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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. It maybe the Known Issue of having a REALLY wide Terrain Perimeter , there are a few post on the Forum about this happening. M.
  2. I have seen others post that this freezing Issue maybe a Virus Scanning Program Issue eg McAfee and the Chief .exe file being labelled Malware by Windows Defender and not even allowing Installation of Chief , which got me thinking Whitelist and with Windows Defender Exclusions , so I have added both Chief's File Types to the Exclusion list to see if this Helps since the plan i am in this week is bad. You can try adding an exclusion to Windows Defender too Jeff ..... for Chief itself (process) or for .plan and .layout File extensions which I am going to try. Mick. https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/add-an-exclusion-to-windows-security-811816c0-4dfd-af4a-47e4-c301afe13b26 https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/how-to-add-a-file-type-or-process-exclusion-to-windows-security-e524cbc2-3975-63c2-f9d1-7c2eb5331e53
  3. Thanks Jeff , wish I had know to try that earlier today , was a day from H*** back in an Early X13 Plan for me, will try that tomorrow as turning off the MWB Tray App , has not helped me at all. Mick.
  4. It is still possible that the Missing Texture is not in ( any of ) the Textures Folder's as earlier Versions did not add the Texture to the Textures Folder automatically like recent versions do ( or are able to ). The Error message may give yo a hint where to look though.... Mick.
  5. Did you not allow the Migration of the textures folder when installing X14? * you can just copy everything in the Textures folder for X13 into the Textures Folder for X14 manually though, in fact you can copy the contents of any Versions' Textures folder into the most Current Version's , probably be plenty of duplicates , just say no to replacing anything already in the Current version, so you have the latest , then you can delete the old versions folder if desired. M.
  6. There have been a couple of posts on this the last few months and using 3D Trees and NO Refraction in the Camera's DBX seemed to work for most.... *this may depend on the view type though ?
  7. @parkwest David is in Idaho IIRC www.idahocustomhomes.weebly.com M.
  8. I didn't have the Brick gable wall issue in your plan, but try this..... In Plan goto the Attic level , making sure you can see ( display) attic walls , Hit Alt-Q for general wall defaults and UN-check Auto attic Walls .... Now delete all attic walls > group select >delete Alt-Q again and turn Autobuild attic walls back on and see if that cleans it up.... ( Chief sometime leaves behind walls in the attic it no longer needs , this will rebuild only those it really needs ) Mick.
  9. My guess is you have "played with that gable wall in 3D/elevation and on the structure Tab the default wall top and bottom are not enabled? OR that the wall needs "pulling" over to the Left , so it looks like this..... Auto Roof Returns can't be edited but the Auto Roof Return can be turned off and done manually and then you should be able to extend it over the brick, back to the Siding wall above. Mick.
  10. Hi, The lower Roof plane is not touching the Wall hence no frieze and the gap , uncheck "no special snapping in the Roof Plane's DBX and drag it back to the Gable wall. You also need to turn on the Frieze for the Full Roof Return ON too....
  11. Trying searching the Forum for Fascia Mounted Railings there are a number of posts on the technique involving an invisible layer added to the Wall to push the railing out and then pulling the railing down in an Elevation View...... this is from a test plan in X12 , but not sure much has changed since then.
  12. June 29th, 2022 Drivers NVIDIA Game Ready WHQL driver 516.59 / Studio Driver 516.59 version. These are Modern Drivers (DCH) for newer systems and support Win 11 as well. GEFORCE GAME READY DRIVER Version: 516.59/ WHQL Release Date: 2022.6.29 Operating System: Windows 10 64-bit, Windows 11 Language: English (US) ALL Drivers Listed BELOW are of the DCH Type , if you need the Standard Driver Type..... Please visit : https://www.nvidia.com/Download/Find.aspx?lang=en-us DCH Desktop Game Ready (GR) 516.59 version https://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/190552/en-us/ DCH Desktop Studio (SD) 516.59 version https://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/190616/en-us/ DCH Laptop/Notebook Game Ready (GR) : 516.59 version https://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/190553/en-us/ DCH Laptop Studio (SD) 516.59 version https://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/190617/en-us/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New Security Driver Update for unsupported 600+700 Series Cards released May 17th 2022 See several posts above. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mick.
