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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Yes just the Age old Chief workaround ...... You may need to ask Tech Support about the how and why of using a Material vs a Fill though.... does your Material have a transparent background? playing around with it the white lines go black when sent to layout.... M.
  2. I have used that trick myself at times, it works too. M.
  3. In this case I'd just do it with Notes and perhaps a detail if needed? as in plan view (2) 24" cabinets will fit , with a Corner hidden in the wall. ( at least that's where I think you want the 5 sided cabinet ? ) Mick.
  4. I guess I was a bit slow on the uptake on this one as I didn't realize this morning you were still playing with the Terrain Feature from the Other thread, rather than a CAD Mask . You may just need to use both tricks ? personally I use a couple of different masks instead of the TF, depending on what I need to show and how, and use one Mask to "fake the Terrain" and it may have the angled white lines or be solid depending on if I want / need to show the foundation , and perhaps another to "fade" the Existing house vs the new addition. this isn't finished yet but gives you the idea...... Mick.
  5. In X14 , I have started using STD View with Lines , but that may depend on the Computer/GPU as it is likely "harder" resources wise. Mick.
  6. Another would be in the Standard view to set both Ambient Lighting sliders to 55-60% , I have it set in my template now so I don't need to do it every time, (along with the Ambient Occlusion Eric mentioned set to 20%), I am not sure why chief sets it at 31% as it always seems "dull" to me.... , maybe personal preference too?
  7. Yes the Layout will hold plan open in the Background even if they are closed , this can be seen in the Project Browser. M.
  8. I think for anyone to help you'll need to post your Test file , so settings etc can be checked. * I think there was another thread on this , but I don't remember the answer if there was one. M.
  9. I think the -200 Error is cos the plan is open too ? M.
  10. Grab an Image off Google Images of Birch plywood and have a play in Microsoft Paint....... the black lines are from the Background in Paint similar to how you do grout lines in tile as CS mentioned. this image is made as 4 sheets across X 2 Sheets high as a test.... and set to 16'x16' in chief in the material definition. Texture is too large to upload but here is the plan so you can save it out to your library if you think it'll work for you... Birch Panelled Ceiling.zip Mick.
  11. Haven't seen it reported in a while and hasn't happened to me in a a good while now either, but think I copied the Toolbars Folder from the X13 folder into X14 ( or maybe it was it X12 in X13? ) and for a while I kept a copy of the Toolbar folder in the Data folder to quickly rename it as a emergency fix from then on. * another thought would be to Reset the Migration Tool and let it bring them in from X13 for you. M.
  12. the Issue has been around for about a year at least , starting in X13 when we got the new Astral 3D Engine. Unfortunately it is very hard to reproduce and some don't have the Issue, but searching Device Removed here on the Forum will find plenty of reports , I don't think it anything to do with your new laptop per se. https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/search/?q=Device Removed&updated_after=any&sortby=relevancy&search_and_or=and On of the longer threads is this one , if you like to read more about what others have tried.... https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/32694-x13-internal-rendering-error-crash/?tab=comments#comment-256615 M.
  13. I had my doubts it'd work, but worth a try, Chief Cabinets are Parametric and not "Symbols" like the Hood/Range but I was hopeful they might "recognize" a Symbol vs a A.Block. Luckily it's not too difficult to explode an A.Block if needed. M.
  14. By drawing it manually with the Railing Tool and checking the Box in the Wall's (railing) DBX that says Follow Stairs ( and turning OFF the Stairs own Railing ) https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00082/manually-adding-railings-to-a-staircase.html Mick.
  15. Best to call Support on Monday as there are no definitive fixes for this Issue. Draw a simple Test House Plan from the Chief supplied Residential Template and see if the Issue is for all plans or perhaps specific to a plan. * for me this tends to happen in Plans brought forward from earlier versions..... And it wouldn't hurt to download the latest Nvidia Studio Driver if you aren't on it already. https://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/192969/en-us/ Mick.
  16. Any other pictures? the Gray Trim/Recessed Panels made me think of Pressed Metal, eg Zinc. Mick.
  17. You can Export the User Library out of 13 and import into X14 , you can also reset the Migration Tool and let it import the x13 User Catalog , assuming you are on the same machine? looks likes it time to redo you Forum Sig. as well..... https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/18908-signature-here-at-chief-talk/?tab=comments#comment-155662 Mick.
  18. Unfortunately this issue is still with us in X14 after the latest Update (or more likely it came back?) , as today's Small Kitchen Layout Project has the Issue in 2 of 5 Backclipped Elevations... Mick.
  19. The Asus Laptop in my sig. was only available with 16GB when i got it , but I knew I could change it out if really needed myself ( unlike some Macs.) but have not found any real difference in Chief on it compared to my Desktop which has 32GB in the Day to Day work ......I am however , unlike many I work with, one of those that has 20 - 40 or more Chrome Tabs open at once cos they never close anything..... and that will eat Ram like crazy , especially Chrome..... If I remember right Mark @MarkMc did some testing last year on this ....but if budget is no concern go 32GB for sure.... Mick.
  20. Good place to start is always the KnowledgeBase ( KB) .............. https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00119/automatically-creating-a-saltbox-roof.html Mick.
  21. Just right Click the Catalog in the Library and >Delete Catalog
  22. Try deleting bad folders and redownload the X14 Libraries, my guess would be you have deleted some folders eg old Versions' Data Folders and chief can no longer find them. Mick.
  23. That's what 1/2 the Thread is about starting at Post #6 ...and it worked *** I have also since posting in this thread found Chief's Block is it is available in some of Chief's Sample Plans in the Gallery , eg Nashville. Austin etc ( Select > copy to your Library.) and also in the Chief Challenge Plan at the link below..... https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/27760-free-webinar-lighting-and-electrical-plans-ceu-credit-eligible/?tab=comments#comment-222400 M.
  24. Chief's Auto Tray Ceilings do not interact well with Room Dividers , and in this case the Room Divider appears to be invisible , so it is best to use the Old Method of a Polyline Solid ( called 3D solid now in X14) instead for the dropped Ceiling areas. This is the OLD KB Article.......... Ceiling_Creating-a-trey-or-coffered-ceiling-using-polyline-solids.pdf The new Way...........Ceilings_2021_creating-a-tray-ceiling.pdf Mick.