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Everything posted by glennw

  1. Doug, Tools...Layout Page Information. Any entries you made in the Revision Specification dbx will be listed down the bottom in the Page Revisions section. You can select an entry and edit it.
  2. glennw


    General Plan Defaults...uncheck "Ignore Casing For Opening Resize"?.
  3. That is normally controlled by the Stretch To Fit setting in the Define Material dbx.
  4. I'm not sure about your version, but there are a couple of ways to do this manually. Alt+Q and set Resize About to Outer Surface. Now when you select the wall, the grips will be on the outer surface of the wall. Reference the foundation floor. Select the wall, drag and snap it to the outer surface of the referenced foundation wall. Another way is to draw a line parallel to the wall and set it a fixed and known distance from the outer layer of your wall. Copy the line and Paste Hold Position down to the foundation level. Select the foundation wall and move it the same distance away from the line as the upper wall.
  5. And don't forget that you can use "Import Default Settings" where you get a choice (from a list of all the defaults) of exactly what defaults you want to import from any other plan or template.
  6. You should send this in as a bug. I have never seen this before.
  7. I'm not sure that it will help in your case, but don't forget that you can break and step the cutting plain on a Back Clipped Cross Section camera to give you various back clipped depths.
  8. You can do that automatically by using the roof directives in the wall dbx's. In the Roof panel of the rear wall dbx, set the Roof Options to Hip Wall and 4/12 pitch. Set the side walls of the main and porch to Full Gable. On the front wall of the porch, set the pitch to 2/12. Check Upper Pitch and set it to 4/12. Then use Starts At Height or In From Baseline to locate the join between the 2 roofs. Auto build roofs.
  9. Just as a heads up. Do you realise that most of your external walls are not drawn perfectly ortho, ie, they a slightly off 0 and 90 degrees.
  10. You can find out where all your Chief files are by going to Preferences...General...Folders...All Program Paths...Show.
  11. Do you really think that with such a popular program with so many users, something like that would be allowed to happen. How about posting the steps you are taking (are you using Tab to define the lengths, etc) and a couple of screen shots. The best practice (for me anyway) is usually to draw out your walls roughly as close as you can without being too accurate and then locate them accurately using either temp or permanent dimensions.
  12. Johnny, What is the difference between a cad poyline with a texture or a picture of the same texture - a Picture File Box? No difference? You can Import Picture, resize it, crop it, etc. One advantage of Picture File Box is that it will display the texture in plan view. It will also display as a texture in a vector view - which a normal material will not do. One disadvantage is that it can only be a rectangle or square - no other shapes - but that may be OK for your purpose. All you need is access to the texture picture - which will vary depending on it's location on disk - very easy if has been imported and resides in your textures folder or if you have a picture somewhere on your computer. You can access the texture images by finding where they are on your system by using Preferences...General ...Folders...All Program Paths...Show. Most are in .zip files which you can copy to a new folder and unzip. It's probably not wise to unzip them where they are. I just had a quick look and can open the User, Bonus and Manufacturer's files easily, but I am having trouble getting to the Core one.
  13. I find that if the wing wall is internal (contained in a room) the drywall will wrap around the end of the wall. If it is an external wing wall, you can draw a room around the end of the wall and define the room with no floor, no ceiling.
  14. Someone here has already done a very large Ikea library containing lots of objects. Try starting here:
  15. For the deck hole, you need to convert the polyline to a Hole In Floor Platform and then rebuild the deck framing. For the terrain slope, turn on the Terrain, Elevation Data which will allow you to the existing data. You can then edit their heights or add new elevation data. 3D trees may look better than the 2D images you have used.
  16. Mark, I am not sure why it is happening, but may be worth a bug report. You can fix it (sort of) by changing the Plank Direction to .01deg. This should not be noticeable.
  17. JoAnne, I am not sure if it is too late or not, but I recently wanted to use Chief_Blueprint.ttf and make it available in other apps on my Mac. This is how I did it. Open Chief...Preferences...General...Folders...Program Folder...Show in Finder. Finder should open to the MacOs folder hi-lighted. Scroll down a little and click on Resources...Fonts. There should be 3 entries. Chief_Blueprint.ttf, CityBlueprint.ttf and CountryBlueprint.ttf. Double click on the one you want to install. A font dbx will open. Click Install Font. Done.
  18. I would set up your demo plan to display the items you want and then do a View To Cad and import the cad drawing into your working plan. It is not feasible to try and import the demo information as 3D objects.
  19. Gene, In the Build Foundation dbx, make sure "Hang 1st Floor Platform Inside Foundation Walls" is NOT checked.
  20. The Cross Section Lines layer is locked by default. You may need to unlock it. Keep in mind that only items that lie within back clipped depth and are cut, will be cross section lines, and thus snapable. Items within the back clipped depth and showing in elevation will not be cross section lines and thus not snapable.
  21. You are having trouble because (as far as I can tell without the plan), there is really nothing to select. Firstly do as Mark said and turn on select room before walls in Preferences. You have a room with invisible walls, no floor and no ceiling (?) - so, nothing to select in 3D. If you do have a ceiling, try clicking on that. Otherwise, you may need to temporarily give the room a floor so that you can select the room. Or, select it in plan view and do what you want to do there.
  22. Do you want to select the invisible wall or the room? In a 3D or plan view? Does the room have a floor, ceiling or roof?
  23. Yes, can do. Set your Grid Snaps to 10mm and display it. Set Primary Movement Method to Orthogonal. Place 10mmx10mm solid filled Polygon in one of the grid squares. select it...Copy/Past...Sticky Mode from the Edit toolbar. Click and drag it from the center and it will snap to a grid. You should restrict your copy/paste to orthogonal directions to make things easier. Every time you place a square it will remain selected for another copy/paste. You can turn the grid display off if you prefer. For some of the rows and columns it may be quicker to use Multiple Copy in Sticky Mode and delete the ones you don't want.
  24. I'm not sure where those ones came from, but Chief has a couple of simple options in the core catalogue. Do a library search for "Row Of Books" (very low resolution material), or just "Books" and you will find some symbols without any text or detail - just plain colors.
  25. This is a carry on from Michaels suggestion to keep it out of the Suggestions forum. Not wanting to diminish Michael's suggestion, and I know it doesn't address the sticky mode question, but, until Michaels request is implemented... I would imagine that Michael already knows that you can use the Stretch CAD tool to do this, but some other users may not be aware of this ability.