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Everything posted by DBCooper

  1. Default Settings Floors and Rooms Floor/Ceiling Platforms Change the ceiling finish to whatever you want.
  2. You still haven't given us much info to give you anything more than random guesses. The picture you posted just shows a normal message that you will get when the program is building your 3D model. If that it is taking a very long time, there are lots of reasons why this can happen. The problem could be something in your model or the problem could be something on your system. If you want an easy way of figure out if it is a problem with your plan or your system, then post your plan. You will need to post a link to an online location (like dropbox or something similar) because it will be too big to attach to the forum. Then someone else can see if they are having the same slow downs (and if so, they may even be able to tell you why). I also recommend that your take a look at that tech article that I posted above. It has a whole list of things you can look into if you want to figure it out yourself.
  3. You will not be able to get a good walkthrough by just opening a camera view and hitting the record button. You need to use a walkthrough path. I recommend you check out this video: https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/10208/3d-walkthroughs-how-to-make-great-virtual-tours.html
  4. Have you tried turning off the layer(s) for the labels?
  5. What kind of file did they send you? Where are you seeing the slow downs? You did not give us a lot of info so it's a bit hard to give you more help. This tech article has some more general info about trouble shooting slowness: https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00521/troubleshooting-slowness-in-chief-architect-plans.html
  6. Works for me. You might need to post the plan. You can always convert the room molding into a molding polyline and then modify it manually. The problem with this is that if you then make any changes to your walls you will have to manually update the molding poly.
  7. Go to the label tab and set "show in this view" . The automatic behavior is that the label will only show if the partition shows. You can force it to show/hide for any camera view manually.
  8. You could create a room using a room divider and then change the floor height. You could also just put down a floor material region and set the thickness you want.
  9. Try placing a normal cabinet, change the depth to 13", and then change it to a corner cabinet using the cabinet dialog.
  10. Take a look at the "make room molding polyline". This will let you convert your room molding into a fully customizable molding polyline.
  11. Try this: - check open underneath - set the max thickness - turn off auto heights - set base height to the same as your thickness
  12. That doesn't sound right. When you delete something, you should only get a message if you have "warn before deleting" turned on in your "general plan defaults". The program shouldn't ask you if you want to save your plan and close. Are you using the latest update (25.3)? If not, then you should install it. Lots of bugs get fixed in the updates so you should always use the latest version. Maybe something is corrupt in your plan and it's causing the program to close abnormally? You could try posting it here and see if someone has the same problem. If all else fails, I would call tech support. Might be a system problem or some other weird thing going on.
  13. Check your top and bottom margins on the "attributes" page.
  14. Glenn's right, it looks like a bug having to do with pasting the revision cloud when it's in a group.
  15. It depends on the dialog box. Some controls will round to the nearest 1/16" no matter what you type in. Also, you can change the "number style" to decimal inches to see what the real number is.
  16. The only way I can get something like that is to create a callout with a long cross section line that is then hidden. Could be something like that causing your box to be really big even though you can't see it. If you can't figure out what it is, then post your plan and I bet someone else can.
  17. The "move" handle is in the center of the box that contains all of the objects. This works the same whether you are pasting a group of objects or just selecting them to move them. From your picture above, it looks like it includes something that is way below the bottom. Either you have selected something down there or the program is making the box too big for some weird reason.
  18. Your plan has "auto rebuild terrain" turned off. This means that anytime you do anything that might affect the terrain, the program will think it is out of date and needs to rebuild. That is why you are seeing the "3 little trees" icon following your cursor around. That is also probably why you were not seeing any terrain. You can either turn on "auto rebuild terrain" in your terrain dialog or just manually rebuild the terrain anytime you want to update it and see what it actually looks like.
  19. Just as an FYI, custom muntins are great, but there are a lot of specialty designs you can do without them. Check out the help section about the window lites panel because it goes over some of the options. I think the main reason they had to use custom muntins with the round window from the library is because the normal ones don't play well with the reflected arches. I tried using the concentric rays and I couldn't get them to work with them.
  20. Improved snaps was one of the new features added in X15: - Snapping in Elevation Views. Access object snaps while drawing and editing in Elevation and Section views to interact with your design accurately. You can find more info about X15 here: https://www.chiefarchitect.com/products/upgrade.html It looks like the wainscot video you linked to was actually recorded back in X9 though. In theory, you should be able to do everything they could do in X9 in X14.
  21. Yes, it's because your layout is showing the material patterns and your camera view is showing textures. Materials have both and they can be set to be different or set to be the same. Charles suggestion to switch your camera view to use the vector view render technique will show you what the patterns look like and give you a better preview of what the layout will look like (especially if you are using "plot lines"). You might want to also check out this tech article: https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00194/changing-the-direction-of-a-material-s-pattern-and-texture.html
  22. If you end up having to do some more advanced brick work, you might want to check out this tech article: https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00797/creating-a-soldier-course.html
  23. Your brick material is staggered. You need to use a different material that is not staggered.
  24. Try a tudor arch, set the height of the arch to 1/2 the window height, don't specify a radius, and then check the box for reflect vertically. Pretty simple but not at all obvious and it sure would be nice if you could just rotate a normal window.