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Everything posted by Ridge_Runner

  1. Where is @yusuf-333 when you need him? Anyone heard from him in a while?
  2. It will work with Edit Area like Eric said, but not if you just select everything visible with the standard selection arrow and then try to mirror - the option won't be available on the edit bar and transform/replicate has the "reflect" option grayed out.
  3. You may have had an item selected the 1st time that would not allow the selection to reflect or mirror.
  4. I think Bob meant did you check that you had created stretch planes for your symbol in the "sizing" section of the dialog box (dbx)? edit: You have to be in the "open symbol" dbx and not the "open item" dbx to set stretch planes.
  5. Do a search on the forum. This was discussed not too long.
  6. This has been discussed before; a search on the forum would bring it up. I have tried it and used it. It does work OK but not so good sometimes around windows and doors. The framing members have to be edited to some degree. Then, if changes occur, they have to be edited again. Depending on the complexity of the design it could become a lot of work also. It does display good in both 2D and 3D views and does cast shadows.
  7. Hi, Joshua. I've done quite a few of these. I guess I don't understand the dilemma. I typically just do a "frame-over" for the porch section of the roof over the house. The main porch roof low side support (LVL's or 2x headers) will be supported by the wall at the house. The truss manufacturer can design the trusses, purlin spacing and the purlin size for the extra roof load and the 12' column spacing. There are several posts on this forum about the "how-to" areas, such as how to construct the purlins from roof framing members and rotated. Once you get the purlins down I would think regular sections would show the needed details. Note: polyline solids drawn in section for the purlins would also work and may be easier for some. I went to the trouble a few years ago to modify a similar truss from 3D Warehouse. I have to modify it for every job as the spans and spacing never seem to be the same from job to job (custom homes always). Once you get one of the half-span metal trusses done, you can mirror it to the other side, finishing the full span. Block those together and then transform-replicate on the 12' centers. I would be happy to send you my "base truss" if you would like. I always modify it in section while it is horizontal (no slope). Takes some math to figure out the final "true-length" of the top cord on your req'd slope (or a CAD detail from view), but not difficult to do. Sometimes a little trial and error but worth the effort to get the visual in the sections. It's not as complicated as my description probably sounds. Hope this helps.
  8. Sorry guys. I must have ran the test twice without realizing the difference in time it would make. I ran it again like Graham asked - 22 sec. I closed CA and opened the plan again. Same results - 22 sec. Haven't ran the Parade of Homes test yet; Monday struggles.
  9. 11 sec to open the BBQ camera. All cores maxed at 100% at 4.3 MHz turbo. Strange thing - I had a difficult time selecting the camera in plan view. Took several mouse clicks before it would highlight. Haven't ran the other tests yet. Maybe tomorrow.
  10. If you go to the download page you (probably) were on, it has a link to the update notes. It's the PDF with all the release notes for X11.
  11. Per Graham's second request: open plan. press full screen icon - 4 seconds press reduce icon - 2 seconds press full screen icon - 4 seconds press increase icon - 4-5 seconds Thanks for your time on this Graham.
  12. Sorry, Graham; should have done this when you asked for it. My system (copied Glenn's numbers): Zoom 2 seconds (8-17) 3 seconds Select slab 4 seconds (13) 3 seconds Move edge 4 seconds 14) 3 seconds Close file instant (12) instant Additional times: open plan - 3 seconds dimension slab in plan - 3 seconds undo dimension - 2 seconds pan with mouse - 4 seconds open camera - instant rotate in standard view - instant rotate in vector view - instant close camera - 3 seconds open elevation camera - instant pan, move, zoom, select slab, dimension slab in elevation - instant close elevation camera - 3 seconds Hope these help.
  13. Obviously not realistic. One thing I always liked about D Scott Hall's videos was the "process;" thanks, Scott.
  14. Like Mick says, that roof in the diagram is a stick-framed roof. We do those a lot. It does have a birdsmouth cut on the rafter to fit over the 2x it sits on. Someone calculated (and posted) a sheet with the info I think you are looking for some time back. I printed it out and still use. The guy went to the trouble to calculate it for all of the common roof pitches. A forum search should bring it up. I'm not sure what key words you would need to search for but I think it was baseline heights at various pitches or something like that.
  15. I think Glenn's approach is the way to eliminate confusion. Showing things on the 2nd floor that aren't there only leads to confusion in plan views. 3D overviews are great for showing both floors as Perry suggests.
  16. That works OK until there are changes; then you have to do it again. But, that's req'd with other methods also, right? Pick your poison I guess.
  17. Eric's suggestion is a good one. Sometimes those plsolids will generate so far away from the origin that you don't know where they are unless something is there to stop them; voice of experience. Even a tall enough slab in behind them will cause them to be just in front of it. Other times, they may be right at the section camera you are using.
  18. Don't know what version you are using, but check the plsolid in plan view to see what layer it is on. Make sure that layer is "on" in 3D view.
  19. Interesting; not sure that was part of my problem but could have been.
  20. At least you've got enough fan (blower) to get plenty of air to it.
  21. It does it on my desktop. Nuisance, but too busy to deal with it right now. I'm using a Logitech wireless Performance MX. It doesn't do it all of the time but regularly. Did it in X10 also.
  22. Watch the poly/face count. Some of the symbols on 3D Warehouse will slow you to a crawl.