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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. AFAIK Cabinets can't be rotated , you need to turn them into a symbol 1st and you might need 2 Symbols, one opened and one closed on different layers to show it in different Views.
  2. If I understand you correctly you need a finished Basement ? so the easiest way is to make a new Walltype for a Finished Basement and Change the Walls to it. * and if you have a Basement "Room" ....... Use it to apply the Ceiling Drywall if not already there.
  3. well good thing I said purported, I had to think where I had seen that, and it seems Adobe Reader is lying to me according to both your posts.... I thought it was filling in the info automatically I guess not. better go edit that out above.... Mick.
  4. Hi Michael, I'm not a Mac User but I do own a number of 32" 1440p Monitors, ( LG and BenQ ) they all purport to be 109ppi the difference being that the pixels are slightly bigger on a 32in vs 27in if you want more screen real estate , so they may work for you too? Nope it seems they are 93ppi checking real spec sheet , not Adobe Reader....... more below Mick.
  5. They are 128px x 128px .pngs , and located in the Toolbars Folder, so if you are handy in Paint or another Graphic App you should be able to edit them easily ...ie add heavier Colored lines like below, just double Click on the Icon and Browse to the new/updated .png ,so the button updates or restart Chief. C:\Documents\Chief Architect Premier X14 Data\Toolbars
  6. AFAIK a Staff Member has to confirm everything ITRW 1st, so sometime after 7am PST on Monday it will be dealt with.... you aren't the only one to run into this Weekend thing. Mick.
  7. Not as far as I know for Auto Framing, but you can open the Wall's Detail ( set Edit Toolbar for a Black Framing Icon ) and Manually edit the Framing and then in the Wall's DBX on the Structure Tab Check the box for Retain Wall Framing , so Auto Framing doesn't change it again. Also if you are new to CA you may or may not want to Set the Window Separation to 0" instead of the Default 2" so you can bump them tight to each other if desired. (strangely this setting also effects Doors.) Also as you are new here please see this helpful link.... https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/18908-signature-here-at-chief-talk/?tab=comments#comment-155662 Mick.
  8. I'm not sure why Chief has 2 Videos on this process, both made from the same Video footage it appears, with Al Frey, a long time CA Consultant. https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/131/as-built-basement-project.html https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/10212/as-built-measurements-best-practices.html M.
  9. My suggestion would be to ask Tech. Support this question, as I am not sure that Chief has ever documented the Light Data Info that well? other than 1 paragraph in the manual starting around page 688. If they give you some insight, please post back here so we are all aware of how it works, thanks.
  10. someone asked a couple of weeks ago and I posted my cheat Sheet in this thread.... https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/36827-next-step-after-floorplan/?do=findComment&comment=279386 Add Michael's list below this one and you should have a good start......... Mick.
  11. I'd be keeping an eye on the Heat from both the CPU and GPU, if it crashes consistently after about 15 mins. It maybe the Nvidia 3080 GPU is running non-stop when in 3D for example, though I would not have thought Chief was that demanding unless you use PBR RTRT extensively and have not capped the "Live Samples" in the PB-RT Camera Defaults, not doing so mean the GPU will run continuously "Ray Tracing" the scene until the camera is closed. If Razer does not have an App to monitor Hardware Temps etc , try GPU-Z for the Nvidia Card.... it will also monitor the CPU if needed.... https://www.techpowerup.com/download/techpowerup-gpu-z/ Mick.
  12. This 1 Page Cheat Sheet I made a few years ago and updated now and again for My Clients may help........... PDF : MHD CA Drawing Order Cheat Sheet.pdf Mick.
  13. Not with the Auto Built Railing Tools, AFAIK...... if you want to show it Dashed you will need to use the Framing > Floor/Ceiling Beam Tool and Draw your own. I think it has been discussed before in this vein........Chief's Railing Walls over-ride the defined Wall / Layer Line Style ....... what you see is actually the Railing Wall's width even when the Railings' are essentially made invisible by using the Open Railing Style. My SOP is to set the Railing Wall width to the same as the Post OR the Columns , so neither overhangs the edge of the Porch as Chief will always Center the Post/Column on the Wall. Depending on the situation you can also try changing the Drawn Options for the Railings , though this doesn't allow the Beam to Show.
  14. Doing this would mean the Pages are NOT at True Scale ........as they are not printed at 100% but Fit to Paper (page) works if needed on 11 x17 paper ---- not that anyone should be scaling off a Paper Page but they Will and Do. Chief does have a 1/2 Scale Check Option in the Print Dialog but on a 24 x 36 that would require a 12 x 18" page..... So a 22 x 34 (or ANSI D) Layout Template will work perfectly on 11 x 17 Paper using Check Print at 1/2 Scale. M.
  15. Maybe? but not how I read it, it seems they are looking for Work ie Offering Services , not Seeking (Paid) Help but perhaps it is a Translation Issue as strangely the 1st paragraph is now in German , it wasn't earlier.... M.
  16. Hi, it sounds like you are Offering Services , so you might want to copy and paste this over to the Offering Services Forum. https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/forum/16-offering-services/ M.
  17. Try turning of Refraction in the Camera's DBX ...... however I am not sure if the Camera's work exactly the same in HD Pro , in which case it maybe better to ask on HomeTalk instead.... https://hometalk.chiefarchitect.com/ https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/18908-signature-here-at-chief-talk/?tab=comments#comment-155662 M.
  18. Edit>Delete Objects> ( All Floors at the Top ) > CAD > Dimensions (Auto and Manual) > agree to any warning messages about Auto dims to turn them off.... If things are Really screwed up Defaults Wise Import the Defaults from the Residential Template Plan and Overwrite the Existing Defaults, so the current Plan is "Factory Fresh" and you can start again... ( see pg 93 of the Manual if needed ) M.
  19. I think I saw Eric ( @solver ) post about using a Molding to do this a few year (?) ago so he may have a Video on it..... There have been a few threads on the Forum over the years on these thick walls , usually in europe so you maybe able to find them too. It appears you need to lower your Roof Plane too, so the Roof plane forms the top of the opening unless that is just an optical illusion in the Photo? M.
  20. If you put the Room Fill Polyline on Drawing Order level 39 (Back) and give the Fill background and Lines (mid-gray below) a high transparency > 50% ( try 65%) the Cabinets pretty much suppress the Fill Grid at default settings. M.
  21. I'd guess you have this turned off in the General Wall Defaults M.
  22. 3D Warehouse removed models older than 2018 last July ....at least that's what was announce last year , and as Rob mentioned youow need to use the Web-Base App for free access. https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/31473-sketchup-3d-warehouse-is-dumping-models-older-than-2018-versions-on-july-27th/?tab=comments#comment-251409 M.
  23. When you saved it, did you also check the box to make it the new Default Template Plan? https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00463/creating-and-using-a-plan-template.html https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00333/restoring-the-default-plan-and-layout-template.html https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/18908-signature-here-at-chief-talk/?tab=comments#comment-155662 M.
  24. Don't forget about the KB when you have questions too....... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00938/how-the-height-of-floors-relate-to-the-height-of-the-terrain.html M.