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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. By default CA uses the Window size , used in the View before you hit the RT Icon , that size is usually on the Status Bar at bottom right in the Camera View. Best to "edit" the default CA settings in the RT DBX to something about 1/2 the size .... KB
  2. Kbird1


    Ahhhhh ....guess I hadn't had my second Coffee this morning when i read that.... I thought he was trying to add his/her own dimension numbers , not label the extension line temp. markers M.
  3. It's best to add that info to your Signature like Eric and I have done so it's always there.... go up to your User name at top Right and go to Account Settings and then on the Left Signature.... Might help to post pics of what you are trying to replicate and even a sample plan others can play with for you.... KB.
  4. Kbird1


    You would of been better to make the Thread title "Are Automatic Dims Possible?" or something similar ..not your User Name ... I was wonder why nobody had replied.... people are usually pretty good here helping out... Dims measure automatically where placed so if the drawing isn't accurate you may have issues , however you can make the numbers disappear by opening the Dimension DBX and on the Segments Tab check Blank Segment (see pic) , and then use a Text Box to write in your own numbers or Letters. you can also add text before or after the number on the same Tab if desired ...but it keeps the number...
  5. there is a Migration Guide here: https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/ There is also a few tutorials in the KB.... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00001/migrating-chief-architect-to-a-new-computer.html https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-02899/manually-installing-core-catalogs-for-chief-architect-premier.html
  6. Kbird1


    Download the Reference Manual and then the User Guide which is actually a set of Tutorials to work your way through , there are links on the Help Menu in CA to them both. There is also the Video Tutorial Library , I assume you have SSA if you just bought CA... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/ The KB (Knowledge Base) has lots of tutorials in it too https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/database.html There are also Sites like Chief Tutor where some stuff is free or you can become a member http://www.chieftutor.net/training-videos.html But best is to just try it/use it... for example as an exercise Draw the House you are living in , guided by the User Guide and asking questions here if you are stuck. M.
  7. you have opaque glass on in Vector View ( Camera techniques settings) but is that what you want? *** edit: I selected the right hand window in your pic above , clicked the "make default" icon , and they all now go opaque ( or not) with the above setting....
  8. thanks for the followup Glen....I'll have to play around with it more.... M.
  9. I maybe missing something but I have found that true for Exterior Stairs but not always for Interior Stairs but I think that is likely due to the Exterior Walls forming the "Room" , for example Warren's simple stairs with the one side flare/angle work, at least in a simple test plan.
  10. Open the Staircase DBX and on the General Tab there is a Checkbox for Winders.
  11. I think if you try to Adjust a Copy of the Material with a custom Pattern like the RH MR Tile on the wall in your plan , some options like size on the general tab get grayed out... I could do it fairly easily on the LH Wall MR in your plan eg making a 4x16 tile....
  12. If you are New to CA ..then it's a good Idea to get to know the Reference Manual but the Online Tutorials in the KnowledgeBase (KB) are helpful too eg : they aren't making a Chimney but the principle is the Same.... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-02925/using-polyline-solids.html An old trick was to just use Walls and a Wedge from the Library like this old practice plan of mine: added a poly-solid wedge for you to play with too.... Brick Chimney Plan2.plan
  13. the Tips I posted above recommend not using Environment light.... but things may have changed since X7 and X8 as I think Ambient Occlusion and Bloom have larger effects now in X9 too. But I'm no expert , which I why I look at threads like this.... If you haven't finished the Model you can get some weird effect too , eg no basement/foundation may cause the light glow under your furniture in the OP.
  14. If you are using a Grade Beam Foundation and have Auto rebuild Foundation on in the Floor Defaults it should.... If you drew those manually with CAD circles no, don't think so....... but you should be able to group select them and move them over with transform/replicate>move
  15. Hi Ross , I still have X8 on here too , so I had a quick look , I'm no expert but.... You have the foundation set as a monolithic Slab? , so I changed it to a Basement foundation wall type at 104" since the lot slopes minimum 6 feet as a quick fix for views, if there is no basement you could step the foundation too. I had to change the Terrain Perimeter specs as the height wasn't correct after that , I unchecked automatic for the building Pad and set it myself at 18" And then a Elevation line at 0" at the Front building line and One set at -72" at the rear building line is pretty much all that is needed for this type of slope. I then messed with your pads and the Pool heights to make it work..... Also noticed your 2nd floor doesn't line up with the 1st floor , you can see the line in the saved Camera views. M. DECKOFFPATIO_KB.plan
  16. The 2nd file Chris uploaded is 3 different Faces for the Fireplace ..ie different colours / flames etc so there are actually 4 files total the Fronts are in a Folder unsurprisingly called .....Fireplace Fronts .....
  17. Kbird1

    Flat roof

    It appears to be a 1/2 Hip Roof but also with a Prow shaped Overhang. this may help : https://www.homedesignersoftware.com/support/article/KB-00359/automatically-building-the-basic-roof-styles.html#Half or This https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00736/generating-a-half-hip-roof-automatically.html I'm not sure what product you are using as you havent filled in your Signature
  18. Not in the past No , but these days they are selling individual Libraries now even to the HD Line of Products Users..... but perhaps it's not an issue not sure ...
  19. One Idea might be to start a thread on Hometalk as their Libraries a somewhat more limited and someone may need a certain Symbol ? as they can not make symbols, and pointing out some Freebies here may garner you some other Orders too?.... just not sure if CA allows competition And thanks in advance for anything I nab on the Symbols Forum
  20. HI Robert.....If you download the Hillside Plan you actually get the sample Colours in the 1st PDF to add to your Library Too...
  21. Hi Curt ....it's actually Named Fireplace, Napolean NEFL60FH in your User Library. And Thanks Chris.
  22. These might help , one is from CA a couple of years ago ...it came with Sample plan Called Hillside Contemporary I think, which may have been an Online Seminar Plan? I just did a search and found the Plan is still in the Samples Gallery too.... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/products/samples.html The other is RayTracing info I have copy and pasted from the Forum as I found it over the last few years. Raytrace Settings.pdf Ray Trace Tips From CA_2015.pdf
  23. if you don't need that exact one there are a couple of balconies in the Bonus Exterior Attachment Library too.
  24. Thanks Michael , great detailed tip (excuse the pun) .....think I might add this on my Template plan.... @DBearss just checking you know about the Regular Polygon Box Insulation Option ?,( CAD Box Tool) so you can Detail yourself if Auto misses something ...it looks like you hit Autodetail 9 or 10 times in the posted Plan
  25. Just leave CA X9 the way it is and then use Windows' Ability to move your Library Locations off C:\ to a separate Harddrive . I have a had a small OS SSD for years like you and have moved these folders to D:\ and E:\ Drives since Win7 to free up space on C:\ , (on my Surface 3 (64gb), I've moved some to a 64GB SD Card for the same reason.) : Documents (Contains some CA Data) Pictures Videos Music Desktop I also install these to other Drives OneDrive GoogleDrive *** I don't recommend moving your Main User folder ..it can cause weird issues and problems with Upgrades. http://www.techsupportalert.com/content/how-move-windows-7-personal-folders-my-documents-another-drive.htm or http://www.pcworld.com/article/3025345/windows/move-your-windows-10-libraries-to-a-separate-drive-or-partition.html Perry is talking about here , as you can see some of my library is on d: after I moved the Docs folder in Win10. .... but moving my PICS and Docs Libraries saved me alot of space too. My guess is some Folders shouldn't be moved so that CA can autoupdate it core libraries etc , I don't play with it either ..same as Perry.