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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Kbird1


    it's a Roof Intersection Point........Chief places them automatically IF you have that Preference turned on ? when you are adjusting Roof Planes, it's for use as a snap point.... You can also with NOTHING selected in th ePlan just hit your Delete Key ...one by one if needed or use the Tool mentioned above. M.
  2. That sounds like you haven't filled in the Layout TITLE info in each Pages' Info DBX ? I actually don't use the Layout Labels and add a Marker instead with the Layout Title and Scale under the line to each page ( easy copy and paste or leave in Template already done - Scale text is manual however. ) The Auto Label , uses the Plan's SPV ( or Camera ) "View name" AFAIK ? which will work obviously if the View Name is what you want to Label it. M.
  3. That would depend on whether the Person who did the original drawing has used "Save in Plan" I believe. If the file was received as a .Plan then I would assume that is what was done. If it was a Zipped Folder, made from the Backup Entire Plan Tool , then the Files maybe be being Referenced externally or it could be a mixture. Images and PDFs saved in plan are usually two of the worst offenders, or Large hidden DWG CAD Imports, then there are files (symbols) from for example 3D Warehouse ( Trimble ) which can have large texture files associated with them. M.
  4. Do a File>Backup Entire Project to a folder and the folder will show you everything in the Plan , the (not) fun part maybe tracking each thing down but with All Layer On, finding things like PDF should be easier. M
  5. The Automatic Label Button should give you that one I believe , it should be the same as the one Mark is showing.... You can also use the Information entered into the Layout Page Information Tab ............
  6. AFAIK Chief no longer allows or Use Plugins like Blender, they used to work with VRAY but no longer, Chief also does not take advantage of Dual Graphics cards eg Nvidia's SLI. or AMD CrossFire either.
  7. The KnowledgeBase ( KB ) is very handy for the Basics and then some , since in many cases you won't have been the 1st to ask..... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00064/drawing-a-pony-wall.html and don't forget the Video library either........... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/5455/creating-pony-walls-for-above-grade-brick.html?playlist=85 M
  8. Chief does do training directly including 1 on 1 , though it is usually aimed at Chief Premier or Interior Users , many features in HD Pro are Similar or no different. https://www.chiefarchitect.com/training/ or https://www.chiefarchitect.com/training/personal-training.html also check the Announcements Forum for the Free webinars - usually every Thurs at 12pm PST currently each week. M.
  9. If you have Symbols you'd like to share just post them in the Symbols Forum..... M.
  10. It sounds like you have the Layout Boxes Linked to Saved plan views , which have changed in plan , and as Chief always updates the Layout right before printing it is updating the layout to those SP Views. this may help : https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00882/preventing-views-sent-to-layout-from-changing-when-the-model-is-changed.html
  11. Been using those files myself for a couple of years , they even provide the Pattern for Vector Views , though you do need to assign them manually to the the Chief textures once made. M.
  12. Yes it in under Angled Walls , right or wrong I don't know, but I normally have it on in all plans myself, and no it is not a Setting for applying California Corners , that is just down to how Chief has programmed it due to it being common practice these days due to insulation requirements, and even then as Noted CA does not even frame each end the same. Chief is never going to Frame it 100% correctly , especially since every framer has a different way to do it , and then there are Regional differences that those in Idaho are not even aware of eg putting headers under the Top Plates. The red circles are as expected ...you have two different Walls there .... it is just how Chief works , and there is no point banging your head against a wall as it is not likely to change , you'll need to adapt to CA , as CA won't adapt to you. ( just some friendly advice as many have tried and failed to get CA to change their "ways" and become totally frustrated with the software , you need to Become one with the Force ) M.
