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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. T/R Works great for this kind of thing , without any worries about the Pivot point and having to lock this or that.... M.
  2. thanks Mark.... for anyone else trying this with Ross's Plan from the OP , note he has already resized the Column in that plan from it's original size ( 26 x 26 x 107 9/16 ) via Open Object to 16" x 16" x 72" so the "halving" doesn't work as expected in that Plan. Either reset the size to Original or start with your own symbol at full size 1st. Then in the Open Object DBX set the Depth to 1/2 M.
  3. Nope , have not seen that ...thankfully .... You haven't made the trusses' material a green "colour" vs the Fir Framing Material have you? ( blending colour is ok afaik though ) M.
  4. Are Shadows on? PS the Green Icon is telling you your Terrain needs rebuilding ( automatic is unchecked most likely)
  5. Perhaps try pausing OneDrive while you Work or at least when you go to Print as Chief automatically updates ALL views in a Layout when it is about to Print. M.
  6. Nothing in the ARCHIVE Folder either? no Auto-Save File available?
  7. No , sorry 1st time I have ever heard of that particular issue, I'd definitely call Tech. Support and start a case... @Dermot may have some insight..... M.
  8. Thanks Joey , didn't you used to have a nice Layout in the Samples Gallery here ? seems it is no longer available.... M.
  9. It appears like you have a Stairwell there which in Chief's "Eyes" is another Room , you are facing towards from the large room , which may account for the weird lighting.....not saying it is right , just the way PBR "sees" Rooms sometimes... M.
  10. I seem to remember it the same way as Glenn .... especially the Headache ...so I'm not surprised it was changed.
  11. Does it not tell you which Layerset it is in when you try to delete it , not sure if it still happens in X12 ? you used to get a warning along with where it was in use.... though it sometimes said "multiple places"
  12. You can't delete layers that are in use ..... There is a button to delete all un-used layers in Layerset Management in X12 at least M.
  13. I believe he is referring to the Information like Type, height, width, elevation from Floor etc etc found in the DBX. It has been asked for numerous time , but has never found any traction AFAIK... M.
  14. Nope I don't think so...... that sounds like a typical AutoCAD "Expectation" though ? if you are a keyboarder Ctrl-E will get you there quicker or you can assign that to a programmable mouse button too. M.
  15. You can also Turn the ALL_Off Layerset on , then turning on only that Text and group Selecting it ALL , then change the Layer Color as desired. This works but I find not 100% of the time as some Items are not using the Layer for Color - those ones you need to open and set them back to using the Layer for Color. M.
  16. Thank You ! .... good to know I am not forgetting things just not current apparently , I learnt that the hard way many versions ago , so have used it ever since without noticing the Change. M.
  17. Do you mean scrolling the inActive Window while hovering? you can disable that if desired/wanted , it's confusing for some in Chief while in Split screen as you can scroll in and out ( zoom) but not really be active in that window. M.
  18. This is a Classic sign that your copy of Chief is not legitimate..... M.
  19. K' I have always assumed it needed to be Checked to add the new Layer you are about to make, to ALL Layersets , not just the current one. M.
  20. I'm not reading well between the lines today True...... %automatic_label% wouldn't work without it referencing something , when used in a Marker .... I guess you could turn off the Arrowhead and make the line Invisible? I haven't tried it though... , might make it hard to find again though too... M.
  21. A Chief Video on one way of doing it https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/10109/quick-tip-timber-frame-truss.html M.
  22. I think this assumes that you checked the Modify All Layersets Box before making the new Layer doesn't it? Apparently not any longer....see below.... M.
  23. I'm not quite "getting it" again apparently......why does a Marker need a Referenced Macro and arrow? M.
  24. Yep I got it now..., until Chopsaw posted , I didn't pick up on the multiple layout boxes on one Page part , must have missed that part..... I am better now at naming my Camera's / Views as needed , but still prefer the Marker for some reason.... M.
  25. That's one reason why I Use Markers , and Edit if needed eg for say the Front and Rear Elevations on the same Page, but if you Carefully Label the Camera or SPVs the Auto Label should work well too, you just need to be in the Habit of naming all your cameras and not use Chief's default camera names like Elevation 1 or Cross Section 1. I also like the Scale used right up where it's obvious , the other reason for the Marker instead. P.S. There is no reason that %automatic_label% can't be used in the Marker instead of the Title , simple Macro swap.... M.