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Everything posted by Ridge_Runner

  1. That's a tough one...shadows are part of the real world. With that being said, shadows in CA can sometimes be too heavy until the lighting is dialed in - that's some of the hard part.
  2. Why would they be on "that" layer, Chopsaw? To me, that's a complete disconnect.
  3. That would be a shame as I only use plot lines. I also don't want to have to upgrade to the latest and greatest Workstation every couple of years to keep up with the horsepower req'd for live views and PBR - plus the problems sometimes associated with them. Old dog, yes; but also limited funds for hardware.
  4. I wondered why the finish in the cabinets was different as well as the table and chairs from the previous pics. I thought maybe in your "tweaking" you just changed those too. Still, you have certainly made PBR much more interesting since it first came out.
  5. Very well done, Graham. The first three certainly blur the line between true photo and graphic. Had I not been following this thread I would have thought the first three were photos if seeing for the first time. I appreciate all of your hard work in this area. Maybe X11 will build on your, and others, dedication to PBR.
  6. That's what I do. I make mine the bright pink for exterior molding lines and yellow for interior - both on separate layers.
  7. Ben, I don't use transparencies nor embed PDF's in my layout views and I still have the same problem as the OP. In addition, I only send plot line views, not live views. I keep it simple since I still use an HP plotter to print my own drawings for reproduction to ammonia-based blueprints (no print shop within 50 miles of me). Chief's built-in PDF driver works for me but it is the file size that is the killer.
  8. Perry, are you using this as your PDF printer or Chief's built-in PDF printer?
  9. If you go to your PDF you can click on the light areas. You will see the individual "tiles" highlight. Sorry to see X10 still has this problem. I haven't downloaded X10 yet even though I have a current SSA account. Plan on downloading today or tomorrow. I have a heavy workload with several projects already started in X9 and just haven't wanted to wade in to the struggles of X10, new templates, etc. PBR will probably be (hopefully) better come X11 but I don't have the time to "fiddle" with it right now. I do like the plan views feature - that will be a game changer for me.
  10. This happens to me all the time. Tried several different PDF "printers" and they all did pretty much the same. They "tile" the output with the lighter linework. Search the forum. I was part of this discussion in time past. Chief's included PDF engine works better about keeping the line quality but it creates very large PDF files for me - 80 to 100+ Mb files many times. The others create smaller files but you get the lighter linework. I finally settled on Bullzip - it was the best compromise for me but still tiles the output on some sheets.
  11. Nice graphic, Mick. Shows the way CA "thinks," at least for pavers and tile.
  12. Nice, Alvar. I'm curious - what did you do to dramatically improve the stainless in the wall ovens and the fridge?
  13. Look under the door "Options" tab, first line. There is a "Double Door Only" pick.
  14. Nice presentation style, Levis. I wish we could print affordable color prints like that here - cost is off the charts.
  15. Try changing your undo back to say 10 instead of 50 and see if it improves any. I like the idea of 50 undos but it will cost you in performance. Your system will handle it more than mine but yours will still probably suffer at some point. Also try closing CA down (after saving your work of course) and restart. I still have to do that if I have been working in the same session for several hours because CA will become "squirrely" at times. This has been discussed on the forum before. CA just seems to have some type of memory leak or something and needs reloading.
  16. Watch the polygon count. Some of those symbols are great but extremely large. They will quickly slow you down if you are not careful which ones you pick.
  17. That's what my wife says about me. I do hope I can at least slow down some with the project load. Maybe the coming "pop" in the housing bubble will do it for me...do you think? Maybe then I can only work on McMansions for the Millennials.