  13. Duplicate Page is new in X12 , but you can add as many pages to each section ( G, A, E, F, MEP etc ) as you want , if they are not used ( ie: nothing on them at all , except the TitleBar ) in the Current Project Chief does not Print them. If you remove the # from the inserted page Label eg F-# and number it as needed eg F- 5.1 it will insert right after F5 as Rene mentioned above. ** this is using the seemingly SOP of using the Layout page label macro NOT the Page number Macro on page 0
  14. it's even called that here but I actually mentioned it cos CA is not framing some of the corner in the posted plan correctly , though i didn't try this setting in the posted plan, it was just a thought I had He could try... M.
  15. That has not been my finding but YMMV ? and it may not help in the specific example above ? From the Help File: Select Horizontal Frame Thru to frame through the horizontal walls in plan view, butting vertical walls against them. If unchecked, walls that are vertical in plan view will frame through. Framing is not the same either end you will notice , set either way though...
  16. true Balloon will not change the 3 Walls part, try deleting the smaller pieces and make the others longer by dragging.... Sorry Typo ....... it is a Wall FRAMING Option , not in the Wall's Definition ...will update that..... M.
  17. 1.) not sure what the specific situation is there but making it a Storage Room may alter how Chief assigns Insulation to the Space and thus effect the ML ( conditioned vs not ) 2.) yes they are 3 separate walls so Chief will frame them that Way , you'd have to delete some ( auto framing off ) and then extend the plates full length manually if needed however would not ALL 3 walls be Balloon Framed hence those Top plates would be eliminated. 3.) Ok refer to 2.) 4.) (Blue Arrow or pic just above) Try the horizontal frame through option in the **Wall FRAMING Options perhaps , I can't tell you why it's doing that... M.
  18. There was and Update a month ago ( april 13th ) to, but as Eric mentioned Chief does not Auto Update Like Windows 10 does , since you have X12 and SSA I would Suggest you call in to Tech Support as there isn't much someone here ( we're just End Users like you) can really do to help. https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/#contact I would suggest also making sure you have the Latest Windows 10 Updates too , as they do/can update without your consent, which maybe what happened 2 weeks ago. M.
  19. I would say 1.) is a glitch in the Attic Room probably and should likely be Reported , but I'd just make it a Storage Room and remove the flooring and ceiling if needed. 2.) is because you have 3 different walls and Chief puts the edge lines around each in Vector Views , so you see the Walltype breaks. 3.) Try the Balloon through ceiling setting on the Structure Tab ( I am thinking the End walls in the Real world would likely be framed this way anyway) 4.) did you rebuild all the Framing after making/applying the new WallTypes ? ......and I wouldn't expect to Chief to get the Framing 100% right every time... M.
  20. Images are slightly different than Billboards , Billboards don't Rotate to the Camera... ( see page 872 of the Ref. Manual ) it's a bit like have a Huge Polyline Solid with the Image Stretched to fit it. You can use Build>Image>Create Image OR Create Billboard Image for either but I'm not sure Billboards are available by the Library >New>Image Method M.
  21. This is All the Free Thurs. Webinars so far , Scott has been in most of them..... except dimensioning , which was Adrean. https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/playlists/171/recorded-live-stream-webinars.html
  22. They only moved it to the Edit Toolbar, so when a Room is selected you can do it rm by rm not the whole house as before
  23. Zip the File......the Forum allows Zips but may not allow .avi or .wmv maybe? same as you can't post a .exe , zipping gets it past that.... M.
  24. The Dimensions in Robert's pic appear to be the the Automatic Story Pole Tool I meant the Footings for the Garage are almost as high as the top of the stem wall on the garage , and I wasn't sure how that would work in the real world. Most jurisdictions require that the bottom of Siding/Stucco is 6 or 8" above Finished Grade , and Chief will try to set this approximately when the Terrain is built. Garages usually have a 3-6" Stemwall so water from vehicles cannot infiltrate the bottom of the wall in Winter ( snow melt etc.) So you can likely lower that height forcing the footing down a foot at least.
  25. Especially true if the Motherboard is only capable of PCIe 2 , not PCIe3 as most modern GPUs need this to achieve their highest performance. A newer system would also come with the ability to use NVME SSDs etc which may also help Chief...