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Everything posted by DBCooper

  1. If Glenn's solution doesn't work for you, you should post a picture of what you are trying to do.
  2. I assume you are just using "file-export picture" directly from the cross section view. I have not seen a problem like this and it is possible that this is related to your video card. Try updating your drivers to see if it magically goes away. If not, then you could try posting the plan to see if anyone else gets the same problem. The other thing you might want to do is report this to tech support.
  3. I think the problem with bay windows is fixed in X16 because I haven't seen it happen since I got it. You should try getting the beta to see if it still happens for you. If it does, then you should probably report this to Chief tech support and not just post on the forum.
  4. Your plan has lots, and lots, of duplicate materials. Open your plan materials dialog and merge the ones with the same names. I merged the ones called "pearl grey" and the extra wall lines disappeared.
  5. All of the ones used in your layer sets should be imported. So you could also create a layer set that uses all of the text styles that you want to import. It will only bring in the text styles that are not already in the plan and I think it just looks at the names. If you are trying to replace text styles, than that is going to be a bit more work.
  6. javatom's solution is pretty clever and should work. You could also just draw a short railing and then convert it into a door symbol and use that as your gate. Or, you could always just make your own gate symbols using all sorts of other tools. As for the lighted post caps, there is not really a good way to do this automatically. If you want them to look good and actually cast light then they will need to be lights. You can build a symbol for the post caps and make them into electrical lights. The part that will be somewhat painful is placing them manually in a plan and positioning them on top of the posts. This is the part that would be nice if Chief had a way of doing it automatically. Another way you could solve this would be to build a post symbol that has the cap built in but uses an emissive material so that it looks like it is a real light. That might be good enough for almost all cases and much easier. As for riser lights, I don't think there are any good tricks to make this more automatic so you will probably just have to manually place them.
  7. That looks like a camera callout. Click on the camera, then look at the ALDO (or open up the "object layer properties"). You should see that it is using two layers, one for the camera and one for the label. Just pick a different text style for the camera layer. The text that shows up in the camera callout is always controlled by the text style of the layer.
  8. Yes, but I would buy it from the manufacturer that way. Adding insulation to an uninsulated door is usually not worth the trouble. You could drill holes in it and use some kind of spray foam but it might be hard to fill it completely without causing it to bulge. So it really all depends on how you want to show it in your plans. You can just add a note as Gene is suggesting and that is probably the easiest way. If you want to show it in a cross section, you could manually add insulation using the cad tools but I don't think there is any easy way to show this automatically.
  9. 1. Siding problem. Don't know and would be best to post the plan so that people could poke around and see what it causing that. You will need to close the plan and probably zip it up in order to post it on the forum. 2. Stair trim. Well, did you try doing the same thing you did on the right side? Usually for concrete stairs like this, I will start with "closed stringers" and then switch to "custom" so I can set the stringer thickness to something like 4-6". I also like to set the "height below tread" to a large value, tread overhang and thickness to 0, to make it look like solid concrete steps. 3. You can get an automatic stair railing on top of a closed stringer. 4. If you build it as a landing, you can have railings on the sides you want. You can also set the thickness to match your stairs. Not sure what you mean about losing your footings though. The picture below is what I was able to do with just a stair and landing. I couldn't figure out an easy way to get the top of the stringer to be cutoff at the landing height though.
  10. He has a puck light on each shelf. You can see it better in the first picture he posted.
  11. See this recent post where someone else was doing something similar: https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/42315-garage-to-living-space/
  12. Try clicking on the "gear" tool and see if you can turn everything back on.
  13. Yes, it's a good thing that TeaTime pointed that out. Maybe if someone had suggested that sooner this problem would have been solved a long time ago?
  14. Go to the window frame settings and turn off the post by setting it to "mitered".
  15. Try adjusting the "cut off angle" to make the cone shape larger and then increase the "drop off rate" to fade the edges.
