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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Did you make the New Wall type the new Default Wall, (interior or exterior Wall) via Edit>Defaults>Walls ,>ext. or int or change the Wall-type Drawn to the New Wall type in the WallTypes Tab of the Wall's DBX? M.
  2. Yes , I think that's right as long as you don't alter the wall , then it re-inserts the default layer # text. M.
  3. You can Clean install if you use the Media Creator and make the DVD or USB Key to install it , generally it is probably better to go Clean every few years to get rid of the "gunk" but can be a bit of work..... Think I'll let it upgrade 1st and see how things go then perhaps spend the time to do a Clean install if all is well. Media Creator https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows10
  4. Hi HD , you actually want to be over on The HomeTalk (HT) Q&A Forum , this is the CA Forum for people willing to pay for help.... use you same ID and Password over there .....see ya there... https://hometalk.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?/forum/5-qa/ https://hometalk.chiefarchitect.com/ M.
  5. You are correct , if you alter the wall the Wall Layer# text comes back by default , it gets the no# from the Framing Layer in your Wall's definition , it isn't always 3. Might be 4 or 6 or whatever depending on what is outside the Framing Layer ie building paper, rainscreening , rigid insulation, sheathing, ,siding etc. If you delete the Auto text ,not the Box, just the text inside it and add the view name macro it will also stay in the view even if CA re-adds the default Wall Layer text again , it just maybe hard to see as it is under the new Wall Layer Text , pull the new Wall layer text down and you will find the one you inserted the Macro into as well.(1st pic) Joe meant for you to check the Wall Layer Text's Layer , not the Wall's Layer 3 and turn it off , see the 2nd pic below . Turn that Layer off in Layout and Assign the Textbox with the Viewname macro to a new Layer copied from the 1st one and renamed, (see 3rd pic) leave the View name Macro Text Layer on in Layout. M.
  6. Hmmm well that would not of occurred to me ....or likely anyone else I'm thinking ..... But mine is set to the Default 12 currently so I'll try 8-10 thanks once more .... I do use the Tab Key but admit I am not a great keyboarder due to a left hand injury a few years ago , but find the TAB Key will cycle thru and often miss the thing I am after so I have to try again. This is when I go click crazy but with X7 that can cause CA to freeze temporarily while it catches up with my "crazy clicking" , don't try that in the Library either , I've had it crash a couple of times now and have seen one or two other reports of the same issue. If its a resolution issue perhaps I need a 4k monitor currently using 1980 x 1080 triple screen. thanks Glenn M.
  7. I don't think the Cursor "focus" is all that accurate myself unless you zoom right in , this is one of my Pet Peeves with CA. I see it all the time for example in smaller rooms especially like Bathrooms , you try to select the Room by clicking on the floor and it gets the Room Label , so you try again and it get the cabinet, move over a bit it gets the toilet, so zoom in and try the floor in the same spot again and finally you can open the Room.... it seems even worse if your cursor Aperture is anything but zero too but maybe it just me or my Mouse ?
  8. Thx again Joe appreciate you speeding time to answer questions and "schooling" me on "best practices" with CA. Mick.
  9. Is this new , with the new cabinet DBX ? in X7, I thought I had used the Control Key in the past to push them in
  10. My Comps are all Win7 Pro too and no invites, I have the DVD Made now but not sure I want to force it if M$ doesn't think it's "ready" , My Win8.1 Surface 3 got Win 10 though....
  11. Did you try the 300" tip ? not sure if it is working or not and is only usually needed on larger terrains not one this size. I was aware of the zooming vs move in move out with the cam. but moving the cam way out , rotating the model till it looked bad (black) and then zooming back in ...it is really bad...
  12. Thanks Joe I don't have 1-3 (no Ruby skills) but was wondering why some of the "Note" Macros I made weren't available in Layout , but I guess what is done in Layout isn't sent back to the Plan View so they force you to go back to the Plan view to add it --- Which might be a better/safer way to do it I guess. Mick.
  13. ohhhhh left your plan open in another tab and it is now showing weirdness in the terrain , road, driveway turf etc , while at high angles only ,not seeing it on the house. am in Pre. Flr Overview too , Pre. Full Overview is fine so far.....
  14. So Macros need to be saved to the Default Layout (Template) as well as the Default Plan (Template) if I want to use them in both? this would explain what I am (not) seeing while in Layout. Now that I am using Macros for Annotating Plans as Perry (?) suggested it would be great to have a Folder system like the library as the whole screen will soon be full using this Tip. It would also be nice if you could set a default Macro's folder too , it always open in My Docs. thanks M.
  15. Did you delete the Wall Layer Text from the text box in the Wall detail when you added the Macro ?
  16. I think you only get shadows in Full Overview , assuming they are on in the Render Prefs. not in Floor overviews Did you try turning off Soft and Legacy shadows in the Render Prefs ? I have both off by default
  17. Went to full overview is it normal you don't show fascia.gutters soffits etc there are none.......except over front entrance
  18. All looks good here in Per. Overview so far Larry on my system ,Nvidia GFX's here. one thought all my computer got auto updated by Microsoft yesterday , you sure your Drivers are all ok ? you still on win7?
  19. this is the KBA on Z fighting.........did you change the clipping distance to 300" (default is 24") this helps if it zfighting usually http://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00107/troubleshooting-why-materials-appear-to-flicker-when-a-camera-view-is-rotated.html
  20. not sure if it's my internet or YT but I can't get the video , can you post the plan ? did you change the clipping distance to 300" (default is 24") this helps if it zfighting usually M.
  21. OK Thanks I guess that makes sense ..... do they have you writing the next manual ? you get my vote it's a shame it doesn't auto add the %viewname% to the Text box too
  22. One to add to the List to "Change Please" for the UGM
  23. Ok I was hoping someone knew where the Wall layer text box got it's info from (or why it's even there).... thx for the heads up on the Wall labelling macro , one less thing I don't need to redo manually in the PB. M.
  24. Me too P. I worked in a plan in X6 a few days ago and certain things are just "snappier" but then I really need to upgrade my MB and CPU from a i7-950
  25. Much appreciated Graeme I converted those to approx.inches ,which is -26 1/2" and -7" , under depth, and that worked great, just be sure to set the stretch planes before resizing as it doesn't work retroactively it seems. Mick.