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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Did you try Resetting the Toolbars ? ..... in Preferences , perhaps they are corrupt. there have been other reports of missing toolbars , even earlier this week , but I haven't heard of it happen just in camera views. https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/36357-disappearing-toolbars/?tab=comments#comment-276529 M.
  2. That makes sense I guess for your situation, unfortunately I've had issues in the past like only getting 1 of a particular window rather than the 3 in the Schedule which the "Salesman" didn't notice ...... and guess who eats the cost since the Order was Confirmed by the Builder and quantities wasn't noticed on the Order. I'd probably be finding a way in Chief with extra Columns or a custom Column perhaps to keep them all separate somehow. M.
  3. This is what I do, so there are no errors from the Window/Door Companies, like Qty. Swing etc and each has it own Sch. No# etc which also makes questions via Phone or Email easier if needed. Mick.
  4. Block a bunch of them off this Project and save to library perhaps in Color groups? for future Projects M.
  5. Manually I think yes , there will be a Wall though or you'd need to two-pitch the 4:12 roof on the left. Will the Metal supplier warranty a 1/2" : 12 pitch ? M.
  6. it maybe easy if needed to make a couple of wall width cad blocks with your normal Fill colours to " Patch Doors " with ( use Invisible line Style ) as I don't believe we can control the Door fill color. M.
  7. Always best to supply at least a Test Sample plan with the Issue, the Forum has a limit of 14mb now , so zip the Plan File while Chief is Closed if needed to get it under the limit. M.
  8. True ..... Windows does not have Andale Mono or Helvetica and a few others M.
  9. Chief will work for 2 weeks or something without "phoning home" ( security ) , I am not sure how you'd swap computer activation with out it though, I've run into the Time Limit lockout myself a couple of time working remotely, even Home Designer Pro has ( or had then ) this same restriction I found. M.
  10. Room STD Polyline Tool works, Interior Walls it cuts 1/2-1/2 , so doors would/may need some editing depending on your needs, it however covers exterior Walls too, though easy to snap back to inside of wall. The Room Polyline works too but maybe more work notching all the doors though. ( and in X14 in your plan it sometimes requires the notch done twice to show the Hatch for some reason ? ) One disadvantage is they make selecting Items under them hard. Floor Material Regions ( with a Fill) will notch at Int. Doors automatically but have the side effects , like being seen in 3D , and it seems they remove the finished floor material even if set not to cut the parent surface and are set to a 1/16th thick material of Opening-No Material or Insulation Air Gap ( both invisible ) , see below, this was done in a Chief STC template Plan as you Plan has something odd going on with the Floors , so the one Click Material Floor Region does not work...... M.
  11. What Macro are you using? and where ? %perimeter% ? most of chief's built in macros use inches..... ( Chief assumes inches normally) M.
  12. If not Auto then with a molding line fairly easily...... I did some examples of this look for a Client perhaps 2 yrs ago and pretty sure I did it as VH mentioned, just a lot of manual work and playing with Wall Definitions and the Roof Structure definition. Mick.
  13. Check out Techo-Bloc if you aren't familiar , they update their Textures every year , the Sketchup ones work in Chief , they also supply the Patterns ( autocad hatch patterns) for Vector views. https://www.techo-bloc.com/support/resources/technical-resources/designers-toolbox/ Mick.
  14. Kbird1


    Chopsaw also does macro work..... @Chopsaw M.
  15. As long as you have Internet access you can log into your Chief Account and "make available" any license even from your Phone. Mick.
  16. It is always well worth starting with Auto Roofs , they will get you there 65-95% of the way , with all the correct overhangs, baseline heights etc, but with todays' Home designs , there are always conditions Chief can't handle Auto , so there is inevitably some cleanup to do afterwards. M.
  17. Did you draw them manually? In any case you should be able to select them and open the DBX and on the Line Style TAB change the Layer to Deck Framing...
  18. VH's solution will work , just be careful/mindful of the small Room in the middle of the Column ( the hole between walls) , it may not always be a good thing for a room there, but marking one of the walls " No Room Definition" may help with any issues. M.
  19. Try copying the Interior Walltype and turn on Partition in the Definition at bottom right, and see if it helps , sometimes this is helpful, but it can sometime have other side effects so you may need to cut the wall say 4' from the exterior wall so the whole wall is not a "Partition" M. Check Partition Wall to prevent walls of this type from cutting through the surface layers of floors, ceilings, and other walls.
  20. Ahhhh...good thought perhaps......
  21. Look into using Reference Displays ( dedicated Demo Layerset in orange with XOR on below) for your Demo Display and use a dedicated Plan View for Demo Conditions perhaps , it works well....
  22. I don't think so but you can turn the Pilaster Footing off and draw you own instead. * looks like you cursor is telling you, you are in concentric mode too.... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-03143/understanding-persistent-pointer-icons.html M.
  23. The Description Name normally comes from the Symbol name via the %Automatic description% macro AFAIK ( search the Library for the same name) but supplying the Stripped down Plan is going to be you best move here.. M.