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Everything posted by glennw

  1. Place all your images into a single folder and sub folders if you like. 3D...Materials...Convert Textures To Materials. Select a folder and Chief will convert all the textures in that folder ( and sub folders) to your library in one go. It will also create the materials with the same folder heirachy as the original textures.
  2. Are you aware of the 2 roof settings Retain Manually Drawn Roof Planes and Retain Edited Automatic roof Planes? Are you trying to mix manual and auto roof planes?
  3. Why not set up the roof defaults to do the whole roof automatically? You can break the wall in 2 locations - one on either side of the proposed gable. Mark that section of wall as Full Gable. If you have auto roofs on, it will build the gable.
  4. Or you can use Terrain...Feature...Terrain Hole if you want to start from scratch.
  5. Open the terrain dbx and uncheck Hide Terrain Intersected by Building
  6. That happens when you build the terrain on the same floor level as the cantilever. There are several things things you can do. Build the terrain on a different floor than the cantilever. Uncheck Hide Terrain Intersected By Building. Uncheck Hide Terrain Intersected By Building and use a manually drawn Terrain Hole.
  7. Pedro, Most of your problems are very simple and are due to your unfamiliarity with the program. You just need to get more practice and think like Chief Architect! You need to drag the rear wall into the corner a bit further. Select the basement room, open the dbx, and on the Structure panel, select Floor Under This Room. Open up the room dbx, change the angle, but up at the top of the Deck panel, check Automatically Regenerate Deck framing.
  8. Select the Cad Block in plan view on the third floor and open Transform/Replicate...Move...Z Delta. Enter either an Absolute or Relative To Itself height for the block.
  9. Select the symbol. Open the Symbol Specification dbx - (the chair and pencil icon). 2D Block panel Check Generate Block
  10. Yes. For a roof or closed polyline, grab the break point and drag it along and snap to a corner or break point. Or you can use the Intersect/join 2 Lines tool. Walls are a little different, you will need to manually delete any unwanted wall sections. Or, if it is a colinear wall you can use the drag/snap method.
  11. Suppliers like Lysaghts have libraries of things like Colorbond roofing. The paint companies have libraries, brick companies, roof tile companies...... depends what you want.
  12. Edward, There is a setting in Preferences to change the toolbar button size that requires a relaunch, but as far as I know that has nothing to do with the text size you are talking about.
  13. Draw your 2D using cad to represent the socket. Select all the cad and Make Cad Block. You can open Cad Block Management and it will be there. Rename it as you want. Place an outlet in plan. Select it and use Open Symbol - NOT Open Object. Go to the 2D Block panel. Your cad block will be listed there - select it. Save it to the library for future use or create a new toolbar button for it for fast access - look up Place Library Object.
  14. Doesn't that depend on the current dimension style default?
  15. For plain text you can zoom the text in and out in the preview pane using the mouse wheel. I don't think you can change it in the text entry pane. You can also make the preview pane bigger if needed and zoom all. With Rich Text you can do it to the text itself with the % scrollbox. Use Rich Text instead of plain text?
  16. Andy, Yeah, Paddington and Manly are still there although they have probably changed a bit over time. I don't know how old you are, but you weren't born at Crown Street were you? Long gone now though. I am just up the coast from Manly at Avalon. The added benefit of only adding cad in the elevation itself is that if you move the layout box, all the added cad moves with it - unlike if you draw the cad on layout.
  17. Just a small tip in regard to cad edits on elevation views. I make it a habit to add cad to the actual elevation and delete cad in the layout elevation. At least that way you will not lose the cad you added to the actual elevation view.
  18. Yes, a 3D Molding Polyline is a CLOSED polyline right from the get go. Either do what Chop says or start with a 3D Molding Line instead of the 3D Molding Polyline
  19. Bill, You seem to be doing so far. The area between the floors is not solid. What you are seeing is the OSB (in elevation) on the external wall where it runs down below floor level to cover the floor structure. If you don't want to see forever in cross section/Elevation view, use the Backclipped Cross Section camera. Chop, You just beat me. You can also turn on the Back Clip After setting in the Cross Section camera and it will change the camera to a Backclipped Cross Section camera.
  20. I don't think that you can draw a roof plane lower than about Chiefs zero floor height by default. Although you can draw it on level 0, in 3D it will display at about the level 1 floor height. Select the roof plane and use Transform/Replicate...Move to move it to the desired height.
  21. Larry, I wonder if you typed incorrectly or you actually meant what you wrote - huh, I assume you did. In which case..... You don't actually open another layout in the same Chief session, you open another layout in a second instance of Chief. So...instead of trying to Ctrl+Open Layout, you need to Ctrl+click the Chief shortcut, or however you open Chief. Once the second instance of Chief is open, you can open another layout. The process is different on a Mac. I hope I am not stating the obvious, but I know that sometimes the simplest things are missed.
  22. Mick, No, didn't use cad views or details. Just a manually drawn 3D Molding Polyline. Pedro, You have been using the wrong tools. A 2D Molding polyline will only allow you to draw the line in a single 2D plane, if you want to be able to draw the line in more than a 2D plane, you need to use a a 3D Molding Polyline. Be warned that they can sometimes get a bit weird to edit, depending on what view you are in.
  23. If I understand the prolem, you want to have each molding on it's own molding line. You are then having problems when you want to select a particular molding line because they are all drawn on top of each other, in the same location, in plan and 3D. You have drawn the molding lines and used the vertical offset to determine the height of the moldings. Doing this will leave all the molding lines in the same location and it is then hard to select the one you want. You can use Tab to change the selection, but you still do not know which molding you have selected. First off, no need to use a 3D molding line. Just use a normal 2D molding polyline. I think the best thing to do is not to use the vertical offset for the molding. Instead, change the height of the molding line and make it's vertical offset zero. This will make it very easy to identify which molding you have selected by using a 3D view. But, unless you really want 3 seperate molding lines - one for each molding, it is much easier to use a single molding line and apply the 3 moldings to that molding line. Then, when you open the molding line dbx, you have full control of all the 3 moldings in the one dbx.
  24. If I read this correctly, do you want the gutter profile to run up the gable roof like this?
  25. And what about the over simplified door jambs that is the only one possible. We need the ability to define a door jamb profile with a cad profile or molding shape. We need things like a simply rebated jamb...double rebated..or any shape that we want to define.