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Everything posted by glennw

  1. There are probably lots of ways to get that information. You could also select the "exterior room" and then Make Room Polyline from the edit menu. Open the polyline dbx and get the area from the Polyline panel or use the Area macro in the Label panel.
  2. Don't forget that there are several other options like the color wheel, color sliders, color swatches, color spectrum, etc, as can be seen in the Colors menu bar.
  3. Steve, The wall is there, you just can't see it. Open your 3D view and Toggle on the "Walls, Invisible" in your Camera View Layer Set.
  4. It's a bit hard to follow exactly what you are doing. You need to be aware that you can only have one terrain Perimeter in a plan. If you copy a Terrain Perimeter, you do not get another Terrain Perimeter, you get a plain polyline. If you delete a Terrain Perimeter, you will also delete the roads, terrain features, etc, that are part of the terrain. You can convert a TP to a plain polyline by selecting it and clicking the Convert To Plain Polyline tool on the Edit toolbar.
  5. glennw


    There should be no problem using auto roofs. Select the seven walls you don't want the roof to build of. Make them High Shed/Gable walls. The wall you build the roof off should be left at Hip Wall. The roof should build like this:
  6. Open the Railing Specification dbx>Rails panel>Beam.
  7. Go here and download the Colorbond ranges you want.[39]=39 In Chief, go 3D>Materials>Convert Textures To Materials. Select the folder that contains the down loaded files. Chief will convert the downloaded textures to materials and import the whole folder to the User library.
  8. You may be able to get close to the effect that you want by changing the Draw Order of the various lines.
  9. I believe that this is normal behaviour. The extension lines are automatically suppressed when they lie over the wall surfaces (or openings placed in walls). If you drag the dimension line outside the building, the extension lines should appear - but this doesn't help your situation. I don't know any way to make the extension lines appear in the openings. I would normally avoid drawing dimension lines through the openings.
  10. Your elevation views need to be vector views to do Cad Detail From View. You can keep the same camera, just change the view to a vector view at 3D>Render Techniques>Vector View.
  11. This one is a bit more applicable
  12. Lew, No, you can't define a room on the Attic level. But you can define a room as an Attic room on any other level.
  13. The problem is because your Terraces are defined as Bedroom room types - which are interior rooms. In your door schedule, go to "Objects To Include" and check "Interior". Or, alternatively, define the Terraces as an exterior room type like Court or Balcony.
  14. Did you read this post from Chopsaw?
  15. You must be doing something wrong. Can you post a pic of your Transform/Replicate dbx?
  16. Michael, I don't understand what you are saying or your logic. You are telling Chief to make a copy of the wall. Chief does not make a copy of the wall, so how can you say "it does work".
  17. Michael, OK, I see what is happening. Not a Mac thing. Chief is being very smart! In the Transform/Replicate dbx, I have Rotate/Resize/Reflect About set to Object Centre as my default. This of course prevents Chief from doing the copy as it is trying to place a copy of the wall onto itself. It works if I have Rotate/Resize/Reflect About set to either About Absolute Point or About Current Point. Copy+Rotate also work because Chief can copy and rotate the wall over itself at a different angle.
  18. This all sounds logical to me. The "toolbar at the bottom of the screen" is context sensitive and will only display tools that are relative to the selected object. Isn't it better to be only presented with the tools that are relevant than having to search through menus to find a command?
  19. Transform/Replicate works for walls if you use Copy+Move (enter a distance)+Reflect. I think you need the Move so that Chief doesn't try to place the copy on top of the original wall. Or you can do a normal copy/paste it and then Reverse Layers.
  20. Johnny, It's a bit hard to figure out what you have done there. Can you post a plan.
  21. No matter what way you try and build that stair, it will take a lot of work - or is that example more complicated than your actual stair? You can use a Curved Stair with the Single Stringer option. You can control the depth of the stringer with the Stringer Bottom setting.
  22. glennw


    Those settings for the grids are defaults - not preferences, and as such, have to be saved in your template plan if you want a new plan to have those settings. Same applies to all the default settings (as opposed to Preferences which aren't saved in the plan but are remembered by the program).
  23. Ahhh. I am not familiar with that detail. So they are fixed to the cabinet and the door closes in front of them?
  24. There is something like this in the library if it helps any.