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Everything posted by glennw

  1. As Chopsaw said, PS converted to Solid, Exploded, painted and then after you have exploded the PS and changed the material on any of the faces, you can join them back to one object by converting them to an Architectural Block or creating a symbol.
  2. The other beauty of using Proximity Fixed is that if you drag the wall/object perpendicular to it's length or the dimension line, the dimension line will maintain it relationship with the wall/object (ie, the Proximity Fixed distance) and move with the wall/object.
  3. Or, you can edit any face in a 3D view - it depends which face you select as to how you can edit the object. eg, to edit the height, select a vertical surface, ie, a side. To edit the plan shape, select a horizontal surface, ie, top. This is true for both the slab and the poly solid. You can even use tools like the break tool, change line/arc, boolean operations, etc, to change the plan shape of the object. Different tools appear on the edit toolbar, depending on whether you select a vertical or horizontal face.
  4. Or in the Import Terrain Asistant dbx, use #YXZ Description (comma delimited)
  5. File...Import...Import Terrain Data... the #XYZ Description (comma delimited)
  6. Robert, Doesn't that only apply to the display in plan view - not a cross section view? After all, it is on the Plan Display panel.
  7. Chopsaw, Without going looking, I think the sill plates adopt the default Framing material texture.
  8. I believe that sill plates are nominated as treated by default and the only way to get them untreated is to change them after they are drawn. If there are more than 2 sill plates specified, only the bottom one will be nominated as treated and the others above will be nominated as untreated. You can, of course, change the bottom one to untreated as well.
  9. What happens when you select and object to delete and use the Delete button on the Edit toolbar? It looks like the Close All Views command is being initiated. I know you said that you checked the hotkeys... But, what shortcut keys do you have assigned to Close All Views in the Customise Hotkeys dbx? Is it the backspace key or the left arrow key? If you assign the left arrow key to Close All Views, it will override it's normal backspace function and result in the behaviour you are describing.
  10. This picture shows a shaped wall at the front. Use the Break Wall tool in elevation view to break and drag the wall shape You can then fill in the sloping short return walls using polysolids or similar.
  11. David, Absolute relates heights to Chiefs zero floor level which is the default OOB floor 1 level.
  12. The title of your post says "full view and floor view camera not working correctly" Yet your post only mentions the full camera. More information and clarification are needed. I will make 1 guess. If you are using the "perspective floor overview" camera on the main floor and seeing the basement floor as well in the 3D view, there is a setting to turn off the display of the basement. Have a look in the Perspective Floor Overview Defaults dbx and look for Show Lower Floors in Floor Overviews checkbox. Or you can also find it in Generl panel of the camera's dbx.
  13. This may be a bit off topic, but still worth a mention. I can highly recommend intraocular lens implants. 20/20 vision without glasses (for life). I had mine done a few years back and I believe Joe had his done not long ago.
  14. You need to post the .layout file along with the .plan file.
  15. Cait, Can you post the plan again as a .zip file or just a plain .plan file. My mac doesn't know what to do with a .rar file.
  16. If I understand your question correctly, the "Resize About" setting (in General Wall Defaults) should do what you want by setting it to "Inner Surface".
  17. Pull the railing end away from the corner and then drag it back again.
  18. Michael, That works and looks OK in plan view, but what it really does is separate the footing from the slab, ie, it is no longer a mono slab, but rather a slab sitting on a footing. So that in section view and auto detail, etc, you get a separate footing independent of the slab. Before auto detail: (same pour on left, different pours on right) After auto detail:
  19. The roofs will need to be built with small pie shaped segments. The auto roof builder should do a decent job of it if you use the Segment Angle At Curved Wall setting. You should be letting the auto roof builder do the whole house. Some more details would help like roof pitches and height of the conical roofs. Do the conical roofs run into the main roofs or do they form the complete circle above the main roofs?
  20. You also have a 2" high railing occupying the same space as that second floor wall. Is that intentional?
  21. The outer wall layer material Enduit Talouche is defined s a Framing Type material. Change it to Area, Sheet, etc.
  22. Here is a program with a 30 day trial period that can do what you require.