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Everything posted by dshall

  1. Hi Perry, 20 minutes is too short, that is why I extended it to 30 minutes max. My thought on this was it would require us to be focused, which means we would ignore ALAN "the funniest man alive" LEHMAN, and get the job done. Also, if we stayed focused and kept the time spent at a minimum, we might be able to do more workshops. It would be a learning session on steroids. I am keeping notes on possible topics. I am excited about this. The more heavy hitters who participate in the workshops, the more we will learn, and the heavy hitters will educate the future heavy hitters. So you guys who do not think you have anything to contribute, no worries, join in, you will learn and contribute later.
  2. Good topic for DSH 20 MINUTE WORKSHOP
  3. Good topic for DSH 20 MINUTE WORKSHOP
  4. Good topic for DSH 20 MINUTE WORKSHOP
  5. I remember the thread and you may be correct that I changed to linear as a test after reading Glenn's solution.
  6. Thanks to Glenn, he helped me with the problem. Somewhere down the line I had changed the TERRAIN SMOOTHING TO LINEAR, once I changed it back to MEDIUM, all was well. I do not know why I would of changed it...... I never get into the terrain DBX..... another of life's mysteries.
  7. I concur, move on, one day CA will make it available, it ain't there yet.
  8. I just have to say that Eric/Solver is an asset to this forum. Thanks Eric.
  9. However you have not dealt with the PERRY/DSH slab to stem wall issue,..... to solve this issue you need to put a concrete mono slab footing ON ALL 4 SIDES of your porch. This is something Perry and I have posted on this site many times, not sure why you did not realize this. Maybe you do not read all posts.
  10. I am sure I am wrong, but I think if you define the STEM WALL AT -6", you may get what you want.
  11. Another example, the top pic is good, the bottom pic is bad..... what happened? I do not know. I can't imagine what I did to the model that effected the terrain adversely.
  12. Griffin, I have been doing terrains for a long time. I can do them. With some effort I can get what I want........ HOWEVER, I just opened a relatively complex terrain and it was not the way I left it. At one time it work relatively well..... after a few days I go back to the model and the terrain is not behaving as it did. It is a walk out basement........ for some reason there was something I did to the BUILDING MODEL (not the terrain), that messed up the terrain. This kind of stuff is very frustrating... I will not even try to fix it now..... not worth the effort..... I am as frustrated as you. I agree with you, it should not be this difficult to set a terrain and have it STICK. I do not know what the problem is. I think CA can do a "simple terrain" easily... but if it does not fit within their "model", you are on your own. I have terrain "bleeding" into my basement. See attached pic, Note the dirt "bleeding" into the garage. It was not like that a few days ago. I would post the plan, but I do not think anybody can fix it WITHOUT A LOT OF TIME. I do not think it should be necessary to stand on one leg doing 3 hail Mary's to get the terrain to work....... and then hope that if I sneeze the terrain will not screw up. Very very frustrating. As I said, at one time the terrain was great..... you can compare the two pics, note the dirt "bleeding into the garage" in each picture...... it is different in each picture, I did not change the terrain...... very very frustrating...
  13. Or you could build a wall, fill it with a widow with mullions.
  14. Yes, I have often seen missing connections....... I can't prove it is a CA issue or user issue. i am talking about electrical connections.
  15. I like the strategy, 1 day of pain, for me it would be 3 days. but I will do you one better, do 5 days of pain and learn to use mouse with non dominate hand.
  16. Hitting the G13 key seems to be more work than necessary..... BTW, I was voted HOT KEY KING by our favorite Sorority Coeds. I have found that 2 keys are enough. If I want to use 3 keystones, I have it set up so that if the 2nd keystroke is a "D", CA knows it will be three keystrokes including the "D". I think with this set up there is the possibility of 13.3 million hot key combinations, which is enough for me, I have a hard time keeping track of 1.38 million hot key combos..... just saying...... I am leaving for Mammoth in 3 hours to do some spring skiing for a couple of days,,,,, if anybody wants to join me, I will be on the GREEN SLOPES....... snowboarding baby!!!!!!! Going with my son, a client and his son........ ain't life grand?
  17. BTW, you should build your foundation... NOW..... this will help you understand how the brick ledge etc is working.
  18. Do not build the garage front wall in 3 segments. Select garage door, copy, drag left wall to the right so you have one wall, garage door disappears, paste in place and garage door is back. All is well. Do not build the front wall in 3 segments... it is one wall.
  19. I have and I don't get it. Who would want center dimensions? Framers snap there lines to edge of framing.
  20. No worries.... it works great unless you have a 3 story and then.....? hence the MMRLS...... but that is another story...... I am busy taking small bites and CA is doing a good job of cutting up my pieces of meat to bite size portions........ sometimes I wish they would feed me more bite size portions..... but it will happen...... Grasshopper must be patient........
  21. dshall

    Quick tip

    Hi Curt, No, I am copying, go to next floor and paste in place...... as long as the door/window is defined by ABSOLUTE ELEVATION when copied... it should work