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Everything posted by DavidJPotter

  1. NO, that is what layers and anno sets are for, so a single plan can be dressed up for different layout pages. The only time you make an additional plan file is for remodeling (as built and Proposed) or in the case where you want to present different variations of the same plan but different roof systems and materials for presentation purposes. With a custom home, commonly you just use one .plan file and its internal layers, layer sets and anno sets. DJP
  2. CAD Default has been in the program, I know since at least Version 4 when I started, way before anno sets. I would assume it is left over from those woe begone days is all. Now a days, the default CAD layer is relative to the anno set used, in other words that layer is "default" for that Anno Set and the Default CAD Layer can be used or not used in any layer set or anno set. DJP
  3. Emulating Terrain from a survey document is an exacting job that needs to be done methodically and carefully. Are you looking for help or adoption (no disrespect intended). Lots of us do this kind of work for pay. I have no intention to go to a lot of work to explain how to do this, step by step but basically: 1. I would import your PDF into Chief. 2. I would scale the PDF as accurately as possible 3. I would then place the PDF on a custom, locked layer to trace over, then I would orient the PDF so it aligns with the North-South of the Chief plan window 4. to trace out the property lines, topo lines etc 5. Next I wouild align the terrain to any already drawn structures like a house in terms of moving the terrain plane up or down relatice to that structure 6. I would then add the Barn structure, it is likely that the barn would have a higher or lower floor level relative to any other structures in the .plan file. 7. Then I would build the Barn relative to is actual floor level and relative to any other structures that also abide in the same .plan file. That is basically how to do what you wish to do. I have done this countless times and so know what the problems are and how to solve them. I do hope this outline helps you. DJP
  4. Anyone willing to help needs to know WHICH Home Designer title AND its version number to even see if they have a compatible version of Chief Architect Premier (so whatever they do for you, you can open and still edit in what software you have). I speciialize in helping, training and outsourcing users of Home Designer Software, contact me if you like for details. DJP
  5. Combination of both, it depends on the client or clients desires, most are happy with a Standard render, some for PBR and some for Ray Tracing. Now I have a wider choice. DJP
  6. Contact Chief Architect Inc Training to find out what is available aside from that information published on the Chief Architect Inc website. There are teacher grade users in both Australia and New Zealand who can be promoted to and there are others like myself who specialize in Chief Architect one on one, live tutoring and training services. You also can tap Dan Baumann of Chief Experts.com and David Michaels of Chief Tutor.com who have existing services in terms of websites, video tutorials and other valuable services that you can avail yourself of now. DJP
  7. That is a good question for Scott Harris and the other persons who run Chief Architect Inc. I worked with the now Vice President of Scholastic Sales, Debbie Gray as a trainer back in 2005 where we serviced those University's and schools that used networked versions for classroom deployment. Not the same as a corporate environment but similar. In any case end users do not determine such functionality, rather it is persons like Dermot Dempsey and others who develop Chief's programming and deployment, ask them, directly please, they do listen and care.. DJP
  8. For that you would use "Added Light Sources" to place a light source in concert with your custom light fixture."3D - Lighting - Add Light" then adjust the "Light Data" to suit your purposes. DJP
  9. No, it is not. Sketch Up constructs come in like any other symbol. Any editing of the symbol would then need to be done only in Sketch Up before bringing into Chief as a static symbol. DJP
  10. You cannot select auto-return roof planes in plan or camera views. DJP Carson Tims redesign xxx.zip
  11. X1 is an antique but requires updated drivers from the maker of the hardware lock to recognize the lock in Windows 10 (I actually have versions X1 back to version 7 on a separate hard drive that runs on old Windows XP 32 bit, that is how I solved my wish to continue to run legacy versions smoothly). X1 was designed to run within Windows XP, not Windows 10. I have versions X2-X10 on my other hard drive running Windows 10.Works for me. DJP
