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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. interesting ...why would they be turned off by default when you upgrade to a new version.....strange , as like Scott said if they are on the wiondows and Doors why would you EVER want them off? M.
  2. Kbird1

    Text issue

    it is in Defaults I was just looking at this after reading Dermot's comment as I didn't think I had gone in and Changed all 9-10 Defaults but I guess I did ? M.
  3. Yes sorry , not sure I was Clear last post , I work like you actually Larry .....very similar, The Space Planner with 3D Rooms or 3D Boxes idea comment was aimed at the New House Full Design Guys , but I'd like that ability too, as like Joe I sometimes "Play" with the Space Planner Tool for Quick Layouts/Ideas , I would think a 3D Space Planner was possible since with a click you can turn 2D into full Rooms , it would be a nice 2nd step to be able to 1st turn the 2D into 3D Boxes (unconnected), and the next step be "Build House" from those "Boxes" M.
  4. Okay thx, I have been trying to figure out "best practices" from all the "Gurus" here , and I know there is personal choice involved , but I am not deep enough into CA to know all it's little foibles , and tend to just "push thru and get her done" so end up with different ideas/techniques each time , so I am trying to "streamline" my practices and correct my "bad habits" of late, as I have had a little more time, to deal with the "Inner Workings" of CA. M.
  5. Your Layout can contain many Pages (15-30 is Common) and you can pre-do them , they all take the basics from Page 0 of the Layout ( title block, borders,etc) this is the Default page and is used as a Template for all the others (unless you add other templates to the Layout too) . The other Pages you can Edit the Page Info , so the Tilte Block is populate witht he Name you want etc. There is UserGuide Tutorial on this Stuff and a video too I believe. Page 0 is the only place you can change this Template stuff .... you can select any block of text and Rotate it just like any other object in Chief .... you may need to alter you Title Block though as the text would be scrunched in a vertical style text block , but if that's how you prefer it , it is pretty easy , do a Save As of your Current layout and Try it , if you prefer it then Save it as you Default Layout Template. M.
  6. I have my schedules etc in the Plan Template but was Wondering if it might be better to put General Notes in the Layout 's CAD Details or Simply make that kind of thing one of my pages in my Layout already done. M.
  7. Yes, maybe I misunderstood , making a CAD Detail in my Template wasn't the issue , I have my Schedules and Plans Notes etc in CAD Details in my Template now following advice from the Forum of Late , I wasn't sure how you were putting your things Like "Typical Details" (Wall, Foundation, Eave etc) into you CAD Details , since they aren't generated in that Template Plan. M. ***Edit : Perry was kind enough to enlighten me in your Suggestions thread Joe... Thanks P. https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?/topic/6258-copypaste-cad-detail-windows/#entry56529
  8. +1 Either that or perhaps the ability to turn 3D Boxes into "Rooms" or Other Objects, so you could use "boxes" for the Massing part , a similar idea, to what I watched in the FormZ vids. typically I do Remodels so an As Built is numero uno , as anything done is restrained by the Site/Existing Structure .........and the Client's Budget usually....
  9. Hi Andrew , someone might know the answer here , but you should also Post on the HomeTalk Forum which is for Home Designer Products too, incase someone like you who has upgraded recently ran into the same issue. use the same User ID and Password over there https://hometalk.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?/forum/5-qa/
  10. Those walls are Pony Walls , set them to "Display in Plan View = Default" not sure why "Upper" doesn't work but the above works for me in X7 , don't have X2 to test. Mick edit : your retaining wall is causing some issue on that one wall where the framing isn't showing properly even after above fix.
  11. Formz , does look interesting , I also watch the "30 minute House" video ,bit of a cheat , (there's some fast forwarding) and the guy is obviously a Formz expert but definitely worth a watch , Formz Jnr is about the same Price as SU Pro , the Raytracing is a $395 addon for Both Jnr and Pro. https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=35&v=0n0FGm3kw2I
  12. I don't like Ads much ...but I like that one.... nice reminder of the WRC of old too...
  13. Thanks for doing that Allan , nice .... I assume decimal Inches , not Metric right ?
  14. I am now using the User Library like Joe does after seeing him post on that last yr I think it was , works well. But I am not sure how, in your Template Plan (not Layout) you are getting stuff into Cad Details ...... Saving them to library from other Plans , then inserting them into Cad Details in the Template Plan ? I also need to develop better General Notes , is it better to do that in a Cad Detail or Make a Page as part of the Layout Template , so they are in every Layout by Default ? M.
