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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. The Truss Detail once made in Chief , can be dimensioned full size with no issues , in fact the whole thing is quite do-able in chief without the manual "framing" as Chief will make trusses etc.....just might take a bunch of "learning" to get to that point in X12....... Draw the DW up just like it is built ..... then read up about roof trusses and ask more questions .... While I could post the Plan I am not sure you'd learn anything that way ........ PS Chief always builds "normal" Roof Rafters , you then need to use the Roof Truss Tool to manually draw the truss in , then multicopy it..... do the truss Editing 1st though ie your custom Truss.
  2. Those Soffits are the ones included under the Cabinet Menu Items, not the Exterior Eave Soffits AFAIK.... M.
  3. Update : All is well in the (Chief) Universe Again : ) thanks Brian.... it appears it was indeed a permissions Issue on the C:Windows\Temp folder even though Administrators had full control already, once I added myself and gave myself Full control it worked. ( I also did the C:\Windows\Installer Folder just in case) FYI : the downloaded .msi does not allow itself to be "run as Administrator" via right click and Win10 automatically "blocked" the download. There are a number of write-ups online for Help but these two were helpful : https://kb.foxitsoftware.com/hc/en-us/articles/360040660391-Fix-Error-2502-and-2503-while-installing-or-uninstalling https://winaero.com/blog/fix-msi-installer-errors-2502-and-2503-in-windows-10-windows-8-1-and-windows-7/ Mick.
  4. Thanks Brian appreciate it, I thought they were Chief Error Messages, ( why I posted here) not Windows .msi Errors , so didn't even think to do a google search on them. I get one error straight after the other so it maybe both the folders you indicated......not sure how the Permissions were changed though..... thanks. M.
  5. Unfortunately neither Unblocking it or running from the Desktop helped , so will look into Windows Defender a bit more.... And here are the Update Notes if someone needs them, they were offered when I used the Chief Update message Login but not on subsequent Visits to my Locker for some reason.... chief-architect-x12-update1-notes.pdf
  6. I have downloaded it several times with no joy. I am using Windows Defender and I am not sure if it can be Disabled like other AnitVirus Solutions but will look into it. Thx. Will give it a try , have not heard of this issue before. This made me think maybe Win10 is labelling it Blocked when downloaded so will look at that too.... Mick
  7. Cabinets as well as walls are mentioned so I have a feeling Chris maybe right.... ie you have accidently toggled off Temp. Dimensions.
  8. just wondering if anyone else is get the Error messages in the Latest version , have tried a Reboot and then install straight away but no help this time... ( I got the update message this afternoon)
  9. There are 2 in the Core Catalog now, Under MEP>Ventilation> but I have not played with them to see if there are any "quirks"
  10. @rlackore Robert didn't you make a Tub similar to this for someone last year? M.
  11. It sounds like you have Home Designer Pro ( 2019) vs Chief Architect Premier ( or Interiors ) so it maybe better to ask on the HomeTalk Forum instead of the Chief Talk https://hometalk.chiefarchitect.com/forum/5-qa/ Many aspects ( basics of CA ) are the same in Pro to Premier but nobody here would be able to give specific advice as the won't be using that version ( assuming I am correct about HD Pro. Eric ( Username Solver here) is one person I know who is familiar with both , maybe he can help. @solver Mick.
  12. That was me in the Suggestion (Forum) Post , I had a walls in an Old Commerical Building we found had 12 layers after Destructive investigation asked for by the City and Engineer. M.
  13. It's one I suggest , at least for the 1st attempt , however as noted it does not always work 100% of the Time.... * don't forget to add you +1 to the Suggestion for more Layers in that Forum too..... https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/25997-need-a-few-more-wall-layers/?do=findComment&comment=208782
  14. You should likely still send it in Larry , as I'd consider that a "bug" since the Text rotates just fine but the numbers seem to be "hardcoded" to stay in "normal" orientation , and they should follow the Schedule orientation. Just one of those small things nobody thought to "test" before in Beta etc. M.
  15. Post the Plan when you have issues, otherwise it is just a game of 20 Questions...... ........ way toooooo many things and settings involved. Mick.
  16. Great Idea Rob ! if the Client insists on that naming scheme for sure Edit each window label in the current plan to what they want , then open the Libary and make a New Folder for the Client ,and then save each window to the Library and move it to the New Folder for Reuse - you can even then make New Icons ( place library item Tool) and then a Special Toolbar just for this Client. M.
  17. Not automated but you can open the Windows and specify the Label if needed You could possibly Use the Note Schedule instead or in X12, we can now make a Custom Schedules too. Mick.
  18. Been having a few issues with it myself this morning ---Server maintenance maybe being Sunday?
  19. there have been other "workarounds" but over the last 2 (?) years or more, but it seems like the group select, open ( do nothing) and Close Trick works for everyone. M.
  20. Only the hard part left then , it can be a bit finicky. You might want to add Truss and Attic Walls to the OP Tags , others will likely find this info helpful too when they search. Mick.
  21. You could still send it in as I think it works correctly if you don't have the 1/2 wall part - ie 6" all the way across , it's when you break it like in Rene's Video it all goes a bit sideways ...literally in my case yesterday... the curb part jumped 1/2 the wall width approx. each time I tried it and I had to realign them. M.
  22. I guess I missed that way back there somewhere ? Sounds like you have a solution though, and you can even make a Icon for it and not use Chief's Door Dropdown for Shower Doors My guess would be that by saving it to the Library the Door "loses" some of it Parametric behaviors ( it's "smarts" ) which in this Case is a good thing ... M.
  23. PS forgot to mention you should be using the option on the Wall's Structure Tab to "Balloon Walls through" as the Mason's will obviously lay the walls Full Height , this also eliminates your Attic Wall issue... ( except where the window is as the Window will Stop Chief from deleting the Attic Wall - so do it manually and put the window back) https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/25914-chasing-attic-walls/?do=findComment&comment=208271 M.