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Everything posted by CharlesVolz

  1. I save PDFs as a jpeg, then import the jpeg and save it in plan which solves my PDF slow-down problems.
  2. In order to show the lights correctly in 3D, plan view and in the electrical schedule: Copy (Ctrl-C) the low hanging lights then paste them in place on the second floor. While the lights just pasted on the second floor are still selected, open the objects and uncheck the "Include in Schedule" box and place them on a separate layer that you can turn off. Alternatively, you can leave them on the first (proper) floor and adjust their height individually like Rene described above since you are probably going to want to adjust them to line up their bottom height anyway.
  3. Cut (Ctrl-X) the lights then paste them in place on the second floor. I just copied them in the photo.
  4. You have two door schedules associated with that plan. Find them and delete one.
  5. Field measure or just the drafting?
  6. I agree. Although most saddles have a horizontal ridge.
  7. i use 4.5" dimensions at 1/4 scale (prints at 3/32").
  8. They work on my PC desktop. Great videos, as always, Dave!
  9. ANSI Z765 2013 ANSI Z765-2013.pdf See 2017 post.
  10. If everything is sized correctly and the entire floor is offset from the floor above/below, then you might want to use "Edit Area" to align them.
  11. Looks like you are ok but not being able to see your floor plan:
  12. Howdy Robert, Nowadays, with a good survey (including topo and tree surveys, if necessary), Google Earth, US geological survey maps, etc., it has become less important to be able to walk a site. I usually meet the client and walk the site only once at the beginning of a job and only if the site is within an hour or two from my office. One client hired me because I am 30 minutes away from where they lived and 2 1/2 hours from the building site. I designed a large home and a boat barn on the Texas coast for them and never met them until some 10 years later when they hired me to design another home for them which was closer to me. I have designed or helped design homes all over the United States, Canada, England, New Zealand, etc. and have not had the any problems with me not being local. I do avoid the worst of the worse, like Southern California unless I am helping another designer or hire out the energy calcs etc. Most governing authorities have their code requirements on a website and most use the IRC code or modification thereof. Just my thoughts, Charles
  13. Howdy Jim, It depends on your settings. In X10 go to Default Settings/Plan/Living Area and you can select Main Layer or Surface. Manually, what I do is use the Make Room Polyline tool as above. Just make sure the polyline is outlining what you want.
  14. Howdy Bob, What I do is create my own library of plumbing items. Then open each item in the library and change their layer to "plumbing". The next time use them they will be on the correct layer for you. Regards, Charles
  15. Howdy Jim, Walls will build up to a roof plane. It looks like you copied the gable roof planes and did not adjust the main roof plane below. Break the main roof plan 3 places to make a triangle to meet the gable roof planes. Regards, Charles
  16. Thanks Steve! Good job! Package up a collection and I will buy them. Regards, Charles
  17. CA does a great job. Use a CAD detail created by making a plan footprint (CAD/Plan Footprint).
  18. Here or use the icon hot button. EDIT: Sorry about that. I thought from your 1st post that you were just trying to display arc centers and ends... I need some sleep...
  19. Create a "porch type" room for the patio or manually draw an attic wall on the attic floor. Charles