  15. placing those objects in elevation isn't the most accurate way to do it , as most of them need to "find" a wall , and it may not be the wall you think in elevation , they could be in the next room , or too close to the EL Camera to show if you aren't near a wall etc, or even as Joe said on another floor depending on what level you are on in EL View. M.
  16. cool , point me to them ! ..... , I like your Vids , have you made a Channel like Larry yet? I haven't Run Zoomit honestly , so I am unsure if it does the Yellow Cursor but it does allow you to "write" on the screen to make notes etc
  17. you used the Straight deck edge I guess not straight deck railing but CA sees them the same in Plan , it just doesn't draw the railing in 3D. I think you would need to "block" all the deck components and put them on your new layer ....if that is possible , it's almost as easy just to turn those 4 layers off since they are grouped in the ALDO, if you don't want to see them in a certain view.
  18. Richard maybe onto something for you there ...... I have seen this reported a lot for Laptops ..(.them not using the Nvidia Card for Chief) on the Manage 3D Tab you may need to use the ADD button to find Chief and set it up, if not listed. I have the Surface3 (has 1 USB3) as do several other Forumites..... it aint swift but x7 seems to work okay , but I also have an older desktop in the Office which has a Nvidia Card too , which is still on Win7 too. Yes Like sherry I am still wondering what the Truss company is doing , so if you get a set of plans please post them. M. EDIT according to Nvidia the latest Driver for you is 179.48 with that 7 series go card. http://www.geforce.com/drivers/results/8972 I am definitely thinking your laptop is using the Intel onboard graphics (discrete) instead but even it , with newer drivers may run x7 too as CA did a lot or work with x7 to work with Older intel cards earlier this yr.
  19. Where is the Pool Room ? I see a pool We should really do this on HT....
  20. It might be Dan Baumann I saw mention Zoomit , not CA ? Zoomit is here https://technet.microsoft.com/en-ca/sysinternals/bb897434.aspx though I think MS no longer supports it , it has gone Open Source M.
  21. Hi Johnny , quick note 1st ...just post the plan file without zipping it unless it's over 25mb , that way people can just click and say Open , no need to save to HD, extract, open, review , delete etc etc... I think all you did was put the Deck Railings on a separate Layer.... ( the deck on 0 doesn't appear to be blocked or a symbol ?) but in the 3D view you still have Framing_Deck Framing,Planks, Beams ,Posts and Beams on ...... unlike in plan view where they are off. The Elevation region is 9 " above the Floor of the Basement (-99), and the Concrete slab it 11" above ...is that right? Its a walkout basement ? perhaps not..... I did the opposite to Graeme...pulled the 45° part of the ER forward a little and that "spike" disappeared but I am not sure what it should look like without Photos etc. , you probably need to add extra EL's to help smooth it out if that is the issue? M.
  22. I thought it was Zoomit actually ??? which is free BTW Greg.
  23. You could ask support to confirm but it looks like it is right but just not separated out in the ML I moved the 1st floor roof planes up to floor 2 and group selected them and the square ft is the same as the ML
  24. There is a backup copy in the Templates Folder in the Installation Directory of CA X7 usually here C:\Program Files\Chief Architect\Chief Architect Premier X7 (64 bit)\Templates copy it over to the Templates Folder in your CA X7 Data Folder in My Documents. eg: C:\My Documents\Chief Architect Premier X7 Data\Templates those two paths maybe different depending on where you have CA X7 installed if not in it's default location or you have moved the Documents Folder to another Drive. M.
  25. Ahh I see you actually have X7 , I thought X5 ...why can't you run it? . it runs even on my Surface 3 and it only has Intel HD Graphics , so sounds like you need to update drivers at Intel ( not Windows Update or your Computer Makers website) or buy a cheap Nvidia Videocard. here is the plan (_MH2 ) incase you can use it after all.... (_MH3 was just another Plan) 1512_MH2.plan 1512_MH3_DGable.plan