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Everything posted by DavidJPotter

  1. You must now be using X10 now instead of X9, correct? X9 has no "enhanced lighting" setting and no PBR render engine. You are going to have to be a little more specific and detailed about what software, what precise camera tools you are having difficulties with. You should add a "Signature" to the lower left-hand area of your posts and also tell us about your new PC hardware set up. All of this kind of data is relevant to helping you with useful answers. DJP
  2. Douglas, there are no tips or tricks here, just a bit of manual roof editing to clean up what the auto Roof generator created. Manual roof editing competence comes from wading in and doing it, controlling it and making it look as you wish. It requires a bit of study and then lots of trial and error practice to master. The spa would be easier to control as a custom slab and slab hole or a molding profile or even a library browser symbol instead of a curved wall. DJP
  3. Vector view is based upon lines and fills only, use that. All other rendering choices are based upon pixels. DJP
  4. Call Customer Service and find out from the source. I work with several Interior Designers who use Interiors with no problems at all. DJP
  5. I submitted this (inside and outside corners) to Tech Support and was basically told what Dermot just told you. Be that as it may, this "tool" or "feature" sucks wind. It is NOT reliable and is a dice-roll whether or not it works or not. This needs to be repaired to a point where it is reliable and professional grade. DJP
  6. Yes, Glenn is right (like usual!) you can vary the ceiling height of just the turret to get exactly what you want automatically by trial and error. DJP
  7. You need to also state WHAT version of Home Designer Pro you are using, please. DJP
  8. I would then use custom slabs for the steps, they are easy to shape and control. DJP
  9. I agree with you, I am not a licensed Structural, Mechanical or Electrical Engineer so doing such jobs as they are the only licensed by the state professionals who are trained and bonified to do so. DJP
  10. How to create one and why you should DJP
  11. Like I said above, perhaps "absolute" is not appropriate but "Room" is, try that. DJP
  12. If you want symbols to be placed relative to a room's floor, you would use "Floor" as the reference and not absolute. Honestly, I have not studied the exact definitions of "Absolute" in terms of what that actually means. I take into consideration if I want something located on terrain, I use the "terrain" setting, within a room, I use "Room" because I do not know what is meant by "Absolute" in this software. A good thing to get defined and understood, eh? DJP
  13. Please add what software version you are using to your "Signature" line so others can have that as a reference to their answers. The version one is using often helps helpers usefully answer your questions. Also posting an image of what you are seeing helps also to help others help you. Based just upon your post that sounds like completely wrong behavior but without knowing all other pertinent data about how you are creating such an unwanted effect no one can but guess as to a solution. DJP
  14. . Be sure that Chief is closed before zipping or attaching a copy of a file. I prefer using the "File-back up entire plan" directly to a zip file. You can do that with Chief Open and get a good copy. Doing what you did just wastes everyone's time. Try again but use the Backup to zip command in the file menu this time, please. DJP
  15. https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00788/creating-mitered-or-wrap-around-stairs.html This article shows the step I missed (I forgot actually). DJP
  16. If that were happening to me, I believe I would try to use CAD detail from view and if successful, send that to layout, anything to get a product, I agree with you Tech Support is for something that needs attention but production is due NOW!!! DJP
  17. I think what Eric did is to draw a custom slab and place it on the stem walls, at least that is what his image looks like to me. DJP
  18. Like anything worthwhile, it requires study and practice to gain professional results. Lumion is a terrific tool to make that job rather easier but requires a financial exchange for that ease. I do not do walkthroughs for that reason (I cannot justify buying Lumion or the time necessary to create walk-throughs in Chief). What I do is to create the new Panorama files for single areas and also exports of entire models as a 3D file for viewing in a browser. a lot less labor intensive and easy for clients to use. I do admire the great looking walkthroughs others have and are making especially Lumion ones. DJP
  19. Are you still using X6 now? If not please update your "Signature". DJP
  20. a "T-Stud" is a symbol like framing members, chairs or appliances which have "materials" applied to its 3D faces, so you are looking at a custom symbol with materials applied to it and not just a "Material", as I have said. Just take the symbol you currently have and add it to your Library Browser and then you are all set for the future. In the real world such things are "Materials" for sure but in the virtual world of software, they are symbols. DJP