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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Chief Did update the Font in X14 and added some extras like Bold, italic etc. , I personally don't use it so probably haven't noticed the Issue so much.Chief shuld of renamed the Font slightly different perhaps so the Old Version and New Version could co-exist on Users computers. M.
  2. This no longer happens in X14 AFAIK ...are you still in X13 per your Forum Signature ? ( or time to update it perhaps? ) Use of the Update All or Update Plot Line Views Buttons manually is common Practice now unfortunately ...... M.
  3. Chief always tries to join walls on their Centerline, which sometimes makes Plan Views look wrong especially if a Thick wall meets a narrow wall. A Cad block with matching Fill to the wider wall is likely the easiest "fix" M.
  4. Sounds like you need to "train" your Engineer , to give you Plan Views too then, looks like he has the Info and might be a bit "lazy" M.
  5. TechSmith also has the Free Techsmith Capture............ M.
  6. I am sure there would be a number of people here who would welcome extra CAD Details for Chief, perhaps a Post in the Symbols and Content Forum would be the best place to do that. https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/forum/9-symbols-and-content/ Mick.
  7. Yes , as far as I am aware Baseline is just Chief's Term for HAP M.
  8. What Eric said ......here in the Plan Defaults............ set this in your Template Plan as well ...so it is always the same.
  9. Rob's post above of the Basalt Drystack Wall No# 3 works pretty well , and I am sure with your SU Skills you could enhance it if needed..... I had a play in Chief and Updated the Materials somewhat with (cheap) bumpmaps and made the materials Matte. I also added a "shadowboard" p.solid with Loam (dirt) as the material ( could be Gravel\sand\matte black etc too) as the gaps in the stones let you see right through the wall. Although it is a straight wall, it might be enough to show Clients the "idea" at least. Plan File : Symbol : Is in the Plan.... Basalt Drystack Wall Symbol Plan.plan
  10. If the materials are in the same folder as the Plan, then Chief should find them.... Mick.
  11. Did you unzip it into a Folder or into the same Folder as the Plan and Layout? Chief always looks in the folder the Plan/Layout are in 1st for materials , then the Textures Folder in the Chief Data Folder. M.
  12. Intresto looks like it has some nice Models , not sure about the poly count though, as I have not downloaded them all.... Might be an Idea to Copy this over to the Symbols Forum Rob , with a few tags to make it easier for others to find in the future...
  13. No, it is the Wall Plate Hgt eg 16' (192") ( PLUS the VSD - Birdsmouth Depth if a Cut Roof ). So you are forcing the Roof Plane down into the Building , by setting the baseline at the Ceiling Hgt, which is why you don't see a Top Plate in some of your DBX's. , this is one GOOD reason to always let Chief Auto build the Roof Planes 1st then do some clean up and any changes as needed. As long as you set the RWD's 1st the Autobuild should get you 50% - 85% of the way there and save you time.
  14. Yes , but as you haven't done you Forum Signature , nobody know which Version and sometime Answers are Version Specific..... there is no "needed" reason to retain the Older Versions Data Folder , though it may pay to for example copy everything in each ones Texture Folder to the latest Version's Texture Folder , and not allowing "replace existing" , as some older plans may still try looking for files in previous versions' folder if not already in the folder the plan is in or the current version's Texture Folder. The Data folder also has your Archive Copies ( plan and layout backups ) copy of old User Libraries etc which you may want to backup "just in case" or at least check out rather that just delete whole Data folders willy nilly.
  15. DWG is just the 2D CAD normally , but the .OBJ should import as a 3D Symbol , though if thatis it above it looks like you need to set the Symbol's XYZ correctly to insert it into a countertop. Mick.
  16. Thanks, I try not to add whole Directories if I can to Whitelists, in Windows Defender I have added just .plan and .layout Files as Exclusions. Malwarebytes Free only allows Applications, so I have added the X13 and X14 .exe Files to it's Allow List too.
  17. Did you try the User Group Forum ? https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/forum/14-local-user-groups/
  18. It should be in everybody's Digital Locker, it just isn't activating the normal Update notice we normally get, I assume because it is an emergency fix for a single issue only...this one.
  19. Are you sure the box isn't actually 30 1/4" sitting on a 4 1/2" Kick to allow for 3cm ( 1 1/4") Quartz Counters? for the standard 36" height ?
  20. Most Manufacturers now supply them as Standard Practice, so I am not sure if perhaps there is a need for a Schedule Column or not ? but I don't think "Views" need to show them , especailly since CA does not handle multiple CAD lines well ( speed ) and Elevations would be effected I think. M.
  21. No the lockup Issue has been around sometime , some seem to have it some not , it rears it head for me predominantly in Old Plans brought forward, but not sure what the difference is with X14 only Plans, I'm not going to claim success yet but the Whitelisting I mention in my post above yest. seems to be helping today even with Time Tracking On ( another Issue some are having with crashes. but not sure if all are related?) Mick.
  22. Yep , been using that method myself when needed for 4-5 yrs now
  23. True , I scale my 2K monitors and have other Issues like blurriness in Elevations too. https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/34389-x-14-slowness/?do=findComment&comment=271551 Mick
  24. Perhaps Rolling out the Fix slowly for "Testing" since it is a single (Hot) fix Update for this specific issue.... Mick.
  25. Strangely X14 is not finding this Update automatically for me even with the Check enabled, just luck I read this thread......