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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Did you Build the new Walls' Framing as well? and make sure Framing, Wall (layer) is on in the Camera View? Mick.
  2. Post 5 appears to be an Elevation View , not sure what Settings though as it appears Color is on on the Right toolbar but is greyed out? even though it appears to be in Standard View not Vector View which may also be an Issue ...this is something I have seen happen with several of my clients before, and may need resetting in the Camera Type Defaults ie to open Vector View automatically for Elevations. M.
  3. possibly as when I try looking at some of your Images above in Edge this is what I see.....
  4. Well assuming this is Plan View and that is your 12x12 Ref. Grid in the background ? 5" may make more sense possibly, STD 1/4 text in Chief is 6" .... Mick.
  5. Change the 8 to 200 in your Plan Defaults as it doesn't happen to me that I remember...... but I have my defaults Set in my Templates to 200 as well. Mick.
  6. Best to do your signature......... https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/18908-signature-here-at-chief-talk/?tab=comments#comment-155662
  7. You only have 8 lights turned on in the Camera.....try 200.... with the Default Light Set , not Automatic with 2 levels as well Looks like you PBR Setting are low too , try .35 for exposure and 30 for brightness as well..... and with PBR make sure you have a foundation as well as a Roof or an Extra Floor above to help control the lighting engine in X14, and also remove any colored background eg trees as it will cause color bleed into the view ( ie green cast if trees). Mick
  8. Or use an Arched Roof Plane to Control just a Wall making it look like the Wall's Cap. ( this may not be the OP's situation though , just saying it works... ) M.
  9. My guess with this plan is that you have an Invisible Wall (room divider) there but you can't see it as you have turned the Walls, Invisible layer OFF , I'd suggest you always leave it on while working , turning it off for Condocs....
  10. Same here , it's easy to Rotate the Terrain to the house later , Chief assumes the front of the house is at the bottom of the screen, but that's not set in stone depending on the design. M.
  11. HD Pro 2023 now allows 5 Layout Pages per Layout..... M.
  12. Live Cameras? make sure the Layerset Colors are all set to black..... also try sending to Layout as Plot lines instead , it is still the preferred look for many. Mick.
  13. There are quite a few Free Videos on Roofs and also a lot of info in the KB in the form of Short Tutorials on Roofs , I always let Auto do it's thing 1st, get it as close as possible on Auto and in a 3D Camera do a check ( select Wall change directive as needed), then turn off AutoBuild and finish it up. https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/playlists/95/roofs.html https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/category/34/roofs.html Mick.
  14. You should consider using Auto Build for Roofs , it will generally get you 65-85% of the Way there and then turn it off and make your Changes/fixes as needed. It is worth setting up the RWDs ( Roof Wall Directives ) and any pitches not at the default Auto Build pitch as needed 1st though....
  15. Consider Pixplant , it is also budget friendly and now does PBR Materials along with seamless textures..... M.
  16. Yeah it absurd what some downvote for lately...use the Post Report button , I have to let the Mods know they need to look into this practice.....
  17. Hi Jay, what do you mean by "Tag" a Room? A Schedule Number? I think there have been Threads on Room Number before , so try a Forum Search. Mick.
  18. One of the unmentioned updates in X14 is that the GUI / Interface now FULLY follows your Windows/Mac Font Settings, whereas previously the menus etc used a fixed Font size I also noticed this immediately. And pls...... https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/18908-signature-here-at-chief-talk/?tab=comments#comment-155662 Mick.
  19. Would of been my suggestion as well , things can get hard/crazy to work with when the Main Floor is not at 0" Mick.
  20. Over the years this has seemed like one of those "bugs" that comes and goes with different versions , or is worse in some than Others , but what the cause is I am sure. M.
  21. I also find this to be true whether Cross Sections , Elevations, or Wall elevation Cameras.... the View looks empty when Opened, so I have to hit Fill window frequently.
  22. Have not tried it but this should work , you should be able to make a SVP where the proposed plan has the new Terrain Off in 3D etc and the Existing is showing with the Ref. display on if you put the Existing Terrain on it's own new Layer etc. Mick.
  23. I find Reflect About ( CAD LINE usually ) works well when CA has this Issue, starting with the Roof Hole, then Walls, Roof Planes etc... The original pics makes it look like a Ceiling plane height issue , and I have seen similar in the past.... for some reason multiple Dormers seems to Trip CA up at times and I have started using Reflect About from the get go for more consistent result. Mick.
  24. Make the Plan you have the As-Built/Existing , then do a File > Save-As..... Proposed Plan and model the desired Terrain in it. you should then be able to use Reference Display Option with the As-Built to see each in 3D etc..... this assume a recent Version of Chief , which is why you are asked to fill in your Signature..... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/5435/using-the-reference-display.html https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/5537/what-s-new-in-x14-presentation-features.html Mick