iner layer of 3 1/2" (Fir Stud.) your simple Deck Plan has those two layer reversed with the Fir Stud on the exterior at 5 1/2" and the Opening as the inner layer at 6" If I match the Simple Plans Wall's layers to your Template settings , the walls "move" and look like your Template plan. ( once you close the DBX) click on opening Material > move up and then change the two thickness was all I did... still looks slightly different but I did nt check the other settings like Auto Rail width.
  13. Hi Steve.... looks like you have been playing with your wall definitions, as you have two different wall types defined and the layers are reversed and different widths between your two plans...
  14. Read the Online Reviews Ross , and use their Settings as OOB , the Colour Etc is not great. eg gamma is too high...set it at 1. and don't use the Presets just set it up in User Mode. Also for me I had to set the DisplayPort in the Monitor Menu to use DP 1.2 to get it to work properly TFTCentral always has good reviews worth reading .... http://www.tftcentral.co.uk/reviews/benq_bl3200pt.htm
  15. Yes I am happy with mine too, set up in USER Mode for Colour Temps/Gamma etc and it looks nice. I then use DisplayCal (free prog) to Calibrate it with my i1 Display 2 light Meter. (puck) https://displaycal.net/ M.
  16. I am not sure why it happens sometimes, perhaps the default window type ? and as you can see Eric was having issues making the Window look right too in the other thread, ( he didn't reply , so maybe it wasn't a fix for him after all ? ) so I just leave it set small 1/8-1/2" nowadays , so I don't have issues when Mulling , been doing this way for a few years and it's in my Template Plan, so perhaps in X9 that is no longer needed?. If I know I am going to need framing between Windows I set it back to 4" ( 2 studs plus RO space) while placing the Windows and then switch it back before Mulling if needed.
  17. One problem you may encounter is that unless you set the Default window separation to 1/8" you can't shove the windows close enough together to make it look like that , as the CA default is 3" (2x a Stud). Once shoved together , you can select both , then on the Toolbar use the Mull Icon to join them . You can then save the Unit to your Library for Future Use. I have this changed in my Template Plan nowadays so I don't need to reset it every Project..... Something similar was asked here :
  18. Yes definitely Interested ............ another really nice Image Graham, and preferable to the Default CA look I think... I tried your Settings on Jintu's "Battle of the Renders" file just now and it looks pretty Nice as is, proving you and He know your way around CA's lighting and RT Settings.... Mick.
  19. there are two threads running currently dealing with Ray traces..... but most are not running Pano or at 2048 .... ie try 1280x720 with no point lights 15 passes in 6-8 mins ....for interiors anyway is working well with settings from Graham Korbey in the 1st link
  20. Maybe the Server was just having issues earlier as All my Browser work now.... one thought do you use a Ad Blocker? alot of videos won't play if so , you may need to add Chief's site to the exception list for it or put it on the Disabled list eg in ABPlus. in your default Browser. M.
  21. can you put a link to the Videos perhaps? and i can try it for you.... and just so you are aware , this is a User Forum , so you'd be best to contact CS tomorrow and tell them there is an issue , they may not see your report here. KB
  22. I use the BenQ 32" BL3200PT have done for 2 years , it is a great monitor , in fact I just got a 2nd with a bunch of visa Rewards Points. Color is excellent just funnily enough DON'T use the CAD/CAM mode , it is horrible colour wise, but I can post User Mode settings if you buy one. Benq has a newer Model now which is why I was able to get a 2nd at a reduced price ,but at least here , I still see it available occasionally. It is 2560x1440 or QHD resolution , I found for me that 4K meant many things were too small but that was 2 years ago and Win10 and many programs have likely updated since then. http://www.benq.com.au/product/monitor/bl3200pt/specifications/ This is the newer Full 4k model http://www.benq.com.au/product/monitor/bl3201pt found some Oz pricing ($499 lowest) if you can find one in stock... which is about the same as here https://www.staticice.com.au/cgi-bin/search.cgi?q=Benq BL3200PT&spos=5 just ran into another post , Steve-C is using the Benq with an Imac here
  23. Joe also was kind enough to post this small library of bathroom items last year? , which includes some bathroom shower walls, though I can't find it in the Symbols Forum so here it is : M. JCarrick_Bath Items.calibz
  24. No use the File Menu>Import >3D Symbol>.skp Different Chief Versions Import different .skp versions so if it can't do it downland a different version .skp file