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Everything posted by CharlesVolz

  1. Get some one-on-one time with David Potter! He was great getting me started in Version 9. You can collect your questions/problems and then meet with him again to get things ironed out.
  2. Thanks Michael! You laid it out perfectly.
  3. I am having problems with cad lines magically changing layers. I will send in a bug report when a get a minute.
  4. Also, to help the estimator get a rough estimate for some plumbing and electrical fixtures (which I don't label on the plans), I create a shorter consolidated schedule showing fewer line items by not showing their locations (floor and room). I do this by copy/paste the schedule, add "TOTALS" to schedule name, change the label to "(original)T-1(generated #)" by adding "T-1" after the existing label, and not showing the floor and room. This generates an item number that shows it is a total "T" and starts the numbering at "100" to separate these grouped items from the items on the full schedule showing the items' location. On a large multi-floor home this may be appreciated by the estimator.
  5. Once in a while I am hired to work in a small township that requires a licensed architect's stamp on the plans. I have a builder set of plans that I have been asked to do that would need an architect's help.
  6. Howdy Overlook, Many of us on the forum perform design work remotely. Even when the site and owner are local, I still do all of the design review online using GoToMeeting. Call or email if you need me to discuss further.
  7. BTW, I have a like new (never used) Logitech G13 for sale in San Antonio, TX for $30:
  8. I like and have used a 58-key X-Keys for over 3 years. There was a post in the old CA Forum discussing some of these same options. Here's how I have mine set up: