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Everything posted by Ridge_Runner

  1. Pretty much my method also like Michael and Chris. I do add the 2D trees as I like the look and I guess my OCD may not be as bad as Michael's. I like some of the color views like Rob shows as well as some others but the cost of color printing is a non-starter in my location.
  2. Do a search for PBR and you will find a thread that has pages of comments, tips, suggestions, etc. I think Graham started it, best I remember.
  3. Could be a number of things. Attaching the plan will get you a quick answer usually without a lot of guessing.
  4. Like Solver said, draw that one in plan. What you want to do determines whether to draw in elevation or plan.
  5. I have noticed this for years (or maybe entirely different issue). I believe it has to do with how you show your cameras in display. Are the cross section cameras centered, left side, or right side in display? Also, how long is the cross-section line (as in the crop to camera extents feature)?It seems to me the views always shift unless I use centered cross-section cameras and that defeats the purpose of using the left or right off-set display in plan. I believe the view just centers on wherever the camera icon is place in plan. Haven't researched this too much but that seems to be what is going on with mine. I don't notice it too much in layout but for sure when I just open a camera view by double-clicking the layout viewport. The camera always comes up on screen squirrely and I have to reposition to center in my monitors.
  6. If that plan was brought forward, or even from a template, make sure you don't have a schedule hiding somewhere in a CAD Detail
  7. Draw it in section view as CAD lines and then turn it into a 3D molding line. Position it in plan view if necessary.
  8. It will only be clear in Standard view. Vector will look like the above screen shots or white.
  9. OK, thanks. I will watch to see what adverse conditions it may create. It would be great if it worked as it "appears" as I hate the workarounds with CAD masks sometimes. The ability to modify the layout box was a welcome feature though when it was added.
  10. Steve, I've been using CA since version '97 and I never knew that trick existed. Thanks
  11. Place wall breaks at each point you want the wall to break for the deeper section. Click on the short wall section, open dbx, and copy the wall type to a new wall with the deeper dimensions. You will probably be limited to how close to a corner or wall intersection you can get.
  12. It's a ceiling break line. Turn off that layer and it will go away. You did not break your main roof around the fireplace so the underside of the roof cuts the ceiling plane and slopes it downward.
  13. Send it to layout at a larger scale. However, you must have your dimensions and text defaults sized for the scale you want to send. Others will have to comment on the NKBA rules as I don't use them. There are help articles and videos at CA's web pages that deal with NKBA dimensioning that you can view.
  14. In layout, you can select the layout view of the plan and then use the side edit handles to move the edges to "crop" the view to suit. In elevation, use the wall elevation camera and not the cross section camera. The wall elevation camera restricts the camera to the room it is in.
  15. I almost typed that in but didn't for some unknown reason.
  16. Not 100% sure what you are asking without a pic, but I think a CAD mask would work; white lines & white, solid fill - works for printing in B&W just fine and should work for color in may cases.
  17. Same here, and you have control over each element.
  18. Are you using a back-clipped cross section? Try that on your plan and see if it makes a difference. Just adjust the camera clipping plane in plan until the windows are not included. Might work, might not.
  19. I think this is the correct way to do it. I seem to remember being confused about doing this step when I downloaded Twinmotion some time back.
  20. I took a quick look at the plans and layout you attached. Apparently, there are other plan files that were not attached, or maybe different versions of plans. When I opened the layout there were missing plan files. Usually best to do a zipped full project backup from the layout file to make sure all of the referenced plan files are there. The thing I noticed in layout was that you were using "live views" mixed with some "plot line" views. Make sure you check the "Use Layout Line Scaling" when sending to layout. You may want to search the forum for threads dealing with live views sent to layout as there was considerable discussion some time back with people being frustrated with the "fuzziness" of live views. I personally only send "plot lines" to layout; just my personal preference. It also appears you are referencing some CAD elevations in layout that were drawn on the plan view; not sure why you would do that but that may be your drawing method. With what you attached, I think you really should look into using "plan views" for your work flow (don't know what version of CA you are using). Plan Views have really streamlined my workflow. Then really work on your line weights in your layersets. There is no reason you should have to set all of the layers to "1" just to get a clean layout; that is counterintutive. Different line weights are a must for good, legible condocs. I do have one question, out of curiosity. On the EC plan, are there really 3-different sandwiched exterior walls on the main portion of the house - 2x4 wall with siding, 2x4 wall with stucco, and then furring with vertical siding on the extreme exterior? Never seen that before. Anyway, I hope this helps a little.
  21. I think Eric has the best way. Bit of work but what isn't on these types of homes.
  22. I think I would try placing a doorway (no casing) in the lower wall and either a doorway or window in the upper wall.
  23. Always check your layersets. If you will post the plan also, others can usually diagnose the problem much quicker.