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Everything posted by DBCooper

  1. Short answer, maybe. You might be able to use a custom macro to do this. Depends a bit on the naming conventions and whether you have all that info available through the name value pairs. For something as simple as what you are showing above, you could just modify the default label for base cabinets to use the automatic label and append the BD, as in %automatic_label%BD. For some special cases, you might be better off just setting the label manually and then saving the cabinet in your user library for reuse.
  2. I did not take a look at your plan but you would need to have some kind of 3D object to apply a material to. So you might be able to convert the cad lines into closed polylines (or draw closed polylines over them) that you could then convert into solids. The closest thing that Chief has to a "flood fill" kind of tool would probably be the wall material region or custom backsplash tool but that is really only designed to work on walls.
  3. Don't forget about the find object in plan tool which will help you find the windows that are showing up in the schedule.
  4. I would search the knowledge base articles or call tech support.
  5. You could try making it a hinged door instead of a garage door which should then double the panels. This has a bunch of other side effects though. The other thing you could do is make your own door symbol with twice as many panels.
  6. Try this: Draw a couple of lines using different sizes Turn on print preview Change the drawing scale and see what happens.
  7. There is also a preference setting that controls whether color off is only black and white or shaded.
  8. I think they will bump against wall corners and ends based on the casings. There is also a setting in your general plan defaults that allows you to ignore the casing when resizing them.
  9. I think you might have better luck changing the scale instead. You can do this using the rescale button or using the layout box dialog
  10. I think you can do this with "winders". Draw the outline you want with room divider walls and turning on winders should make it work. If that doesn't work out for you, you could also create each step using a landing.
  11. I think you could use the substance player to do this:
  12. If your room already has a crown molding, you can use the "make room molding polyline" tool to convert it into a custom molding polyline that you can edit.
  13. I don't think so. A template is really just a plan and even though you have not drawn things like walls, windows, doors, and cabinets, you still have some already stored in the plan as defaults. The only thing I can think of doing would be to place the defaults you can into a plan, save them in the library, open a new plan in the units you want, place the library objects, and then use the set as default on them. Might still do some rounding though.
  14. So that's what happens when you add lots of stuff to a plan. The more you add, the slower it gets. See if this helps: https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00521/troubleshooting-slowness-in-chief-architect-plans.html
  15. Open one of the walls and look at your materials page. Your exterior wall surface material is set to "graphite siding". This takes priority over the material set in the wall type. Set it back to "use default" and then it will use your wall type.
  16. Could be the sun, or it could be some other light. The lit areas look a lot like a super bright spot light with those curved edges. Check the adjust lights dialog to see if anything is in the list that doesn't make sense. If that doesn't help, then post the plan.
  17. When you connect the railing wall, the program will make a room. Depending on your room settings it can also change your foundation. I am guessing that you have auto rebuild foundations on, otherwise you probably wouldn't see it change like it does in the video. I am also going to guess that there is something going on with the porch room that is messing up the rest of the foundation. Might want to take a look at the room structure settings and make sure your porch is really setup the way you want it. Another thing you can try is just closing and then reopening the plan. Chief seems to keep track of old room info which can sometimes mess up new rooms but if you close and reopen the plan it seems to get rid of it. If none of that helps, then you should probably post the plan.
  18. See if this tech article helps: https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-03125/troubleshooting-error-messages-associated-with-the-program-s-data-folder.html If not, then you should probably call tech support on Monday.
  19. Seems to be working fine for me. Might not be a very good comparison because I was looking at it in X16 and there were 4 missing texture files. If the missing texture files are the problem, then it might be because the program is slowing down while looking for them. You could try looking at tools->checks->missing files to see if you are finding them on your machine. If not, then try fixing or replacing them to see if it speeds things up. Might want to purge your unused materials as well as merge the duplicates too. Other than that, it might have something to do with how you're storing things on "one drive". I don't use it so I can't really give you any advice. If all else fails, you might want to try tech support on Monday.
  20. Try using a molding polyline (or a 3d molding polyline depending on your version). Should be able to edit it in an elevation view and make it slope.
  21. The short answer is no. Uninstalling will not remove any plan files, toolbars, user libraries, preferences, or anything else that you customized. You can back them up just in case, but this is probably something you should do on a regular basis. Here is a tech article that has more info: https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00466/uninstalling-chief-architect.html I kind of doubt that it will solve your problems though. If you are having a system slowdown, then the uninstall won't fix it. If you are having problems with your plans because they are doing something causing the slow down, then the uninstall won't fix it. Here is another tech article that has more info about slow plans: https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00521/troubleshooting-slowness-in-chief-architect-plans.html
  22. A picture or plan would help. I assume that your glass wall is actually lower than your crown molding. If you manually pull the top of the glass wall down, I think it will always cut the moldings even though I don't think it should. If you make it a solid railing instead and then set the railing height, then it won't cut them. You could also make it "no room def" but this can have other side effects. As for using manual moldings, I like to always start with the auto moldings. You can make the room "no room def" and then use the "make room molding" tool so that you don't have to actually draw it. In your case, that might be all you need to do.
  23. I don't know of an easy way to do this other than to just add break points and manually align the driveway edge with the road edge.