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Everything posted by dshall

  1. The older we get, the more we realize we are idiots. Eric (who is one of the best answerer's on this forum) has a good solution. But I am not sure if it is the best. There was somebody on this forum who spoke of possibly using pony walls for a situation like this. So, if you know what a pony wall is,(one type of wall on top of another wall where you can define the top of bottom wall (or bottom of top wall). Imagine using a pony wall in your situation, the top wall is a drywall wall (which is what you have now), and the bottom wall is "essentially a wall made of a material called OPENING NO MATERIAL" If you use the pony wall method, you can define top of wall via a dbx, and, and, and,, I think you might get a better "finish" under the wall. Eric, would you agree?
  2. You are correct, it is a really elementary question..... .....unfortunately this ability did not come with the program. ....... Check out CHOPSAWS threads. Joe and Michael did a great job solving this issue.
  3. I am doing a presentation but I was also asked to do a video for those folks that would be attending a different presentation than mine "gasp!!!" So I am assuming at one point CA just might make the vid available to the huddled masses. Glenn, you are correct, it is a bunch of 10 kilo stuff to put in a 5 kilo bag. I will skip the how to's and concentrate more on the process and thinking. If someone was interested they could find out the intricacies on this great forum. It is the overall methodology that I will present. For the users who have not fully developed their own systems, this should be great. There is a thousand ways to do this stuff, they all have their plusses and minuses. This will be a method that works for me.
  4. Yes, I might be teaching one of the courses at the UGM, can you believe it? Unless Scott Harris gets mad at me and fires me for cause. This will be my bi yearly golf trip with my Buddy Bruce and we will playing golf in Idaho and Spokane for a week. Sometime between the 5th and 6th hole of the Resort course I will swing by CA headquarters and deliver one of the best seminars..... ever! But seriously, for the folks that might be attending, the seminar I will be giving will be something I wish I had access to 12 years ago. It's all about putting together a set of house plans/remodel plans. Perry, this will be nothing new to you, it's all about the SAM, anno sets, layer sets, ref sets, drawing as-builts, moving onto preliminary plans, changing layer sets for LAYER SET FILES for different clients, using the Perry Macro Method, using the Joe Carrick window macros, using the Alaskan Son area macros (I will not give out their macros, they must be paid for), and blah blah blah, ...... stuff you and I have learned over the past 12 years. I have been thinking of this, trying to figure out how I get get as much info as possible into 59 minutes. I asked Scott Harris for 60 minutes of class time and he seemed to thing I could fit everything into 59 minutes, we will see..... whatever the time I have will be awesome for our friends. A lot of good info in 59 minutes. Perry, you were probably like me, we went to the different seminars/meetings to pick up just one tip. If I picked up one tip, I was happy. I hope that the folks that leave the presentation will pick up at least a half dozen tips. I want them to feel that their trip to the UGM was invaluable........ it will be awesome.......... but quite frankly, I don't care if nobody learns nothing, I just want to play golf for 7 straight days in God's Country. This is going to be an awesome golf trip.
  5. What a coincidence. College in Coeur d'alene and the company in the same city. a symbiotic relationship.... and some really good golf courses that I plan on visiting during the end of August which coincidently is when CA is holding their UGM......... is this serendipity or good planning by me... a little of both.
  6. If you take a test at the UGA and pass, you are titled CERTIFIED. I took the test back in 2009 and failed. But they felt sorry for me so they passed me...... either that or they finally received that $100.00 bill I slipped to Scott Harris.
  7. I concur, everything will soon be cloud based, WiFi will be everywhere and at the end of the season, the Padres will be in last place. It does not take a genius to understand these predictions.
  8. I remember seeing where one side gets fixed and then the other side is screwed up. I bet if you posted your plan, at least the wall with the window, I bet someone if not myself will give it a try. I bet I could do it using thin walls defining a bay window with a raised floor....
  9. Learn to use layer sets. Learn to put exterior walls on separate layers than interior walls. Learn to turn off the interior wall layer and leave the exterior wall layer on.
  10. Yes, see pic, however I think there is more of a downside than an upside to using this but I forgot the reason.
  11. I almost always agree with Glenn. However, in this case, I might might consider using the symbol method for each house. If I have a site and I have a house with a detached garage and maybe a detached studio building, I would build it in one plan. However, If I have separate houses , I think I would keep each house in it's own plan file, create a symbol for each house, and then put them in a NEW PLAN FILE that is strictly used for maybe a site plan and renderings. The reason I would go to the symbol method for multiple houses is because, often times the houses are not all parallel to each other and the distance between houses might change during the design process as well as the elevations of each house pad and yada yada yada. I do not like to use the symbol method, but in some cases it is the best solution.
  12. Wrong, the building ignores the terrain. Plenty of videos on how to understand terrains. hee is a video on did on terrains a while back.... If you want more vids on terrain by me, go to you tube and type in TERRAIN VIDEOS BY DSH
  13. I only need the brain cells for another 5 years and then I will retire and take up mindless pastimes like golf, Grandkids and traveling.
  14. That was the way it was 20 years ago. I have a mac, no issues wishing I had a PC. Both work well, but to say the Mac is not worthy because it isn't a PC is just wrong
  15. P and I think alike, but I am better looking..... according to my wife.
  16. I think I agree with this. I do think the number of clicks are directly tied to one's own ignorance and the end user definitely originates the command clicks. The two click categories are for different purposes but sometimes it takes 3 clicks. And as DJP states, with experience the studied ones can definitely learn to reduce the number of clicks for a prescribed task. Thank you DJP. Hey Rich, did that help? BTW, how is heaven on Earth? Are you guys having good weather?
  17. Yeah, I thought about that, but I do not see any insulating sheets over the studs so I did not think it was relevant. No worries, we all do things a little different.
  18. And while we are at it, why isn't the rim joist sitting on the sill plate. Hello, anybody home? Of course I live in San Diego where the temperature is 72 degrees 345 days a year with no humidity but we are using r-15 at walls, r-38 at attics, dual glaze windows, an IAQ fan and a whole house fan, required on demand water heaters and we are on the verge of needing not only insulation in walls but rigid insulation on exterior face. We run our A/C or heater only about 21 days out of the year. We spend more money and energy with our Christmas lights, Back in the '60's they were putting in Jalouise windows and somehow the folks in San Diego survived. Government...... jeez.....
  19. Jeez, wouldn't it be easier to put the insulation in the floor system just inside the rim joist. Doesn't that give you the insulation you want and at the same time make it easier to build?
  20. I use a mac, I have not updated to the latest version to confirm. I hope you guys get with tech support so this gets worked out.
  21. The stairs want to stop an second floor, not the third floor. And then if you send third floor to layout you don't see stairs at first floor unless you use ref sets. If it works for you, that is awesome. I am lucky this has come up only a couple of times in 10 years.