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Everything posted by DavidJPotter

  1. I have projects that I have done literally all over the world or projects that were built elsewhere than the USA. In each case, the projects now stand from Tokyo to South Korea, South Africa, England, Russia, South America, Australia, Mexico, and Canada, as well as many States of the USA. In each case, the plans were shared with a local licensed Engineer before applying for a permit. Most of the time my name is not even on the plans. I mainly help others arrive at plans using Chief Architect Premier or Home Designer Pro. I like to do this and do not feel in any way diminished by it. I like helping others while helping myself. DJP
  2. I downloaded your plan and layout file, opened them in my X10. I do not see anything out of place or the naming conventions you describe at all. Your plan and layout files have not been "renamed" as you claim on my PC, so I am confused as to what you ARE speaking of, can you be more specific and show the naming instances you are speaking of as being out of place? DJP
  3. The only controls that ever existed for Temporary Dimensions are found in "Edit - Default Settings - Dimensions - Temporary Dimensions" as far as preprogrammed tendencies are concerned. DJP
  4. When I suggest a workaround, I am often attacked for that suggestion, never the less, this is easily repaired using the "Edit Layout" line tool after sending a view to layout and wall poly-lines can be edited before sending to layout as well. I have seen this but not often and I usually just repair the walls so they properly close. without your plan to look at, I can only generalize. I do not expect Chief Architect to achieve any kind of Nirvana any time soon, so I just work with it the way it is. DJP
  5. When a camera view is open or active there is an icon for that camera view called "Edit Active Camera" where for that camera view, you can select shadows and other attributes. There is also "Edit - Default Settings - Cameras" dialogs were such attributes can be set per camera type. DJP
  6. I too, miss Jim, he was one of the top ten Chief People. DJP
  7. I guess you have already looked at the "Mohawk" flooring library? DJP
  8. What Mark Mc suggested would be the easiest way but if you want something that really looks nice and representative you will probably have to draw custom muntins to get just the exact look you want. It depends on how far you will go to gain just the right effect. DJP
  9. I am old and I would not have them (Barn Doors) anywhere in my home. BUT, things change with great regularity and us guys have to change with them (at least in our designs), The customer is always "right" whether we agree with them or not. At least now we have some choices of door libraries as symbols. Earlier, before the libraries were available on the Chief Website, I would get such symbols from 3D Warehouse. A feature request has been made to add Barn Doors to the existing "Door Tools" but not yet implemented. DJP
  10. I do not see "this" in your post, did you intend to attach an image or plan file? "The terrain interpolator" is just a mechanical device, that you bend to your will, I do whatever is required to get the result I intend. With no image and no detailed data, the above is all I can offer for now, as help. DJP
  11. In your LIbrary Browser, you right-click on the library file and select "Delete" which sends that library file to your trash bin. You then find an uncorrupted version of the library file and install it using the "Import" Library File found under the "Library" main menu. You cannot selectively remove just one file from most libraries. DJP
  12. I took a look at your plan. My conclusion is that I could find NOTHING out of place. Therefore, I would send a copy of this file to Tech support for their evaluation. Your file looks the same on your PC as on mine, so Tech Support should be able to figure out "something" useful to you and everyone else. I did not try PBR but in Standard Render, trims appeared and disappeared relative to your view angle. DJP
  13. In X9 and X8, what you do is "look" and then, in the future you decide to be a little more methodical while creating a plan file so this does not happen to you again. I am NOT being mean-spirited, just factual. X10 may or may not be a solution but YOU can always be your solution, always. DJP
  14. The ONLY way you can do anywhere near a scientific bench test is for all testers to use the exact, same .plan file and then you would only know about the tested systems, it would tell you only about the systems tested. That might be worth the time to fiddle with it. DJP
  15. https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/profile/47-joe_carrick/ he has posted them here (Chief Talk) for free download. DJP
  16. There is no exact answer to your question since different scenes have different materials and lighting and as such require differing PC times to parse. Performance is determined by CPU speed, speed of RAM and of your hard drive. DJP
  17. Interestingly, Since Beta 2 of X10, I have not seen this unwanted phenomenon at all (Knock on wood), I am sorry you guys are. If Tech Support says "they can duplicate" the result, they can and will fix it as soon as they have a bulletproof fix, of that you can be sure. DJP
  18. You are welcome, heck I am 71 me self but I have been using Chief constantly since 1995 DJP
  19. Yes, as non-editable symbols, they do. Sketch Up symbols are editable in Sketch Up DJP
  20. Very kind of you to take the time to create this and then share it, Thank you! DJP
  21. Here is what I did with your file, thanks for sharing it! DJP
  22. I downloaded your plan file (thank you for sharing it with others). When I tried to assign, as you did to a single window, I was able to duplicate your negative results. When I first opened one of your basement windows, on its "treatments" tab it was set to "Default", I then checked "Windows" Defaults and found that no window treatment was in fact assigned there. I then set Blinds to "Mimi Blinds" in "Edit - Default Settings - Window Treatments - Mini Blinds" and then checked the same basement windows which now show the default mini blinds. It may be that you do not want mini-blinds on all windows on all floors so setting mini-blinds as the default for all windows may not be the "solution" you were looking for. I agree with you that one should be able to assign or not assign differing window treatments as one wishes but in your plan at least that seems not to be the case. My first thought was that perhaps this is an uncovered bug (I have not seen this phenomenon within any of my plans...) but in any case were I you, I would bring it to the attention of Tech Support because it is a reproducible instance and as such it is something Tech Support could then deal with to help us all. DJP
  23. What version of Chief Architect Premier did you upgrade from? As Eric pointed out, the most likely cause of no textures is the setting to turn off showing textures in a camera view. Chopsaw reproduced your results using non-optimum settings (BTW whether you get good or bad results is all based upon knowing the right and wrong settings to use in terms of Default Settings and Material and lighting settings which take quite a while to learn and master). There are "Display Options" dialogs for plan view, each differing camera view types and another one for the "Reference Display", each of those dialog boxes looks exactly like any other "Display Options" dialog. Since they look alike, new users often do not realize they are all different and control only what can be seen or not seen in plan views, each differing camera view and your reference display (can be quite confusing if not understood). Respond to our posts, give us more, specific data about your PC and settings and then help can only then be delivered. DJP
  24. Everything visible or invisible is controlled in a dialog called "Display Options", object layers are there alphabetically and can be turned on or off via that dialog. The auto-interior dimension tool is a manual tool that you must manually turn on or off, the same is true for exterior dimensions. Temporary dimensions can also be turned on or off by way of its tool icon (usually found in the left-hand toolbar). You really should carefully read your tutorial Guide and Reference Manual and just make time to do these things. The Reference Manual is over two thousand pages so it is NOT an afternoon read but do work your way through it, little by little as it covers everything you need to know and there is A LOT you do need to know. DJP
  25. Maybe I am missing your point but every material, wherever found has a properties tab that can be edited on any object at any time. That being the case, I do not understand your consideration. Reference this article in the Knowledge Base: https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-01006/customizing-a-library-material.html DJP