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Everything posted by glennw

  1. Scott, It has something to do with the fence abutting the garage wall. If you pull the fence away from the wall, the Aspen things go away. I am off to bed now but will play a bit more if I get time tomorrow.
  2. Scott, Ken is correct, the material is Aspen and it is assigned to the interior and exterior faces of the wall. The fences are obviously screwy. If I uncheck Follow Terrain, they disappear off the floor plan.
  3. You could also use Wall Coverings on the external room, but you won't get the true 3D effect as with MR.
  4. I just read these posts very quickly as I have to run out the door. There is a setting in 3D View Defaults called Always Display Active Cameras. I'm not sure that it applies in your situation or not - but maybe worth a look. "Check Always Display Active Cameras to turn on the display of active camera symbols, even when the “Cameras” layer is turned off. When unchecked, active camera symbols obey the layer setting."
  5. Mick, Materials are still counted in the Ml even if they have a 0.00" thickness in the wall definition I believe that the wall layer thickness has no connection to the materials defined thickness.
  6. You can always control the top and bottom heights of a staircase directly in the dbx without any reference to floor or landing heights.
  7. Can't we set the elevation of the terrain to anything we want? I still don't 100% understand what is being requested or what the problem is.
  8. When you say "benchmark elevation", I assume you are talking about the zero height level as indicated when you generate an auto storey pole dimension. So, it seems like you need to change your stem wall as required. Before generating the auto storey pole dimension, open up the Auto Storey Pole Dimension default dbx. Go to the Locate Elevations panel and make sure Elevation Reference is set to Grade Level Marker. Then, just above, you can set the height of the Grade Level Marker. Or play around with these settings to get what you want.
  9. You can't change Chief's hard coded floor designations. ie, Foundation, 1st Floor, 2nd Floor, Third Floor,......, Attic. But just because a floor is named 1st or 2nd Floor doesn't mean it can't be used as a basement. What is the "floors list" you refer to? The Project Browser? If so, the client will never see this on the layout sheets. The only time they could see this is if they were looking at Chief on your computer
  10. Your hardware should be more than adequate for your project.
  11. Or, you could probably use the "Display On Floor Above" tool.
  12. I am not at my computer, so Iam guessing. Cant you select the line and Add To Library in the Edit toolbar? Also, once you use a line type in a drawing it automatically gets added to the dropdown line type list box.
  13. Larry, I have posted in the past on how to do this type of railing. Almost exactly the same. It involves using a single molding line with attached mouldings for the horizontal members and a 3D molding symbol for the pickets. Try searching under my name. I am away from my computer until the weekend, so if you haven't figured it out by then, let me know. I remember that when you are creating the 3D molding symbol, you need to create the 3D picket itself and also a blank "spacer".
  14. Use a Distributed Path instead of Multiple Copy? Just a guess as I am not at my computer.
  15. I would be looking at the mouse instead of the plan.
  16. Did you create at least 1 closed room and then the Plan Footprint before opening Cad Detail Management? If so, can you go through the steps you used. If you don't have a closed room, you should receive an error message. Posting the plan might help. Drawing the lot has nothing to do with the process.
  17. That looks like a user library to me. I don't think you can hide a user library in the library filter.
  18. Creating a Plan Footprint does so in a Cad detail window - not in your plan view. When you created the Plan Footprint, a Cad Detail window should have opened with your Plan Footprint displayed. To check, go to Cad...Cad Detail Management. There should be an entry called Plan Footprint 1 which you can open.
  19. I wouldn't waste my time trying to do anything with that file. It's a series of nested cad blocks which contain multiple duplicate cad entities. It would be a whole lot faster to draw it from scratch in Chief - a lot faster than the time spent here.
  20. If they are actually doorways (ie, no door, just an opening) and you want to infill with a color or material to fill the opening, you could try using a Wall Niche or Wall Material Region and change the Backing material to suit.
  21. Michaels suggestion will bring the ML in as a text box. ie, no column names, no row numbers, no coloured rows, etc - really just the cell text. You could also Print the ML to a .pdf and then import the .pdf into the layout. It would then look exactly like the original ML
  22. As far as I can see, the only thing that Chief can't do is the graded fills.
  23. Move the cursor back to where the main wall runs through the bay window and they will place inside the bay.
  24. David, I agree it needs a fix, I was just trying to get you out of trouble. I will have a play and see if I can figure out why it happens. I think the same situation came up way back with one of Scott's plans and there was a different solution.
  25. David, You don't get the wall remnants under the box window if you make it at lest 15" deep. This distance is correct for your wall types, but it does vary depending on the wall types