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Everything posted by dshall

  1. The Mark McAniff Cabinet Workshop is Scheduled for February 17 at 2:00 PM EST and 11:00 AM PST. I will host on GOTOMEETING, but this will be Mark's Party, he will be the presenter. I will send out invites at 1:45EST/10:45 PST on the day of the workshop for those interested. For you guys who use 2020 and do a lot of kitchens and baths, this is a great opportunity for you. Mark has been working on trying to eliminate 2020 and working with CA exclusively. This meeting will be no longer than 3 hours.... it's Mark's call. Mark, thank you very much for sharing your knowledge with us nitwits. I am looking forward to it. If you are interested in attending, please email me your email to dscotthall@macDOTcom, PLEASE EMAIL ME..... PLEASE MAKE THIS PROCESS EASY ON ME, thank you ATTENDEES TO DATE: MARK MCANIFF, DSHALL, PERRY H., MATT KENNEDY, JON SCUSSEL, CHOPSAW, THE SOLVER, JON CAFFEE, DAVID ZAWASKI, CHARLES VOLZ, GEORGE BROWN, FRANCOIS, RAY ROOD, BRIAN NEWKIRK, YVONNE CERDA, SUSAN CRACRAFT, SCOTT MENARD, ROBERT ZEBROWSKI, JON-A-THANK, CHRIS ELY, ALAN LEHMAN, RICH WINSOR, (22)
  2. Mark, I missed your on line meeting notice. I would be interested in hearing what you have to say. If you would like, I can host on GTM and I will let you be the presenter. This could be good. I have Friday the 17th 2 pm eastern and 11:00 am PST locked in if you are interested. Let me know what you want to do. If you want to use GTM, then I should be the poster and the guy who coordinates but the show will be all yours.
  3. Yeah, with few exceptions, if someone can't find the time to post the plan, I don't have time to look into it.
  4. Gene,. I get that quite often and I have reported it. To fix I either open a new plan or I use a hot key to open my library and they come back. an annoyance but does not take long to fix.
  5. I have a project that is close to a freeway. I can either provide an acoustical report or build the walls, floor and attic with an STC of 50. Does anybody know where I can get an approved assembly. I need a sloped ceiling assembly, a wall assembly and a deck above assembly. Thanks guys
  6. Listen to Racklamore, post the plan.
  7. I am rarely sticking my neck out when I agree with Glenn....... I agree with Glenn...... house and terrain in one file...... only use symbol for a house if your really know what you are doing (I have used this on only one project, multiple houses on one lot), if you want to move site relative to house, set up anno/layer set with house locked and terrain unlocked..... move terrain relative to house, do not move house relative to terrain.
  8. I suppose I was looking for an example of how you might add a new area and how you might add a different macro/calculation. I was hoping to observe how quickly it could be done. As I stated before..... "Joe, I think it would be beneficial for anyone considering using your program if you can illustrate how easy it would be to modify the formulas. I am talking about adding up the existing areas and getting a total, adding the new areas and getting a total, adding new areas and existing areas together and dividing by the lot area to get the FAR. And adding the first floor areas and dividing by lot area to get the coverage."
  9. Joe, I do not need to watch it again. I saw it. I was sharing what I would of wanted to see to determine whether the macro would work for me.
  10. What Joe has done is super. Something I have been asking CA to do since 1973. Michael takes a different approach and to date I am using his approach. When I choose a method to use, all I care about is which method is the easiest for me to implement into my plans. I want a method that I can customize. Joe, I think it would be beneficial for anyone considering using your program if you can illustrate how easy it would be to modify the formulas. I am talking about adding up the existing areas and getting a total, adding the new areas and getting a total, adding new areas and existing areas together and dividing by the lot area to get the FAR. And adding the first floor areas and dividing by lot area to get the coverage.
  11. Wow, this is great advice. Several years ago there was a local new structural engineer in my area.... he kept coming by and talking to me and soliciting my business. I was happy with the engineer I was using. But this new guy showed how he WOULD MAKE MY JOB EASIER (using internet for exchanging plans and getting plans stamped and signed). I eventually left the engineer I was using and went with this new guy. A great move by me. Point is, meet with the builders in person and show how you can save the time and money. Who is the DESIGNSYKO with such great advice? He is probably a woman.
  12. Did you open plan in x8 and did you see reflection? Did you then save plan and then open in X9 and not see reflection? BTW, open your mirror and change thickness to 11", all okay, now change to 12" thickness..... mirror quality disappears, not earth shattering, but a quirk.
  13. No problems here..... I think it depends on what camera you are using,
  14. Here is my take on the vid....... just following up on what Perry said..... poor vid, but if you keep working and listen to it in the back ground, it may be helpful. PART 1 PART 2
  15. It sounds as if you think Jon is giving you a work around. He is not. That gap that you see is you not building your foundation. That gap is your foundation. If you see a gap it is because you have not built foundation.
  16. This work around does not bother me.... I think in the real world you will have a SCOOP/SHOVEL FOOTING anyway.
  17. I have had 3 users tell me that they use CA because of my videos, and I am sure at least one of those guys have been instrumental in bring several other new users on board (IOW I acted as an ambassador). I have not followed Dan Baughman's stuff, but ChiefTutor was a great resource for me in the early days. I consider David Michael a great ambassador for the program. His vids made tasks look so simple.
  18. "Cartesian means of or relating to the French philosopher René Descartes—from his Latinized name Cartesius. It may refer to: Cartesian anxiety, a hope that studying the world will give us unchangeable knowledge of ourselves and the world." hmmmmm, maybe it is.
  19. That is funny. I think I am a power user and sometimes after I say something I ask myself.... "what the eff did I just say?"
  20. Absolutely, have you ever heard penny wise, pound foolish? If you are new out of the box, I would invest in a minimum of 16 hours of training time with an experienced user. That 16 hours will probably be worth 80 hours worth of your time. And here is the best advice I can give you. Learn about anno/layer/ref sets and then learn how to use either the TEMPLATE METHOD or the SAM METHOD. If you do not know what they are, do a search.