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Everything posted by glennw

  1. glennw


    Posting the plan would help
  2. To do that, I think you would need to have a separate plan for each block (copy, paste, rotate) and then reference each plan in your master plan. I don't know of any way to rotate a reference plan without rotating the original.
  3. Could it be your Arrow Defaults setting?
  4. I am not 100% sure of what you want to do. But with X11, we can now reference external plans in both 2D and 3D. Are you trying to use 1 floor plan and reference it multiple times at different orientations in a master plan?
  5. Doing something else reminded me of this thread and a possible solution for X10. Draw your cad box and attached lines. Select the lines and Open the dbx, on the Arrow panel, check Add Arrow. You can make the arrow as small as you want so that you can't see it. Note that Attach Head and Tail to Other Objects should be checked automatically. Now select and move your cad box and the the end of the lines should stay attached and move with the cad box. You can get the length of the lines from their dbx. Or...., you could convert them into Molding Polylines and add a small simple molding. The Material List will then report the individual and total lengths of all the lines and you can generate a new Material List for each change of geometry. I hope this isn't too late.
  6. Hi Scott, Try opening the Note Schedule Specification dbx>General panel>Object Preview Options>check Scale Images and uncheck Use Plan View Scale. Select the Note Schedule and drag the width of the 2D Symbol column (the one that contains the labels) to change the label size.
  7. You could convert the cad lines to Molding Lines and assign a small, simple molding to them - like a cylinder. The length of molding will report in the Material List.
  8. Select Stretch Cad (Edit>stretch Cad, or from a toolbar button) Draw a selection box around your cad box Drag the selected cad box to relocate it The ends of the lines attached to the cad box will stretch and relocate with the cad box The other ends of the lines will stay where they are Here is a video
  9. Here is another way. Copy all the roofs and move them off the model so you can work on them. Select a roof plane. Convert Selected To Symbol. Rotate the symbol around it's X axis so that it lies flat. Generate a new 2D block for it. Select the cad block in Cad Block Management and Inset into the plan. Explode the cad block. You can now dimension the roof plane with it's true dimensions.
  10. You can get the dimensions of roof plane edges by selecting the roof plane, opening the dbx and looking on the Selected Line panel, noting the Length At Pitch. Of course, this will not dimension it - it will just supply the dimension. There may be another way to dimension actual roof plan sizes in X10 and earlier. There was a tool called Print Model (removed in X11) that would print a .pdf of the unfolded roof planes. If someone knows a way to convert a .pdf to a cad drawing, you could then import the cad drawing and add dimensions. This pic shows the exploded roof .pdf next to the floor plan. Or, maybe one of the ruby gurus can do it with a macro.
  11. Depending on the existing text and what you want to replace it with, would the Find/Replace Text tool do what you want?
  12. Select an object and look on the Edit toolbar for the button with black and white squares and a curved arrow. It is the View Draw Order Edit Tools button.
  13. I would start with a Box, Convert To Symbol. You then have full rotation control in all 3 axis. Takes about 5 seconds.
  14. Bob, Why don't you post the Layout file as well to see if someone can save you a lot of work. Do a File>Backup Entire Project from a layout and that will include the plan, layout and referenced files. I am off to bed now, but will have a look in the morning.
  15. Rob, To clarify. When you do a Backup Entire Project from a layout, this will also save the .plan file, the .layout file and all the referenced files, so maybe no need to do the Backup Entire Plan.
  16. Yes if you are printing from layout ? Your Page 0 Drawing Sheet Setup should be set to 1" = 1" for Drawing Scale. Note, in the Drawing Sheet Setup dbx, that Drawing Scale should be 1"=1" (or, 1=1 any units) NOT 1"=1'. Also down at the bottom of the Print Layout dbx, check Update Automatically and then in the preview pane you can see what the results will look like before printing.
  17. Rob, For plans, use File>Backup Entire Plan. For layouts, use File>Backup Entire Project. This will save all the externally referenced files that are needed with the plan and layout files, like images, backdrops, textures, pdf's, etc. During this process, Chief gives you the opportunity (not mandatory) to save all the associated files to a zip archive which can be handy for sending to others or for archiving purposes.
  18. Open the dbx for Bedroom #5 and uncheck Flat Ceiling Under This Room. I am not 100% sure why at this stage. I will poke it a bit more.
  19. Bob, No. Select the Layout Box and open it's dbx. Click Plot Lines. No need to go back to the view or resend to layout.
  20. Collapse All only works on the current folder or catalogue - depending on what level of the folder tree you right click on. You can't collapse the whole library in one go - the biggest you can collapse in one go are the catalogues. ie, you can collapse all the Core catalogues by right clicking that folder. Same for Manufacturer, User, Bonus...
  21. Scott and Steve, Just to clarify. The hilight works when you are not using a Color Theme.
  22. Be aware that different room types have different properties that influence how the model is built. Another way to do want you want is to have 2 layers for the room names. Each layer being associated with different By Layer text default heights. You could then use the Layer Painter to click on the room names and the room label will change size in accordance with the text style associated with that layer.
  23. Many versions back, I remember that Chief used to automatically reduce the room name text size for mall rooms like closets, etc. I haven't seen it work for like that for a long time. Anyone else remember that?