  13. Some stuff does not dynamically update to the Layout using Plot Lines ( also my preferred method ) but normally text and CAD does , but I have gotten used to using the Update Plot lines or Update All button, and highlighting a Layout Box should also show an Arrowed Ring on the Edit Toolbar as well if CA thinks something needs an update. At 1st I had thought CA auto updated the Layout when closing an Elevation now, so the message was not needed, but this does not seem to be the case but should be IMHO. The Other issue seems new with this update , there are several other posts about it as well. Mick
  14. Few different ways to do it , Filled CAD Circles, Markers etc but you could easily make some 3D Solids ( cylinders ) and add them to your library and have them on a new Layer Eg Plumbing,Slabs , you could even add the Cylinders to the Toilet Symbol if you wanted to show both on the Plumbing,Slabs layer. (keep separate to display separate ) I normally place them on level 1 and then copy+paste+hold them to the foundation level , so they show on the FDN Plan and can be dimensioned. M.
  15. Thanks for the post Simon , personally I'd be will to try anything at this point as it been going on for months now and kills "production" some days , it took 25 mins yest. to just save and close the 2 plans and the layout yest. to reboot, certasinly I can't pinpoint it at it was okay in the same File after that for a couple of hours. Mick.
  16. Thanks for the Tip , unfortunately this does not help me, just tried it now with a lockup in the new version from Yest., though I use MB's Free version , so not sure if it is different in some way? * today it is the Layout causing Issues it seems when it Autosaves , and now it has started it seems to trigger ever 15 mins and in this last case lasted for 8 1/4 mins. Note: that neither Autosave or Auto Archive or the Timer are set to 15 mins. but once it starts in a plan , that is it ...time to reboot and try again. Trying to reboot....... M.
  17. Doesn't make it untrue either, as since it isnt 100% reproducible what would be the point to report it ?..... as we both know exactly what TS will say ...the same as you always say...." we can't reproduce it here...so we can't fix it " Mick.
  18. Nice try Dermot ...... I and other don't beleive you........ just you and Brianbeck here and I have 2 downvotes.... just like last time I made a statement you don't like about the Chief Architect software Issues..... pity the other members of your "Team at CA" are not around on the weekend or I would have "5 Red Smarties" by now ...just like last time too.... Mick.
  19. Hi, Yes I have this Issue with text boxes as well , both in Plan and Layout , fingers cross the nest Patch fixes this issue as well. The OP is actually an issue where what I believe are the Wall's 3D Surface Triangles showing in some Views , 4 of 12 Wall Elevations in this Layout, the Plan/Elev. View is fine but the Layout is not . This was an issue in X13 , that was patched , and it maybe due to this being a Plan I started in X13, that the Client has just decided to proceed on.
  20. YOU ARE A DREAMER DERMOT ..... you are here often enough to know better than to even make the post above claiming there are no issues with X14.....or X13 before it for that matter..... it's been reported here dozens of time, by MANY different people and is costing people thousands of Dollars, and you just continue to spit out the Company Line on this ...... that CA has No Known Issues...... I call B.S. on that statement, having had to give a Client just this week a 20% discount on my time to keep them happy, what's all this cost you Dermot ? $0.00 is my guess, in fact my guess is you are racking in the Overtime in an effort to fix all the (non-existent) Issues.... Funny how for the last 15 - 20 yrs Chief has recommended to always scrap old Templates and rebuild them in the latest Version and suddenly YOU are saying it is no longer a recommended Practice, even though the Linked PDF you provided, says otherwise.....It's pretty sad that Chief doesn't even update the Default Templates for End Users each Version themselves, as I can't see how that is even possible for a User to do on our own.... Mick.
  21. Someone else Shortcuts might not be yours , so better to do it yourself. My Route maybe a bit longer than necessary , but Open With.... couldn't find Excel. Open the .html in WORD > save as .docx file. ( becomes a Table ) Open .docx File in Excel and Save As .xlsx , then colorize and format etc..... save as PDF once done as well if desired. Hotkey.pdf
  22. In the case of the OP example, I had worked on the File all day the previous day with no issues , but opening it the following morning popped up this Error again, seemingly randomly asking for a Font I don't have. I happened with another File later in the week as well , but a totally different Font , so it continues to be an Issue, I can't pinpoint so far, but may have more time this coming week to look into things in more depth. I am used to this opening Others Files , but this error is coming from Files , I've been working on already , in some case for weeks on and off. Thanks, Mick.
  23. Well it seems even Chief's Templates are not X14 Built , so bringing Plans forward may continue to be an issue , at least for some of Us. With this as a known Issue you'd think this would be one thing they would of updated......