  16. My guess is that when you remove the column that the door is then getting merged with another door and the quantity is increased. Schedules group objects based on whether the text in their rows match. If you don't want them merged, you can turn this off or you have to show something in the schedule that makes the doors different.
  17. 1. My guess is that your elevation view is using a different layer set than the other camera views and the layer is turned off in that set. 2. Not sure. Maybe post the plan? 3. I am definitely seeing materials in your pictures above (otherwise you wouldn't see anything). Maybe you want to see the textures instead of the patterns? Or do you want to see both? By default vector views only show patterns but you could use a different render technique that will show you the textures instead and if you want to see both you can add lines on top of the textures. Here is a basic video about render techniques to get you started: https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/6150/rendering-techniques.html
  18. Select your terrain perimeter. Use the "make terrain hole around building" tool. Edit shape as needed.
  19. Madcow, you just need to pay attention to what is on your screen when you click on a dimension. On the right side, you should see two buttons. The button with the 2-headed arrow will just move the side of the poly and the button with the 4-headed arrow will move the whole object.
  20. Your signature says X11 but I am guessing that you are using something newer. As for your backdrop, are you trying to use a normal image as a spherical backdrop? I think this would end up stretching the picture all around the building which could make it look more pixelated. Just a guess though. As for the missing plant images, I think I have only seen this happen with real time raytracing and I was able to get the images to show up by turning off the "rotate to face camera" setting. I wasn't all that happy with how they looked and got better results using 3d plants though.
  21. Ok, I have a new guess. Your wall cabinet is using an actual door and not a panel otherwise you would not see the opening indicators. My bet is that you have setup the handle for the cabinet but that your particular door is set to "none" for some reason. There are two different ways to set hardware (and door styles) for cabinets. If you set it up on the "door/drawer" page, you are setting up the "main style" to use for that cabinet. If you select any door, and then use the "specify" button, you can override the settings for any particular face item. This is what you do if you want a cabinet with multiple doors to have different styles for the doors or hardware. It's pretty easy to override the settings for a particular door by just "painting" the door or hardware from the library. You can also get them into all kinds of different states using the match properties tool or style palettes. You should be able to open the dialog, click on the door, click on "specify", and in the "door face item" dialog make sure the door and handle are both set to "use default". If it's not this, then you need to post a plan file for someone to take a look at. And, like TeaTime said, make sure you close Chief when you try to zip the file.
  22. So most of the tools you mentioned are "edit" tools that will only appear on the "edit toolbar" when you have first selected an object. Since they depend on what kind of object that you have selected, you will see different tools if you select something like a cabinet compared to something like a layout box. They can also depend on what you have done to the object. For example, if you just select a normal base cabinet, you should see the "set as default" edit tool but if you select a corner cabinet, you won't. I am still not clear about what the problem is. Are you not seeing some particular edit tools that you are expecting when you select an object? Or, are you not seeing any edit tools when you select an object? I assumed from your first post that you were not seeing certain tools because those tools will only show up for particular objects in some situations. This is probably just a case of not understanding Chief's complicated rules for when these tools show up. If you are not seeing any edit tools, then it is probably a case of your edit toolbar just not being shown on the screen for some reason. I think VHampton is assuming that this is the problem you are having. Most of the time if you have a missing toolbar, all you need to do is go into your preferences and reset your toolbars to get things back to normal. In some cases, you might need to do more things and this tech article can help: https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00467/troubleshooting-missing-toolbars.html
  23. A "device removed" message is almost always a video card problem. Chief has a tech article that should help: https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00106/troubleshooting-3d-camera-view-display-problems-in-chief-architect.html If all else fails, then you will probably want to call tech support.
  24. Usually best to start new threads for new topics. The short answer is that it all depends on how the door symbol you are using was set up. If the symbol has a separate material for the panel then from the frame, then you should be able to assign a glass material to it. If you can't find one that works, you could always build your own. Here is a training video that covers the basics: https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-01808/creating-a-custom-door.html