  12. They can be turned on or off (visible or invisible) in "Layer Display Options - Walls, Attic". If you do not want them to auto-generate there is a setting in 3D Defaults to have them auto-generate (set that way by default as you have seen) or to not generate at all, which then means that you will have to manually draw all Attic Walls yourself. DJP
  13. This a simple process, following is a YouTube video on how to import, manually your User Library: DJP
  14. How much do they want in exchange for that rig? DJP
  15. That is a big honking house, Great Job! DJP
  16. I recently had a client who was having the same problem with X10. This, as far as I can remember did not come up during Beta Testing (other Beta Testers can correct me I they remember differently). What I did for my client was delete the floor plan views on layout and start over sending them to layout. You may want to contact Tech Support to see if they have had reports of this unwanted occurrence. DJP
  17. I agree with Robert, in that one's level of zoom directly effects your video card's ability to differentiate between the numerous possible selections in an area. After all the software is merely a mechanical device, that does not "know" what you are trying to do from one moment to the next. DJP
  18. Like Eric, I gave up on the auto-interior dimension tool as soon as I saw what it did. I prefer manual dimensions for the interior. DJP
  19. How you do a screen porch, in my experience is determined by how it is to be framed. Sometimes I use railing walls for the walls and poly-line solids for the screen and sometimes I use siding walls, with windows with their "Glass" set to screen. I try to first find out exactly how my builder intends to build the screen room walls and then act accordingly. DJP
  20. I appreciate the time, care and intelligence you both exhibit with this thread. I have been an end user of this software since 1994 as a professional designer/drafter/teacher but I do not have any background in computer language or function. I know what I know through daily use of the application to get professional grade products. I have deadlines to meet. Commonly a plan set that will be acceptable to building permit authorities (.plan and, layout files) to total around 7-10 Mb whether the project is a custom home or commercial project. The creation of plans requires very little embellishment (furniture, plants, people, animals etc.). What is required for building purposes to communicate to all fundamental trades is all that is required. So in my years of using Chief, I have NEVER experienced such laggy behavior except on two or three extremely large projects (a commercial building of multiple stories totaling over one million square feet). I stopped using auto-save back in 1999, rather I manually save every few seconds as I work. Only for flashy display renderings do I add plants, people, brick-a-brack and other non-essential objects as these tend to slow my workflow down while I wait for my PC's hardware to process such additional unnecessary objects 3D faces per unit of time. Such creations are merely for fun or for promotional purposes, not making money per se. I have observed that amateurs, casual users, hobbyists and doodle-dadlers add this level of unnecessary detail by default, making their plans a bear for anything other than a supercomputer. I am not saying this should not be done, I am saying that such users commonly have minimal hardware arrayed PC's and so get swamped with sluggish performance. Professional users require completed products as opposed to "works of Art". I do know a few users who specialize in this kind of product with no complaints about slowness from them. Basically, you have confirmed what I already observed from my experiences. Thank you for your efforts, I just wanted to also add that not everyone uses Chief Architect software for Lucas Film level graphics. DJP
  21. I recommend PNY Brand NVIDIA video cards. They range in price from 100.00 to over $1,000.00, so one's budget is a limiting factor. My video card is getting old but still does a good job. I intend to upgrade my card soon, probably with an NVIDIA 1060 or 1070, we will see. DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY ON VIDEO SUPPORT BUILT INTO THE MOTHERBOARD, SUCH "SUPPORT" IS CHEAP BUT ALSO INADEQUATE TO SUPPORT CHIEF. DJP
  22. I run versions 7-X10 (including X9) on my PC, they all run well. I do keep older versions (7,8,9,10 and X1) on my XP 32 Hard Drive though, they run better there. DJP
  23. I used Dropbox until recently when they charged me for services I did not order or agree to. I canceled my "Free" account. Now I use Microsoft's One Drive, I bought Microsoft Office 365 which I use every day and got a terabyte of storage space with it for just 6.99 per month. i am liking it very much so far but I am a one-person operation, I do not know how it would be with others also using the same space. DJP